Title: EM120
1EM120 Course Overview Welcome!
There are only two rules for being successful.
One, figure out what to do, and two, go do
it! Mario Cuomo
2EM120 Course Program IntroOverview
- Expectations of iEM Degree Program
- Purpose of EM120/121
- Course Sequence
- Introduction to Supply Chain Management
- First Assignment
- Questions
3EM120 Course Program IntroThe iEM Major
- Develop Proficiency in General Engineering and
Business Disciplines - Develop Real-world Problem Solving,
Communication, and Teamwork Skills - Be Prepared to Handle Technical and Interpersonal
Challenges in the Global Economy
4EM120 Course Program IntroCourse Purpose
- Intro Experience to Interdisciplinary Engineering
and Business Problems - Develop Functional Team Skills
- Gain Appreciation for Remaining Coursework
- Have Fun While Learning!!!
5EM120 Course Program IntroEM120/121 Sequence
- Teambuilding
- Project Management
- Introductory Engineering Design
- Prototype
- Marketing
- Technical Sales
- Financial Management
6EM120 Course Program IntroEM120 Particulars
- Tuesdays Talking Head Lectures
- Thursdays Team-based Project Work
- Experiential
- Technical
- Group Assignments
- Teambuilding
- Project Planning
- Engineering Design
7EM120 Course Program IntroAssessment
- Two Exams Sep 25 and October 28
- Questions come from Study Areas
- Five Individual Assignments Reinforcement
- Five Group Assignments Work in Lab
- One Major Group Design Report
- Assignment Handout Packet
- See Syllabus for Details Grading/Due Dates
8EM120 Course Program IntroGlobal Supply
Chain Management
- "Successful companies do not just add value, they
reinvent it...they are more than links on a
value chain. They are the centers of
constellations of services, goods, and design." - From Normann and Ramirez's "From Value Chain to
Value Constellation Designing Interactive
Strategy" - Harvard Business Review, 1993.
9EM120 Course Program IntroGSCM and iEM
- iEM is GSCM
- General Technical Problem Solving
- The Clarkson Approach to GSCM
Mfg/Svc System Entry
Customer Spec
Input Supplies
Shipping/ Delivery
Accounts Receivable
Customer Receipt
Payment Received
Credit Approve
Mfg/Svc Complete
Engineering Design
10EM120 Course Program IntroSummary
- Expectations of iEM Degree Program
- Purpose of EM120/121
- Course Sequence
- Introduction to Supply Chain Management
11EM120 Course OverviewFinal Thought
- Those that leaveth few things to chance will do
few things ill but they will (also) do few
things. - Lord Halifax