Highland Papua New Guinea - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Highland Papua New Guinea


Highland Papua New Guinea - PNG is divided into four regions (Highlands, Islands, Momase and Papua Regions) and these into a total of 20 Provinces - the Highland ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Highland Papua New Guinea

Highland Papua New Guinea
  • - PNG is divided into four regions (Highlands,
    Islands, Momase and Papua Regions) and these into
    a total of 20 Provinces

  • - the Highland Region is composed of five
  • According to the census in 2000. Note the
    census is said to be unreliable and there is
    considerable variation between different sources

Area in km2 Population
Simbu (2 on map) 6 100 259 703
Eastern Highlands (3) 11 200 432 972
Enga (6) 12 800 295,031
Southern Highlands (15) 23 800 546,265
Western Highlands (17) 8 500 440 025
Total 1 973 996 (out of 5,670,544)
Basic geographical facts
  • - The Highland region is composed of a long
    string of valleys separated by mountains
  • - Highest regions receive snowfall, which is
    unsual in the tropics
  • - the highest mountain is Mt. Wilhelm (4 509
    metres, located at the intersection of Simbu,
    Western Highland and Madang provinces)
  • - Enga is the highest province with altitudes of
    about 2000 metres

Major rivers - Enga valleys form the watershed for two river systems, the Lagaiap and the Lai, which are tributaries of the major rivers Fly and Sepik - Putari river (flows through Mendi (capital of Southern Highlands pr.) ) - Strickland (flows from Wabag (capital of Enga) into the Fly river)
Basic geographical facts urban centres
  • Kundiawa (capital of Simbu) population about
  • Goroka (capital of Eastern Highlands) population
    about 25 000
  • home of several national institutes, for example
    The University of Goroka and the PNG Instute of
    Medical Research
  • Wabag (capital of Enga) population about 3 300
  • Mendi (capital of Southern Highlands) n/a
  • Mount Hagen (capital of Western Highlands)
    population about 40 000
  • third largest city in PNG

Demographic facts
  • Papua New Guinea is ethnically and linguistically
    a very diverse country
  • Over 850 indigenious languages are spoken and
    there are at least as many traditional societies,
    with only about 7000 speakers per language on the
  • note only Vanuatu has a higher language density
  • This applies also for the Highlands region
  • Major languages
  • Tok pisin creole language and the lingua franca
    of PNG
  • Enga both a linguistic and ethnic group
  • Enga is a unique case in the PNG, since it is the
    only major group in the province
  • other minor ethnic groups in the Enga province
    are the Ipili and Nete speakers
  • Other languages and ethnic groups
  • Melpa (Western HL), Huli (Southern HL), Wiru
    (Southern HL), Kuman (Simbu), etc.
  • Trivia The term "Simbu" comes from the Kuman
    language and mean roughly translated "Thank

  • oldest human remains found in PNG are ca. 50 000
    years old and the colonisation is assumed to have
    happened some 60 000 years ago
  • agriculture invented independently ca. 9 000
    years ago
  • traces of drainage ditches found at the sc. Kuk
    site in the interior Highlands
  • possibly for cultivating taro (Colocasia
  • skilled techniques of agriculture adapted to
    high population density, hilly terrain, frost,
    heavy rain and earthquakes
  • indigenous crops sugarcane, Pacific bananas,
    yams, taro, sago and pandanus
  • followed later by the sweet potato (Ipomoea
    batatas) in the 17th century
  • tropical horticulture or permaculture
  • silviculture
  • deliberate planting of a native ironwood tree
    (Casuarina oligodon)
  • ironwood
    sweet potato

History colonial adventures
  • first Europeans to come to PNG were Spanish or
    Portuguese navigators in the 16th century
  • formal colonisation by the British in various
    stages from 1883 and placement under the
    Australian Commonwealth in 1902
  • Germany colonised the northeast quarter of the
    island in 1884, during WWI Australia occupied it
    and held it until 1921
  • under Australian administration until
    independence in 1975, with the exception of WWII
    during which the island was occupied by the
    Japanese (1941-45)
  • however the Highlands remained largely
    unexplored up until the 1930's
  • 1933 Leahy brothers find the Wahgi valley in
    Western Highlands

Economy agriculture
  • agriculture supports the majority of the
    Highlands population (80-85 of the whole
    population of PNG)
  • subsistence farming, i.e. farmers produce enough
    for themselves to subsist, but not products for
    the market
  • pig-keeping important, both economically and
  • exchange of pigs in compensation and bridewealth
    payments and in large festivals, such as the
    Melpa moka or the Enga tee
  • today also cash-cropping, the most
  • important cash crops being coffee and tea

Economy mining
  • PNG is very rich in natural resources, especially
  • these, most notably oil, gold and copper account
    for 72 of the export earnings and 26.3 of the
  • remember first Europeans in the Highlands were
    gold prospectors
  • besides of being a major contributor to the GDP,
    mining is also a big source of both environmental
    and social problems
  • case Porgera mine in the Enga province
  • operated since 1990 by a group of companies
    called Porgera Joint Venture
  • release of (treated) waste directly into the
    Lagaip river system (which flows into Strickland
  • the waste has according to environmental
    organisations negative effects on fish stocks,
    water plants and community health on large area
    along the rivers
  • deaths in the mine area have lead the local
    landowners to call for the closure of the mine in
    2005 until deaths are properly investigated

Porgera mine
BW photos (c) Jerry Jacka
Further reading
  • Classics, ceremonial exchange warfare
  • Meggit, Mervyn,1969 Pigs, Pearlshells and Women
    Marriage in the New Guinea Highlands. Englewood
    Cliffs (NJ) Prentice Hall
  • Meggit, Mervyn, 1977 Blood is Their Argument
    Warfare among the Mae Enga Tribesmen of the New
    Guinea Highlands. Mountain View (CA) Mayfield
  • Strathern, Andrew, 1971 The Rope of Moka
    Big-men and Ceremonial Exchange in Mount Hagen,
    New Guinea. Cambridge Cambridge UP
  • Strathern, Andrew Strathern, Marilyn, 1971
    Self-Decoration in Mount Hagen. Toronto London
    University of Toronto Press
  • Environment and current issues
  • Diamond, Jared, 2005 Collapse How Societies
    Choose to Fail or Succeed. New York Viking
  • Strathern, A. Stewart, P., 2000 Arrow Talk
    Transaction, Transition and Contradiction in New
    Guinea Highlands Society. Kent (OH) Kent UP
  • West, Paige "Environmental Conservation and
    Mining Between Experience and Expectation in the
    Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea", The
    Contemporary Pacific 18.2 (2006) 295-313
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