Disk Formatting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Disk Formatting


Disk Formatting Two formatting procedures required before you can write user data to a disk Physical or low-level formatting Logical or high-level formatting Steps ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Disk Formatting

Disk Formatting
Disk Formatting
  • Two formatting procedures required before you can
    write user data to a disk
  • Physical or low-level formatting
  • Logical or high-level formatting

Steps for storing data
  • 1. Low-Level Formatting Manufacturer
  • Low-level formatting is the process of
    outlining the positions of the tracks and sectors
    on the hard disk, and writing the control
    structures that define where the tracks and
    sectors are. This is often called a "true"
    formatting operation, because it really creates
    the physical format that defines where the data
    is stored on the disk.

Low-Level Formatting
  • This is the basic setup of the disk layout
  • Dividing the disks tracks into a specific amount
    of sectors
  • Creating header trailer information
  • Lays basic ground work of the formatting

High-Level Formatting
  • High-level formatting is the process of writing
    the file system structures on the disk that let
    the disk be used for storing programs and data.
  • OS writes the structures necessary for managing
    files data on the disk

  • Creating a partition on a hard drive enables it
    to support separate file systems, each in its own
  • Each file system can then use its own method to
    allocate file space in logical units called
    clusters or allocation units

Common file systems used by OS
  • FAT 16 (File Allocation table 16-bit)
  • FAT 32 (File Allocation Table 32-bit)
  • NTFS (NT File System)

Data structures
  • Enable OS to
  • Manage the space on the disk
  • Keep track of files
  • Manage defective areas so they dont cause

High-level formatting
  • Creating of the table of contents
  • Low-level formatting is the physical formatting
    of the drive

File systems
  • In this section, it is important to differentiate
    between the FAT file system and the file
    allocation table (FAT).
  • FAT is the name of the file system used by DOS
    operating systems (DOS and Windows 95, as well as
    Windows NT and OS/2 which support it).
  • Operating system Associated file system DOS
    FAT16Windows XPNTFS Windows 98 FAT32Windows
    95FAT16 - FAT32 (for version OSR2)Windows
    NTNTFSOS/2HPFSLinuxLinux Ext2, Linux Ext3

Master Boot Record or MBR
  • The boot sector (called the Master Boot Record or
    MBR) is the first sector of a hard drive
    (cylinder 0, head 0, sector 1), it contains the
    main partition table and the code, called the
    boot loader, which, when loaded into memory, will
    allow the system to boot up.

The Expanding Windows Family
Windows 2000 series
Windows 9x
Windows XP
Microsoft Windows 98
  • Introduced in 1998
  • The first version of Windows to take advantage of
    Plug and Play technology ( H/W meeting the plug
    and play requirements is automatically detected
    and configured by the O.S after installation)
  • Introduced a new generation of support tools
    (maintenance wizard that allows users to schedule
    automatic execution of disk defragmentation and
    other routine)
  • Closely integrated the browser for the Internet
    with the operating system (OS)

Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me)
  • Introduced in the third quarter of 2000
  • Designed for home and general office use
  • It continuous the trend in windows development
    toward improved ease of use, ease of maintenance,
    and support for the newest PC H/W.
  • Closely linked to the Internet
  • Includes several new features and improvements ,
  • Hardware requirements geared to the typical home
  • Can be installed by the average end user.

Microsoft Windows NT
  • OS designed for power users ( using computers for
    scientific and technical applications)
  • Has a completely different OS than Windows 9x (
    faster performance, advanced security, ability to
    operate with a number of different processor
  • Available in Workstation and several Server
  • Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 released in 1993 and
    Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 in 1995
  • Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 released in 1996
    incorporated an interface very similar to that of
    Windows 95

Microsoft Windows 2000
  • successor to Windows NT
  • Windows 2000 combines the best of windows 98 and
    windows NT.
  • It offers and extends the multiprocessor support
    , advanced security and administration tools,
    NTFS file system.
  • Family of four products
  • Windows 2000 Professional
  • Windows 2000 Server
  • Windows 2000 Advanced Server
  • Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

- the desktop version of the this O.S- designed
for the single user.- It Supports dual CPU.-
NTFS5 support.
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows 2000 server - replacing windows NT
server.- it extends SMP (symmetric
multiprocessing) to 4 CPUs per machine.- It
adds support for active directory service.(check
the website)- It offers file, print and web
services in networks.
Windows 2000 Datacenter server
- The most advanced networking platform offered
by Microsoft.- designed for large data
warehouse, advanced scientific and engineering
applications .
System Requirements Compared
System Configuration Considerations
  • The amount of random access memory (RAM) and
    processing power needed depend on the system
  • A graphics adapter and RAM improves the display
  • You need sufficient hard disk drive space for the
    OS, applications, and upgrades.

