Title: The Current Financial Crisis:
1The Current Financial Crisis  What is it, how
do we get out of it and what does it mean to
you? Â
Sanjai Bhagat Chris Leach Ron Melicher Tom
Monday, September 29 1230 p.m. to 145 p.m.
Koelbel Building, Room S125
3The Bailout (WSJ 29OCT2008)
4The Role of the US GovernmentThe Government
Sponsored Enterprises
5(No Transcript)
6The Role of the US GovernmentAffordable Housing
7The Role of the US GovernmentAffordable Housing
8The Role of the US GovernmentHomeownership Rates
9Underwriting Mortgage RiskFICO and Underwriting
10Underwriting Mortgage RiskAlt-A Borrowers Low
Doc/No Doc Loans
11Mortgage InstrumentsFixed Rate Mortgages
12Mortgage InstrumentsAdjustable Rate Mortgages
13Mortgage InstrumentsHybrid Adjustable Rate
14Mortgage Instruments(Payment) Option Adjustable
Rate Mortgages
15Mortgage Instruments(Payment) Option Adjustable
Rate Mortgages
17House Prices in Selected MSAs19994 to 20082
18MBS 101
19MBS 101The Anatomy of a RMBS
20Agency and Private Label RMBS
21Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs)
22GSAMP Trust 2006-S3Source House of Junk, by
Sloan (Fortune 29OCT2007)
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24 The Koelbel Building - Leeds School of Business