Title: HEAT TRANSFER IN SILICON MICROHOTPLATE STRUCTURES ????????? ?????? ????????????? ? ?????????? ?????-?????????????? ??????????
STRUCTURES????????? ?????? ????????????? ?
?????????? ?????-?????????????? ??????????
S. B. Beale R. Djebbar M. Post S.V. Zhubrin
B. Delesalle Heat/mass transfer MIF-2000
??????????????? - ???-2000
Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental
Technology???????? ??????????? ???????? ?
?????????? ?????????? ?????
- Microhotplate (MHP) structures are subject of a
four year NRC/industry/university collaborative
research project??? ?????-??????????????
????????? ???????? ???????? ?????????????,
??????-????????????????? ?????? - Fabricated using a CMOS process???????????????
? ?????????????? ???????? CMOS - Typical size 200x200x5 mm???????? ??????
200x200x5 ?????? - Operating temperature is around
500ºC???????????? ??????????? - ????? 500º C
3Schematic of MHP structure??????? ???????
????????? MHC
Supporting beams ?????
4CMOS Process CMOS ???????
Platinum ???????
Polysilicon ???????????
5Array of MHP structures????????? ???
6Single MHP structure????????? ???
7Background?????????? ??????
- Two designs considered Mark 1 and Mark
2??????????? ??? ??????????? MHC 1 ? MHC 2 - Temperature on target surface to be within 10
ºC.??????????? ??????? ??????????? ?? ???? 10
ºC - Temperature in surrounding silicon should not be
too hot as it will damage signal processing
circuitry??????????? ??????? ?? ?????? ????????
??????????? ???????
8Background ?????????? ??????
- Experimental work on local temperature
distribution difficult, due to micro-geometry,
variable optical properties?????-???????
????????? ???????????? - Therefore embarked on a program of numerical heat
transfer analysis???????, ?????????? ?????????
?????? ????????????? - Software used PHOENICS multi-block body fitted
coordinates and Cartesian grids both
considered?po?pa??a PHOENICS, ?????????????
BFC ? ?????????? ?????
9Two layers of mark 1 design??? ???? ??? 1
Target area??????? ???????
Polysilicon heater??????????? ???????????
- Heater
geometry Platinum contacts
????????? ??????????? ?????????? ????????
10Two layers of mark 2 design??? ???? ??? 2
Target area??????? ???????
Polysilicon heater??????????? ???????????
- Heater
geometry Platinum contacts
????????? ??????????? ?????????? ????????
11Heat conduction?????????????
- Convection and radiation are negligible. Problem
is a conduction heat transfer problem with
variable properties????????? ? ????????? ????.
?????? ???????????????? ? ??????????? ??????????. - NB The source term
was assumed to be a constant volumetric
term,???????? ?????????????? ?????????? ?
??????? ??????,
12Thermal conductivity ????????????????
- l variations from layer to layer ????????? l
?? ????? - Harmonic averaging used. ??????????????ec?oe
oc?e?????e - l variations within layer ????????? l ? ???e
- Large scale structures handled as above with
multiple values of l.Kpy???e ?????????, ?a? ???e
, c ??????????? l.
13Thermal conductivity ????????????????
- Fine scale structures handled using an effective
valueM????e, ?epe? ???e??????e ?e??????, ?a?
? - approach often used in heat transfer in porous
media?op?c??x cpe?ax
14Meshing and boundary conditions????? ? ?????????
Multi-block body-fitted grid????????????? BFC
Air ??????
Cells concentrated within MHP??????,
?????????????????? ? ???????? MHP
Etched cavity ????????????? ???????
Silicon substrate ???????
15MeshingCartesian grid????? ?????????????
Air ??????
Cells concentrated within MHP??????,
?????????????????? ? ???????? MHP
16Use of marker to identify different materials
????????????? ???????, ????? ????????????????
????????? ?????????
Air ??????
Platinum ?????????? ????????
Beams ?????
Polysilicon Heater??????????? ???????????
Silicon ???????
Harmonic averaging used ??????????????ec?oe
17Experimental work????????????????? ??????
Power Supply ???????? ???a???
MHP die MHC ?op?a
Microscope objective O??????? ???poc?o?a
- Black body emission at l875 nm of Mark 1
prototype measured. Calibration achieved with a
larger constant-e sample, probed with a
thermocouple. Imaging resolution 50 mm???epe?o
????????? a?co????o ?ep?o?o ?e?a ?p? l875 nm ???
?po???a MHC 1 Ka???po??a ?ep?o?apa?? ?oc????y?a
??? o?pa??a c ?o?????- e Pa?pe?e??e 50 mm
Infra-red detector ???pa?pac??? ?e?e??op
DIP package ?a?e?
18Comparison with experimental data????????? ?
?????????????????? ???????
