Drug%20Test%20Your%20Teen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Drug Test Your Teen Helping Parents Keep Teens off Drugs Welcome We are a family owned and operated internet resource where parents can easily and inexpensively ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Drug%20Test%20Your%20Teen

Drug Test Your Teen
  • Helping Parents Keep
  • Teens off Drugs

This presentation is presented courtesy of Drug
Test Your Teen (www.DrugTestYourTeen.com).
  • We are a family owned and operated internet
    resource where parents can easily and
    inexpensively order drug, alcohol, and tobacco
    tests to use in the privacy of their own home.
  • Our website is also full of information and
    resources for parents to learn more about teens
    and drug use. We hope to introduce more parents
    to the idea of a home testing program to use as
    an aid in parenting teens.

All very active in our endeavor, Linzy, Melissa,
Delaney want to remind parents to keep their
eyes and ears open, and to communicate even when
your kids act like they are not listening. Any
parents biggest enemy is the not my kid
syndrome. None of us wants to believe that our
child could become involved with drugs.
Drug Test Your Teen
  • The one thing that we hope parents will get
    from this presentation is not to wait until they
    suspect that their teen is smoking, drinking, or
    using drugs before they feel that they need a
    home testing program.
  • The fact is, most parents dont suspect drug use
    until something bad happens, like their child
    being arrested, having an accident, an overdose,
    or trouble in school.
  • Please consider at home testing as a deterrent to
    your child ever using drugs. It gives teens a
    powerful excuse to say NO. Too many of our
    customers are monitoring kids that have already
    been in troublethey all wish that they had
    started testing sooner.

Why test?
  • Most good parents want to be as careful and
    responsible as possible. Whether you are trying
    to prevent drug use, discover possible drug use,
    stop current use, or just be reassured that a
    teen is on the right road, home testing can help.
    Drug testing can be a very useful parenting
    tool. Our hearts ache for the parents that
    discover drug use, but knowing the truth is the
    first step to a solution.
  • Drug testing is only helpful when it is combined
    with great communication and effective
    discipline. Drug testing alone will not solve

  • Let your teens know that you love them too
    much to let them be involved with drugs, and you
    will use any tool available to keep them away
    from drugs, including drug testing in your home.
    So many parents simply haven't thought to drug
    test their kids at home, even though testing is a
    very effective means of helping to prevent teen
    drug use, especially by giving kids a great
    "excuse" to say, "NO THANKS, MY PARENTS TEST ME".

First, a little about what we promote
  • Accurate, simple to use, in-home urine drug
    screens to check for teen drug use in the privacy
    of your home.
  • Urine tests to check for the possibility of
    tobacco use.
  • A simple alcohol saliva test to check for teen
    drinkinga must for teen drivers.

The 6-panel drug screen
  • Our six-panel test screens for the most common
    drugs of abuse among teens today. Just one step -
    dip into a cup of urine and wait 5 minutes for
    the results. Most drugs can be detected for
    several days.
  • This simple, accurate test screens for
  • THC (marijuana, weed, smoke, pot, hash)
  • Cocaine (crack, skitz, snow)
  • Methamphetamines (ice, crank, crystal, glass,
  • Opiates, (heroin, horse, oxycontin, vicodin,
    morphine, codeine)
  • Amphetamines (speed, uppers, go)
  • Benzodiazepines (t-bars, roofies, date rape
    drug, valium, librium,  xanax)

Drugs come in many forms.
  • These tests work much like a home pregnancy
    test. You dip the test in a cup of urine, and
    instantly read the results.

The alcohol screen
  • With our home alcohol test there is no more
    wondering if your teens are drinking and driving.
  • It's an easy test - it takes just minutes to swab
    the inside of the mouth and wait for the results.
  • It is much easier to let your teenager drive the
    car to a party when you are both clear that there
    will be an alcohol test when they return. 
  • The test even tells you the approximate blood
    alcohol level at the time of the test!
  • This test is very accurate, and the results are

The cigarette smoke check..
  • This urine test detects cigarette smoking with
    immediate, accurate results.
  • Now you can know the truth, and increase your
    chances of preventing this dangerous habit.
  • Cigarettes are a "gateway" drug. Kids today will
    tell you "cigarettes lead to drinking, drinking
    leads to drugging."
  • Research shows that youth who smoke cigarettes
    are fourteen times more likely to try marijuana
    as those who don't.
  • Addressing this "gateway drug" as early as
    possible could be one of greatest things that you
    ever do for your child.

The Facts
  • Parents don't like to imagine that it could be
    "their child" using drugs.
  • Studies show that while only 18 of parents
    believe that their teen has tried drugs, 53 of
    high school seniors actually admit to some drug

  • Check out the statistics...
  • According to NIDA "Monitoring the Future
  • 53 of the teens have tried illegal drugs.41
    of teens used illegal drugs in the past year.25
    used illegal drugs in the past 30 days. 48 of
    the teen population has tried marijuana. 36
    used marijuana in the past year. 21 used
    marijuana in the past 30 days. 78 have used
    alcohol.57 have smoked cigarettes.12 have
    used inhalants.
  • How many of these parents said "Not my kid.
  • these are teens that admitted to drug use

  • Drinking and driving killed 17,419 people last
  • When you see the awful news stories about
    impaired teens being hurt or killed in accidents
    of twisted metal, you pray, "please, not my
  • Make sure your child isn't drinking by testing
    for alcohol use whenever they have been out.
  • Remind them every time they go out. The fear of
    getting caught and losing driving privileges is a
    sure deterrent.