Plan the Installation
  • Windows 98 and Windows 2000 have automated setup
  • You should follow a checklist during setup for
    optimal results.
  • Installation is complete when the system is tune
    (song), all hardware is working, and applications
    are ready to use.

Installation Planning Overview
  1. Decide on the boot methods.
  2. Confirm hardware requirements and compatibility.
  3. Choose between an upgrade or a clean install.
  4. Back up data and key files.
  5. Remove or disable conflicts and verify existing
  6. Prepare the hard disk drive and file system.
  7. Partition the hard disk drive with fdisk.

Decide on the Boot Methods
  • More than one OS can be installed on the same
  • Dual boot installations require you to complete
    all setup steps for each OS.
  • Ensure that one installation doesnt damage the
    other, that file systems are compatible, and that
    all hardware devices and software required by
    each O.S are properly accessible.
  • You should draw up a compatibility list and note
    special requirements.
  • Installation of Windows over existing Linux
    corrupt the Linux Boot Loader

Windows 2000 Dual Boot Considerations
  • Each OS must reside on a different partition.
  • Applications must be installed on each OS.
  • When setting up either an MS-DOS or Windows 95
    and Windows 2000 Professional dual boot system,
    Windows 2000 Professional must be installed last.
  • If you are using a dual boot machine in a windows
    NT domain or windows 2000 Active directory
    network, each OS must have its own machine name
    in a domain environment.

Windows 98 Dual Boot Considerations
  • Drive C must be a FAT16 partition and include
    enough free space for the Windows 98
  • The two OSs must reside in different partitions
    or on different hard disks.
  • Dual boot systems combining Windows 98 and
    Windows NT are not recommended because the two
    O.Ss do not use the same registry settings or
    device drivers .
  • Dual booting Windows 98 and Windows 95 is not
    possible because both O.S use the same boot file
    and the second installation will overwrite the
  • Windows 98 cannot access files on NT file system
    (NTFS) partitions, and Windows NT cannot access
    files on FAT32 drives.

Confirm Hardware Requirements and Compatibility
  • Ensure that system components meet or exceed
    system requirements.
  • Choose hardware from the hardware compatibility
    list for Windows 2000.
  • http//support.microsoft.com/kb/131303 (2000)
  • http//www.microsoft.com/whdc/hcl/default.mspx
  • Choose hardware that is certified to work with
    Windows 98 and Windows Me.

Update Firmware or Components
  • Check the system basic input/output system (BIOS)
    and update it if necessary before installation.
  • BIOS updates can reduce problems and increase
  • http//h18023.www1.hp.com/support/files/server/us/

Choose Between an Upgrade or a Clean Install
  • A clean install is done on a new or newly
    formatted hard disk.
  • An upgrade adds new components and updates
    existing ones.
  • The /CHECKUPGRADEONLY option performs a dry run
    install and reports any possible conflicts.
    (window 2000)

Record Information and Back Up Data and Key Files
  • Create a written record of system configuration
    and network settings.
  • Back up all configuration files and custom
    Registry entries.
  • When performing an upgrade from Windows 95, use
    Device Manager or Windows NT Diagnostics to print
    a report of all device and system configurations.
  • How to print the system settings in Window XP?
  • Back up all data files, batch files, and user
    profile files.

Remove or Disable Conflicts and Verify Existing
  • Antivirus programs, third-party memory managers,
    terminate-and-stay-resident programs (TSRs), and
    legacy 16-bit drivers could interfere with the
    setup program.
  • You should ensure that third-party disk
    partitioning software can be used with the
    version of Microsoft Windows you are installing.
  • When upgrading an OS with CONFIG.SYS and
    AUTOEXEC.BAT, you should remove any unwanted
    16-bit or legacy entries.
  • Upgrades work best when you upgrade in the same
    product series.

Prepare the Hard Disk Drive and File System
  • If the primary drive is already partitioned using
    the desired file system, you can proceed to the
    OS setup.
  • If you will use FAT16 or FAT32 and need to create
    or change partitions, you must use the fdisk
    utility to prepare the drive.
  • Fdisk can delete all data on the disk, so back up
    data first.
  • No third-party disk management utilities should
    have been used to partition the drive.

