Title: Foreign Aid
1Foreign Aid
- Democracy, Governance and the Moral Ambiguities
of Foreign Aid
2The International Donor Regime
- Private Foundations vs. Government Donors
- Official Development Assistance (ODA)
- Bilateral Donors vs. Multilateral Assistance
3Multilateral Organizations
- United Nations Development Programmme
- UN Specialized Agencies
5UN System Two Types
- Funds and Programs- Report to Economic and Social
Development Council - Specialized Agencies- Autonomous Boards
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7Basic Characteristics UN System
- Made up of components of all National Systems
- Representative Voting Reflects LDC majority
- Critics Anarchy
- Significant Patronage and Corruption
8The World Bank System
- International Monetary Fund Bridging Loan
Facility - International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development- Infrastructure - International Development Association-
Consessional - International Finance Corporation Commercial
9Bank Headquarters- Washington D.C.
10Characteristics of World Bank System
- Block Voting
- Dominated by Organization for Economic
Construction and Development (OECD) - Debt Forgiveness Issue
- Structural Adjustment Vehicle
- Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Programs
11Regional Banks
- Asian Development Bank
- African Development Bank
- Inter-American Development Bank
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
12U.S. Agencies
- U.S. Agency for International Development
- Millennium Challenge Corporation
- Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
- State Department of Public Affairs
- U.S. Agencies Agriculture, Commerce, Labor
- Defense Department (20 in 2008)
14Commonwealth Legacy
- Colonial Development Corporation 1929
- Colombo Plan 1955-1964
- Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation
- Department for International Development (DFID)
15U.K. Foreign Aid
16Commonwealth Donors
- Canadian International Development Corporation
(CIDA)- Bridges French and English Speaking
Countries - Australia- Ausaid (Focus on Asia)
- New Zealand Aid
17Countries that are both Donors and Recipients
- India
- China
- South Africa
- Brazil
- Portugal
18European Colonial Legacy
- Ministry for Cooperation, Development and
Francophony - GTZ- German Technical Assistance and German
Department of Cooperation and Development - Dutch, Italian and Belgium Technical Assistance
19Scandinavia Soft Donors
- SIDA- Swedish International Development
Association - DANIDA- Danish International Development
Association - NORAD- Norwegian Agency for Development
Coorporation - FINNAID-Finnish foreign aid and cooperation
20Danish International Development Agency
21Role of Soviet Block
- Soviet Union- 1950s. About 8 of World Foreign
Aid - 1970s and 1980s- Support for Liberation
Movements and Clients - 1990s to Present- Became Recipients of Foreign Aid
22The Donor System
- Soft Vs. Hard Systems
- Trade vs. Aid
- Debt Reduction/Debt Forgiveness
- Governance Reform vs. Interference
- Information Technology
- Multilateralism vs. Unilateralism
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24Goals 2006
- Ostensibly, the goals of foreign aid in 2006
remain what they were more than half a century
ago. - However, Issues and Perceptions have changed and
are Changing
25Changes in Focus
- The Change- 1
- Reduction of Poverty
26Reduction of Poverty
- Recognized empirically by academic studies
- Argued against ideologically by Anti-Keynesian
Economists - Reflected in State Department Changes
- Poverty Alleviation Downgraded by 2001
27Change -2 The Merging of USAID and State
28The Merging of USAID and State
- 1. Rice Announcement- Gradual process
Integrating USAID into State Department - 2. Merge defense and foreign aid (Security
Imperative) - 3. Focus on regime change, governance and
security issues - 4. Decline in focus on economic and social
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- Debate Should USAID Disappear? Three influences
- Impact of September 11
- Millenium Challenge Account
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32The Change- 3
33Three Views of Foreign Aid
- 1. Part of Balance of Power- Carrot and Stick
Approach (based on exchange Theory) - 2. Commercial Promotion Focus on
International Trade - 3. Humanitarian Theory Moral Imperative
(Missionary Factor) - Mini-Discussion Where are we now?
34Change Four
- The Relationship between
- Academics and Practitioners
- Increasing Gap between Academics and
Practitioners - Fewer Academics are practitioners, fewer
practitioners write - Issue Should academics also be practitioners?
- 1950s- Very close
- 1960s-70s- Split because of Vietnam
- 1980s- Close Again- Structural Adjustment
- University of Pittsburgh.
- Graduate School of Public and Internationa
Affairs. - International Management Development Institute
- 1990s and esp. since 2001 Split again
- After 2001- Deep Cleavage
- Increasing Gap between Academics and
Practitioners - Fewer Academics are practitioners, fewer
practitioners write - Focus For Profits Non-Profits
37Change Five Dominant Motive (After 2001)
- Carrot and Stick Approach- Based on Exchange
Theory - Back to Balance of Power
- Primary focus U.S. Security
38Cartoon In UAE News Paper On "America And Its
Carrot And Stick Policy Towards Israel"
40Foreign Aid and Technical Assistance-2006
- Back to the future
- Get the LDC economy back to the 1950s
- Integration Dependent development
- Is it dependent and is it development?
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42Foreign Aid and Technical Assistance-2006
- Current bias to international trade
- Governance and Nation Building
- Merging of international assistance and security
43Dr. Ed Connerley, USAID, Meeting Civil Society
Representatives in Afghanistan
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45Foreign Aid and Technical Assistance- 2006 Issues
- Impact of culture vs. Universal Values
- Corruption, clan and ethnicity
- Clans in Somalia and taxi drivers in Washington
- Impact of Intellectual systems and ideologies
influences and beliefs- Economic and Religious - Projects and Standard Operating Procedures
46Historical Quote
- With Gods help, we will lift Shanghai up and
up, ever up, until it is just like Kansas
City.i - i American Missionary quoted byJohn Franklin
Campbell, The Foreign Affairs Fudge Factory (New
York Basic Books, 1971), p. 178.
47Discussion of Books
- Hancock, Lords of Poverty
- Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
- Major Arguments
- Normative Positions
- Criticism
48Where are We now?
- Should we focus on the Good
- How Fair are our authors?
- Are we missing something in our reading and
discussion? - What is the reality of Foreign Aid in 2006