  • "Young people tend to be very altruistic, and
    they think they are immortal," said Tom Riley, a
    spokesman for the Office of National Drug Control
    Policy. "Telling teens that something is
    dangerous tends not to affect their
    behavior".Executives, professional athletes,
    truck drivers, and policemen have to prove that
    they are drug-free. The world your child lives in
    has drug testing! Why not teens?

Marijuana is not harmlessthis is not what was
smoked in the 70s
  • Marijuana can be addictive, and it is more
    addictive in young people than in adults.
  • In fact, more kids are in drug treatment for
    marijuana use than for all other illicit drugs

  • When teens and pre-teens use drugs, they will
    almost always deny it to their parents!
  • When you discuss the possibility of drug testing,
    even the most guilty teen will say, "bring it on-
    I've got nothing to hide".
  • In a letter from a parent I'll make one
    recommendation to parents starting down the home
    testing path hold firm the first time you hand
    your kid the cup!  The guilt, apprehension, fear,
    embarrassment, whatever, weighed on me at that
    moment and my son sensed it immediately, and, as
    teens do well, helped the feeling along with a
    sharp comment.  Don't back down!

  • Trust?
  • Checking to make sure that your children are
    making good decisions is just part of responsible
    parenting. We believe that drug testing is no
    more intrusive than checking to make sure your
    child is actually spending the night where they
    say or checking a report card.
  • What a parent should trust is that teens are
    going to make some bad decisions and it is the
    adults job to stop them any way they can when
    that bad decision can change the course of their
    child's life.
  • In this uncertain and dangerous world,
    its your job as a parent to protect your child
    until they acquire the common sense of adulthood.

  • Make your policy "NO DRUGS" and let them prove
  • You are legally and financially responsible if
    your teen wrecks the car, gets arrested, needs
    drug rehab, or worse.
  • It is your business if your child is using drugs.

  • We live in a world where drugs are very
    prevalent. You can do a lot to help reduce the
    risks and lessen their chances of developing any
    problems with drugs.
  • Let them know that you love them too much to let
    them get involved with drugs, and you will use
    any tool available to keep them away from drugs,
    including drug testing in your home.
  • Try to make them understand how dangerous drug
    use really is.

  • Talk to your children, and listen to them.
  • The more you know about your children's lives and
    their concerns, the easier it will be for you to
    be aware of a problem before it gets too big.
  • Explain yourselflet your child see your
    feareven your tearsmake them understand your
    need to be as certain as possible.

  • Keep yourself well informed about alcohol and
    other drugs.
  • Accurate information will enable you to answer
    questions that your children ask and to work out
    your own views about drugs well before you have
    to discuss the issues with them.
  • Many schools and community groups now run special
    drug education programs for parents.
  • There are many great drug education resources on
    the Internet.

  • Negotiate some rules about acceptable behavior.
  • Know that as your child grows up, many rules need
    to be reviewed regularly and probably relaxed bit
    by bit.
  • Your child is on the way to becoming an adult and
    needs some freedom. Let them know that by
    assuring you (with regular testing) that they are
    not succumbing to peer pressure, that you are
    able to allow them more freedom.

  • Remember that you have rights and interests
  • Being a bully never gets you anywhere. But
    asserting your need for information about what
    your child is doing, and requiring certain rules
    to be followed around the house, will help to
    remind your teenager that you are a person too.
  • You are legally and financially responsible
    for the behavior of your teen, so you have the
    right to get all the facts that you can.

  • Get to know your children's friends and the
    parents of their friends.
  • Parents can help each other by getting together
    to talk about their worries, and by agreeing to
    handle some problems in the same way.
  • As parents, it helps when we can "watch each
    other's backs".

  • Try to anticipate some of the situations that
    you could have to deal with.
  • What will you say if your child tells you that
    they have had too much to drink, or that they
    have tried marijuana?
  • What if you do if your child tests positive for
    drug use?
  • Think about these things in advance can help you
    to keep your composure if or when they do happen,
    and will help you to deal with them sensibly.

Before you test
  • Trust your instincts as a parent! Our tests do
    not detect every possible drug that teens use,
    nor are they perfect science.
  • Parental "radar" is often very accurate. Do not
    ignore your bad feelings. Consult your family
    physician with any doubts.
  • Realistically, you need to spend some time
    planning how you will react if you do discover
    drug use. Don't forget that there are underlying
    reasons for drug use, and those reasons need to
    be discovered and dealt with.

Thank you!
  • Please visit our website today at
    www.DrugTestYourTeen.com, or call us at

Other Great Resources
  • SAMHSA finds substance abuse treatment facilities
    by location at (http//findtreatment.samhsa.gov/fa
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse
  • NIDA for Teens (http//www.teens.drugabuse.gov/)
  • Parents. The Anti-Drug (http//www.theantidrug.com
  • Partnership For A Drug Free America
  • Substance Abuse Mental Health Services
    Administration (http//www.samhsa.gov/)
  • Office of National Drug Control
    Policy (http//www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/)

  • DrugTestYourTeen.com is here to help!
  • Know your kids, their friends, and their friends
    parents working together is key.
  • Substance abuse is hard to prevent and to detect
    we must be actively engaged!
  • Home drug testing gives your kids another reason
    to say NO!
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