Partition the Hard Disk Drive with Fdisk
  • Windows 98, Windows 95, and all versions of
    MS-DOS provide fdisk.
  • You should use the same fdisk version as the OS
    you are installing.
  • FDISK is the command you use to run the fdisk
  • To enable FAT32, you must answer Yes to enabling
    large drive support.
  • Fdisk options include creating and deleting a
    partition, setting the active partition,
    displaying partition information, and choosing a

Using FdiskStep-By-Step
  • Display partition information to verify that you
    are on the proper drive.
  • Delete any nonDOS partition.
  • Delete extraneous logical drives in the extended
    MS-DOS partition.
  • Delete the extended partition.
  • Delete the primary DOS partition.
  • Mark a partition as the primary partition and set
    it as active.
  • Reboot the system, and then format the partition.

Introduction to Windows XPProfessional
  • Prerequisites for installing Windows XP
  • Installing Windows XP Professional.

Prerequisites for Installing Windows XP
  • Check hardware requirements.
  • Check hardware compatibility.
  • Check hardware configuration.
  • Test workstation hardware.

Check Hardware Requirements
  • The minimum requirements for installing Windows
    XP Professional include
  • An Intel Pentium/Celeron family or AMD
    K6/Athalon/Duron family 233 MHz processor.
  • 64 MB of RAM.
  • At least one hard disk where the systemroot
    (usually C\WINNT) can be located on a partition.
  • At least 1.5 GB of hard disk space.

Check Hardware Requirements
  • The recommended requirements for installing
    Windows XP Professional include
  • A PC with a 300 MHz (single or dual) processor.
  • 128 MB of RAM.

Check Hardware Compatibility
  • The Windows XP Professional installation CD,
    running on an upgradeable Windows version,
    includes options to check for system
  • It is essential that the service packs for
    Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or Windows 2000
    Professional are installed, if XP is upgraded
    from either of these operating systems.

Service pack is an update to the operating system
made available by a Microsoft
Check Hardware Compatibility
Windows XP compatibility verification option
Check Hardware Compatibility
Windows XP automatic compatibility verification
Check Hardware Compatibility
  • Compatibility check using Web site
  • The Microsoft Web site provides users with a
    Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) for the system.
  • It is essential to check all the hardware in the
    system prior to installing Windows XP

Check Hardware Configuration
  • Microsoft recommends a CD-ROM or DVD drive for
  • A super VGA display adapter that supports an
    800x600 resolution, and the most recent version
    of the workstation operating system software is
    also required.

Check Hardware Configuration
  • Microsoft also recommends a mouse or any other
    pointing device.
  • A high-density 3-½ inch floppy drive is required
    if floppy disks are used for installation.

Test Workstation Hardware
  • The DOS FDISK command is used to rebuild the hard
    disk drive prior to the installation.
  • The hard disk can be re-built while installing
    Windows XP from the CD.

Installing Windows XP Professional
  • Windows XP can be installed over a network using
    either a shared network drive or a set of
    bootable floppy disks.

Windows XP Professional Setup
Installing Windows XP Professional
List of existing partitions and unpartitioned
space on the computer
Installing Windows XP Professional
Formatting the new partition
Installing Windows XP Professional
  • Windows XP requires the following inputs
  • The users name and the organizations name.
  • The 25-character product key code.
  • The computer name and the password for the
    workstation administrator account.

Installing Windows XP Professional
Networking Settings
Installing Windows XP Professional
  • Windows XP requires the following inputs
  • The workgroup or the domain name.
  • The user name and password of the user who is
    authorized to join the computer to the domain.

Installing Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Professional desktop
  • NTFS 5 is more robust and the one you want to
    deploy whenever planning for Active Directory.
    Strongly consider using only NTFS partitions on
    production server machines! NTFS 5 brings new
    benefits to Windows Server systems, including
    disk quotas, file system encryption, dynamic
    volumes and remote storage capabilities.

NTFS Features
  • Disk quotas are used to restrict the amount of
    space that network and system users are allowed
    to save to disk.
  • file system encryption, which allows systems
    administrators to encrypt data in case it is
    stolen or intercepted by an unauthorized user.
  • Dynamic volumes are also specific to NTFS 5.
    Dynamic volumes are used to add protection for
    your Windows Server 2003 system.
  • Remote storage features supported by NTFS 5 to
    automatically off-load rarely used data to tape
    or other devices , but the files remain available
    to users because they haven't been removed from
    the machine -- it's seamless. As you can see,
    NTFS 5 brings a greater level of flexibility,
    security, data protection, increased scalability,
    and increased uptime.

Chapter Summary
  • The Windows family of OSs includes a variety of
    products tailored for different environments.
  • Windows 2000 is the most robust version of
  • Proper planning and system preparation are
  • Windows 2000 installation requires more careful
    planning than does Windows 98.
  • The Windows 98 and Windows 2000 installation
    processes are somewhat similar.
  • Windows provides tools for troubleshooting
    installation problems.
  • Additional tasks are required after installation
    is complete.
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