Title: Image-based walkthroughs from partial and incremental scene reconstructions
1Image-based walkthroughs from partial and
incremental scene reconstructions
- Kumar Srijan
- Syed Ahsan Ishtiaque
- C. V. Jawahar
- Center for Visual Information Technology,
- IIIT-Hyderabad
- http//cvit.iiit.ac.in
Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research,
Redmond http//research.microsoft.com
- Efficiently organize and browse these huge image
collections? - Keep Incorporating an incoming stream of images
into an existing framework?
4Related Work
- World-Wide Media Exchange (WWMX)
- PhotoCompas
- Reality?ythrough
- Aspen Movie Map
- Photowalker
- Sea of Images
- Google Streetview
- Photo Tourism
5Photo Tourism
Input Images
Incremental SfM
Select a good initial pair to seed reconstruction
Add new images and triangulate new points
Bundle adjust
Full Scene Reconstruction
6Bottlenecks and Issues
- Global scene reconstruction via incremental
structure from motion (Sfm) - Sensitivity to the choice of the initial pair
- Cascading of errors
- O(N4) in the worst case
7Bottlenecks and Issues
Full Scene Reconstruction for Trafalgar Square
dataset with 8000 images took gt 50 days
8Our approach
- In a walkthrough, users primarily observe near
by overlapping images. -
- Advantages
- Robustness to errors in incremental SfM module
- Worst case linear running time
- Scalable
- Incremental
9Partial Reconstructions
Compute partial Reconstructions
Standard SfM
10User interface and navigation
11Global vs. Partial
- Global Allows transition to any image
- Partial Allows transition to a limited number
of overlapping images - A -gt B implies B -gt A
12Incremental insertion
Compute Partial Scene Reconstruction
New Image
Golconda Fort, Hyderabad
Fort Dataset
5989 images
- Courtyard Dataset with 687 images
- Initialized with 200 images
- Added 487 image one by one
- Largest CC of 674 images.
- Image navigation system based on partial
reconstructions can effectively be used to
navigate through large collections of images. - Robustness to errors
- Able incorporate more images as they become
18Future Work
- Complete automation
- Download images directly from the internet
- Add into the framework
- Photo tourism Exploring photo collections in
3D - Noah Snavely, Cornell University
- Steven M. Seitz, University of Washington
- Richard Szeliski, Microsoft Research
- Visual Word based Location Recognition in 3D
models using Distance Augmented Weighting - Friedrich Fraundorfer, Marc Pollefeys ETH Zürich
- Changchang Wu ,Jan-Michael Frahm ,Marc Pollefeys
- UNC Chapel Hill
21Thank You