Title: DG TREN
1Infrastructure Development
Bridging the National International
Levels The Euratom Experience and expertise
Sotiris Synetos, Euratom Safeguards
IAEA Technical Meeting on Infrastructure
2The Euratom Treaty
- Signed at Rome in 1957
- One of the founding EU treaties
- Formal name is the
- European Atomic Energy Community
3The Tasks of the Euratom Community
- a. promote research .
- b. establish uniform safety standards to protect
the health of workers and of the general
public. - c. facilitate investment ..
- g. .. the creation of a common market in
specialized materials and equipment,
. - h. establish relations with other countries and
international organizations
4Euratom Safeguards
- ..the Commission shall satisfy itself that, in
the territories of Member States - a) nuclear materials are not diverted from their
declared uses - b) any obligations assumed under an agreement
concluded with a third State or an international
organization are complied with.
5Milestones in Euratom Safeguards
- 1957 The Euratom Treaty
- 1959 Safeguards Office operational
- 1978 NPT Safeguards regime
- 2004 AP implementation commences
- 2010 Integrated safeguards in the 25 EU NNWS
- Worldwide standard CSA AP
6Euratom safeguards in numbers
- 2
- 25
- 200
- 1000
- 1500
- 2 000 000
- nuclear weapons member states
- non-nuclear weapons member states
- Staff-mostly Inspectors
- MBAs
- inspections per year
- lines of a/c data per year
7The Elements of Euratom Safeguards
Declaration of Facilites Declaration of Nuclear
Materials Provisions relating to
inspections Sanctions
8(No Transcript)
9Euratom IAEA Euratom as RSAC
- 1977
- entry into force of Comprehensive Safeguards
Agreement with the IAEA INFCIRC/193 - (plus INFCIRC/263 UK, INFCIRC/290 F)
- 2004
- EU Additional Protocols
10The benefits of RSACs
- Complement to IAEA
- Facilitator for IAEA
- logistics, equipment, maintenance
- QC of data passed to IAEA
- Confidence building for its members
11Which expertise can Euratom offer ?
- Legal and Regulatory framework
- Experience with integrating new member states
(with and without nuclear programs) - Experience in dealing with the IAEA requirements
- Guidance for states considering a Regional Model
- Robust accountancy system-IAEA compliant-reporting
tools developed- from Ores to waste - Obligation accountancy- to meet bilateral
12Which expertise can Euratom offer ?
- AP implementation-appropriate reporting tools and
databases developed - Equipment development often together with the
JRC and the IAEA-(big) customer perspective - Training services for inspectors opening up of
in-house or JRC training- about 40 different
courses - Safeguards interfaces
- nuclear security
- export controls
- illicit trafficking