- Numerical data????????e pac?e??U1.71-1.76x
103W/m2ºCExperimental data????????????????e
?????eU1.81-1.89x103W/m2ºC6 difference
Quite reasonable considering imaging resolution
only 50 mm for a 250x250 mm sample ???????? 6
?????? ?????????? , ???????????? ??????? ??????
50 mm ??? 250x250 mm ???????
19Temperature distributionMark 1??????????? ??? 1
20Temperature distributionMark 2??????????? ??? 2
21Target area Mark 1??????? ??????? ??? 1
22Target area Mark 2??????? ??????? ??? 2
23Grid dependence??????????? ?????
- Mark 1 temperature distribution varies from 223ºC
to a maximum 463ºC at the centre of target. The
mean value predicted by the program is 388ºC for
Q34mW??????????? ??? ??? 1 ????? ? ??e?e?ax o?
223ºC ?o ?a?c??y?a 463ºC ? ?e??pe. Cpe????
?ac???a??a? ??????????? - 388ºC ??? Q34mW. - Mark 2 temperature is a minimum of 315 ºC, a
maximum of 430ºC with a mean value of 403ºC.
However most of the deviation is confined to 4
hot spots away from the central target area
(between the platinum contacts). It is much
better design overall.??????????? ??? ??? 2
??ee? ?????y? 315 ºC, ?a?c??y? 430ºC ? cpe??ee
- O??a?o, ?a?c??a???oe o???o?e??e o?pa???e?o 4-??
'?op????? ?o??a??' ?a?e?o o? ?e??pa???o? ?????o?
???????. ??o ?y??ee c?????? ??????? ?????????
MHC. - There does not appear to be much risk of damage
to the surrounding circuitry, the substrate is
always at near ambient temperatures, due to the
high conductivity of silicon and the insulating
properties of air. P?c? ?o?pe??e??? o?py??????
???? ?e?e???, ??????????? cy?c?pa?a ?ce??a o?o?o
???????????. o?py?a??e? cpe?? ??-?a ??co?o?
???????????????? ??????? ? ??o??py???x c?o?c??
26Electrical conduction????????????? ????????????
- Tested premise that the source term per unit
volume is constant, by computing S using
????????, S, ?????????????? ?????????? ?
??????? ?????? ? ?ac?????ae??? - The voltage distribution, f, in the heater is
solved using Laplaces equationHa?p??e??e, f, ?
??????????e ?ac?????ae??? ?? ypa??e??? ?a??aca
27Electrical conduction????????????? ????????????
28Electrical conduction????????????? ????????????
Non-linear voltage due to area changes
Voltage, f, Ha?p??e??e
Source term, S, ???????? ??????????????
- For the Mark 1 design the potential gradient is
linear over most of the heater and the source
term is consistent with the presumed constant
value??? ??? 1 ??a??e?? ?o?e???a?a ???ee? ?a
?o????? ?ac?? ??????????? , ??o co??acye?c? c.
??e??o?o?e??e? o ???????c??e ????????a. - In the bends however, grad f is closely/widely
spaced at convex/concave boundaries and there are
large local variations in S, from 90 less to
170 greater than the presumed values.B c???ax,
o??a?o, grad f ?e???ee? ????? ?????? ? ????????,
S, ?? 90 ?e???? ? ?? 170 ?o????, ?e?
??e??o?a?ae??e ??a?e???.
- For the Mark 2 design the potential also varies
due to changes in the cross-sectional area ???
??? 2 ?o?e???a? ?a??e ???e??e?c? ??-?a ???e?e???
- A 3-D thermal analysis and design tool was
developed to calculate temperature distributions
in MHP structuresPa???? 3-?ep??? a?a??? ?
??c?py?e?? ??? ?ac?e?a ??????????? ? ??????????
?????-?????????????? ?????????? - Experimental data agree to within 6 of the
present calculations????????????????e ?????e
co??acy??c? c ?ac?e?o? ? ??e?e?ax 6. - Analysis showed that the heater source term is
constant only in straight zones of constant
widthA?a??? ?o?a?a?, ??o ???????? ? ??????????e
???????e? ?o???o ? ?p???x ?o?ax ????????o?.
- Future work will incorporate the non-linear
source term into the heat transfer?y?y?a? pa?o?a
pacc?o?p?? ?????e??e ?e???e??o?o ????????o?o?o
??e?a ? ?ac?e?. ????????????? - Thermally-induced stress analysis calculations
will also be performed?y?y? ???o??e?? ?a??e ?
?ac?e?? ?ep???ec??x ?a?p??e???
- Project resulted from an exchange program of 5th
year students from LInstitut Catholique dArts
et Métiers (France). It is a contribution
towards an NRC/NSERC/Industry joint research
project with Concordia University and Armstrong
Monitoring Corporation - We should like to thank the following individuals
for their assistance in the work David Cheeke,
Leslie Landsberger, Oleg Grudin, Radu Marinescu
(Concordia), Don Singleton, Simon Fafard,
Dongfang Yang, Ron Jerome (NRC)