Title: Service Management - Agenda
1Service Management - Agenda
- 800 - 830 Welcome and survey results
- Oren
- 830 - 900 Service management overview
- Oren and Kevin
- 900 - 1000 CIO Panel Jon
- 1000 - 1030 Break
- 1030 - 1105 Service lifecycle Cradle 2 Grave
- Bernard, Romy
- 1110 - 1145 Service Catalogs
- Oren, Karen
- 1145 - 1200 Discussion and wrap-up
2Service ManagementSurvey Results
3 In which of the following IT service management
areas do you currently have established process
or are working on establishing consistent process
(choose as many as apply)? Total responses (N)
21 Did not respond 0 Answer Frequency Percenta
ge Project and/or 20 95.24 service portfolio
management Service Catalog 19 90.48 Change
management 18 85.71 Incident management 18 85.7
1 Service Level Agreements 15 71.43 Configuratio
n Management 14 66.67 Service metrics 13 61.90
Service Strategy 10 47.62 Order entry and
fulfillment 10 47.62 Other 2 9.52
4Do you consistently create and publish service
roadmaps for your IT services? Total responses
(N) 21 Did not respond 0 Answer Frequency
Percentage Yes, for all IT services 1 4.76 Ye
s, for some IT services 9 42.86 No, but we're
thinking about it 9 42.86 Not sure, what's a
roadmap? 2 9.52 Other 0 0.00
5What's your organizational stance on ITIL as a
service management framework? (choose as many as
apply) Total responses (N) 21 Did not respond
0 Answer Frequency Percentage We are
fully embracing ITIL to manage our IT
services 2 9.52 We have some people trained in
ITIL and are using some of the principles and
processes 15 71.43 We're interested and
thinking about it, but haven't done anything
yet 5 23.81 We think there are better
frameworks out there for IT service
management 0 0.00 Too often ITIL is treated
as a religion and that makes us
nervous 5 23.81 We're not interested in
service management frameworks 1 4.76 Other 1 4.7
6Are you using any tools specifically for IT
service management? (choose as many as
apply) Total responses (N) 19 Did not respond
2 Answer Frequency Percentage Packaged
ITSM tools (like CA, NewScale, etc.) 7 36.84 G
eneral web collaboration tools (wikis, content
management, etc) 14 73.68 Workflow tools
(Sharepoint, Kuali workflow, etc.) 8 42.11 Othe
r 7 36.84
- Just bought PMG, in the process of setting it up
(project delivery in Dec., 2010) - Footprints and SourceForge
- RT for incident, change management RCAs
- HP Service Desk (CMDB)
- Currently there are varying in-house developed
solutions across units, but ITS is completing an
assessment that reviewed some marketplace tools
that offer an integrated solution to span
multiple units - Remedy add ons
- some units are using wikis (helpdesk,
operations), intranets for internal policy and
process information, basecamp for some project
communication collaboration