Lost in Space - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lost in Space


Lost in Space ASTR1001 Assignment 5 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: PaulF196


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lost in Space

Lost in Space
  • ASTR1001 Assignment 5

  • The Starship USS Drongo was rescued from planet
    Ziggy by a benevolent race of aliens.
  • Unfortunately, just after the rescue, the aliens
    happened to notice the music video collection of
    one of the junior engineering officers.
  • Enraged that they had rescued life-forms with
    such disgusting musical taste, the aliens
    immediately flung the USS Drongo through a

USS Drongo in the Wormhole
Lost in Space!
  • The USS Drongo is now floating somewhere in
  • You do not know if you are in some remote part of
    our own universe, or some quite different
  • Captain Howard has called you, the astrophysics
    team, together.
  • Your task work out whether we are in our own
    universe, or whether we are in a different one.
  • Investigate our surroundings. If we are in our
    own universe, what sort of environment could we
    be in?
  • If we are in a different universe, try and work
    out its cosmology, as this will help the computer
    calculate a way home.

The View
  • The view around the spacecraft looks quite empty
    there do not appear to be any nearby planets,
    asteroids, suns etc.
  • The space surrounding your ship is a hard vacuum.
  • With the naked eye, you can see several thousand
    stars about the same number that you could see
    from Earth.

(No Transcript)
Funny Colours
  • The sky is not, however, quite like that seen
    from Earth.
  • The stars seem to be rather more colourful than
    those seen from Earth. In particular, they seem
    to show bright primary colours, rather than the
    more subtle shades seen from Earth.
  • Red stars seem to outnumber blue ones by quite a
  • There is no sign of a Milky Way.
  • Curiously, the stars appear to twinkle, which
    they should not do in the absence of an
  • Just like from Earth, however, the stars appear
    as dots, even through the best on-board
    telescopes no disks are seen

Radio Signals
  • Curiously, the signals division are reporting
    many sudden, sharp bursts of radio emission.
  • These bursts mostly occur at wavelengths of 20cm
    or slightly longer.
  • They are extremely intense while they occur, but
    last for only microseconds.
  • Many bursts are very intense. They occur several
    times a day.
  • There also appear to be a much larger number of
    faint bursts, at somewhat longer wavelengths.

  • The instrumentation division have just
    jury-rigged a spectrograph, and obtained spectra
    of some stars.
  • The spectra are VERY unusual.
  • All emission seems to occur at one particular

  • Each different star appears to radiate at a
    different wavelength.
  • The wavelengths can lie anywhere in the whole
    wavelength range that the detector is sensitive
    to 400 - 800nm, though they do show a bias
    towards redder wavelengths.
  • As far as we can tell, the flux from a given star
    could be purely monochromatic all the radiation
    comes at precisely one wavelength. The line width
    in the previous graph is due to the limited
    instrumental resolution of the spectrograph. We
    place an upper limit on the line width of 1nm.
  • No other emission lines are seen from any stars
    down to a flux limit of 0.1 the intensity of the
    main line.

  • Why do the stars twinkle, in the absence of any
  • You rigged up a multichannel photoelectric
    photometer to measure the brightness of some
    stars as a function of time.

Rapid Pulsation
  • It appears that all the stars around you are
    pulsing rapidly. Pulse periods are typically a
    few seconds, and pulse amplitudes a few percent
    or less.
  • Not all stars have the same periods and the same
  • You have measured the pulse periods and
    amplitudes (maximum flux minus minimum flux
    divided by the average flux). The results are
    found in a separate Excel data table.

The Parallax Probe
  • To aid your investigation, Captain Howard sent
    out a robotic space-probe.
  • The probe travelled 10,000 km away, and then
    stopped and deployed a small telescope.
  • It measured the positions of dozens of bright
    stars with an accuracy of 0.2 arcseconds.
  • At the same moment, you performed the same
    measurement using the USS Drongos main telescope.

The Geometry
You studied stars in this direction
10,000 km
The Data Table
  • Between your two measurements you were able to
    measure whether the stars appeared to lie in
    exactly the same direction from the USS Drongo
    and from the probe.
  • You found that many of the brightest stars
    appeared in slightly different directions.
  • So the light from these stars was not coming in
    quite parallel to you and to the probe you
    measured the difference in angle (the parallax)
    with an accuracy of about 0.2 arcsec.
  • Data from these observations can also be found in
    the separate Excel spreadsheet.

Your Mission.
  • Captain Howard has called you, the astrophysics
    team, together.
  • Your task work out whether we are in our own
    universe, or whether we are in a different one.
  • Investigate our surroundings. If we are in our
    universe, where could we be? What is our
    environment like?
  • If we are in a different universe, try and work
    out its cosmology, as this will help the computer
    calculate a way home.

  • This assignment is due by 10am on Thursday 29th
  • It is worth 10 of the marks for ASTR1001.
  • You should describe what you have learned about
    the universe in which you now find yourselves.
  • Word limit 2000 words.
  • You should describe the most important things you
    have learned, and describe how you learned them.
    There is no need to show mathematical working.
  • You should also briefly describe what future
    observations would be most useful.

More assessment details
  • As usual, you can work by yourselves or in
  • You can submit your assigments electronically via
    WebCT e-mail, or in person to me in class, or
    into my mailbox in the physics department.
  • As usual, please use the bulletin board to
    exchange ideas. I may hand out a few bonus marks
    to those who make particularly good postings.

Assignment 6
  • Once your assignments are in, I will release more
    data on the USS Drongo and its surrounds.
  • This further data will be the subject of
    Assignment 6.
  • I will also release a model answer to Assignment
    5, to make sure that you are in a good position
    to attempt Assignment 6, even if you stuffed this
    one up.

  • To get maximum marks, you should deduce as much
    as possible from the data, but not deduce more
    from the data than is possible!
  • Im after hard numbers and not just waffly text
    (this is a science course, after all)
  • Feel free to speculate, but make it clear what is
    speculation and what is solid deduction.
  • Ive put some numerical data in a spreadsheet to
    facilitate playing with it. If youd like it in
    some other format, let me know (eg. text files
    for plotting/processing using MATLAB). You may or
    may not find this data useful.

The Data
  • The data file contains information on a bunch of
    bright stars that you have observed.
  • For each star it lists
  • A catalogue number
  • The parallax (angular difference between the
    position measured by you and by the probe)
  • Wavelength at which it is emitting.
  • How strong the average emission you detect from
    that star is.
  • How rapidly it pulses.
  • By how much its intensity changes during a
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