The Early National Period - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Early National Period


The Early National Period 1789-1824 The First President, George Washington He was a Virginian (surveyor, farmer, soldier) Lieutenant colonel in the French & Indian ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Early National Period

The Early National Period
  • 1789-1824

The First President, George Washington
  • He was a Virginian (surveyor, farmer, soldier)
  • Lieutenant colonel in the French Indian War
  • Commander in Chief of the Continental Army
  • VA delegate to the Continental Congress, and
    Constitutional Convention

  • George Washington was the countrys first
    president. He created a Cabinet of advisors to
    assist with the executive decision making.

Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of War
Attorney General
Secretary of State
During the Washington Administration
  • Alexander Hamilton proposed a financial plan that
    would create a National Bank. He felt this was
    necessary for the US to effectively manage its
    revenue and expenditures.
  • The Federal government would also assume the
    debts of each state from the Revolutionary War.

Jays Treaty
  • Designed to resolve issues left over from the
    Treaty of Paris of 1783 including
  • withdrawal of units of the British Army from
  • wartime debts
  • arbitration over the the American Canadian
  • trade rights with British colonies
  • Jeffersons Anti-Federalist party HATED this
    treaty, fearing it would strengthen the
  • It did secured peace for 10 years, removed the
    British from forts in the US, and gave the
    British most favored nation status
  • BUT.the French were very MAD!

Washington issued a Neutrality Proclamation in
1793 which he restated in his Farewell Address in
1796. In it he warned against joining into
entangling alliances with European powers, giving
the new nation time to stabilize, and avoid
creating political parties.
Which Party will win?
  • The Democratic-Republicans, led by Thomas
    Jefferson and James Madison. believed in a weak
    national government and an agricultural economy.
    They were supported by farmers, artisans, and
    frontier settlers in the South.
  • The Federalists, led by John Adams and Alexander
    Hamilton, typically believed in a strong national
    government and commercial economy. They were
    supported by bankers and business interests in
    the Northeast. They supported protective tariffs
    to encourage industrial growth in the US.

The Second President, John Adams
  • Adams was a highly educated man serving as an
    attorney, diplomat and statesman from
  • He was a member of the Federalist party who
    believed in a strong central government.
  • He supported the Bank of the United States
    created during Washingtons administration.

During the Adams Administration
  • He was responsible for the passage of the Alien
    and Sedition Acts which made it illegal to
    criticize the president or the federal
    government. It was determined that these laws
    violated the First Amendment to the Constitution.
  • He also exercises his executiveduties when
    appointing JohnMarshall to the US Supreme Court.
    Marshall is a federalist who changed the way
    the court participated in the system of
    checksand balances.

The States React to the Alien and Sedition Acts!
  • The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions 1798-1799
  • States had the right and the duty to declare
    unconstitutional any acts of Congress that were
    not authorized by the Constitution.
  • Written by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

The XYZ Affair and the Quasi-war
  • The French, who have just finished their own
    Revolution, were intercepting US ships bound for
    Great Britian as they were mad at the terms of
    Jays treaty!
  • When US statesmen arrived to negotiate the French
    had three agents named X, Y, and Z demand
    concessions (bribes) in exchange for diplomatic
  • And so..Quasi-War begins.
  • There is no formal declaration of war, but both
    the French and Americans seize the other nations
  • Hostilities finally end with the Convention of
    1800, and the US starts building a navy for
    future situations!.

The Third President, Thomas Jefferson
  • Jefferson was also a Virginian!
  • A very educated planter, writer, and statesman.
  • Rememberhe was the primary writer of the
    Declaration of Independence!
  • The election of 1800 was the first American
    presidential election in which power was
    peacefully transferred from one party to
    another.from the Federalists to the newly formed
    Democratic Republicans.
  • Jefferson called it the Revolution of 1800.

12th Amendment to the Constitution
  • Provides the procedure for electing the President
    and Vice President.
  • It was needed to fix problems that had occurred
    during the 1796 and 1800 elections
  • Note unlike today, President and Vice President
    ran separately.
  • Also, before this amendment, it was possible that
    the president and vice president were from
    opposing political parties! Not fun!!!
  • Proposed on Dec. 9, 1803, and ratified by June
    15, 1804

The Louisiana Territory was purchase from France!
During the Jefferson Administration
When Jefferson purchased the huge Louisiana
Territory in 1803 it doubled the size of the
United States.
Jefferson assembled the Corps of Discovery to
examine his new purchase!
  • He authorized the Lewis and Clark expedition to
    explore the new territories that lay west of the
    Mississippi River. Sacajawea, a Shoshone Indian
    woman, served as their guide and translator.

John Marshall and the Supreme CourtPart I
In 1803, the Supreme Court case Marbury v.
Madison, creates a new power for the Court
Judicial Review.
The Embargo Act of 1807
  • In an effort to prevent a war with Great Britain,
    the Embargo Act of 1807 was passed by president
    Thomas Jefferson and later added to in the
    Non-intercourse Acts by James Madison.
  • The Acts restricted American ships from engaging
    in foreign trade, particularly with the British.
  • It was meant to punish Britain for its violation
    of American rights on the high seas, specifically
    with the seizure of 6,000 American sailors who
    were forced to work for the British navy.
  • Unfortunately, it simply hurt the USeconomy as
    shipping was a greatsource of income!

The Fourth President, James Madison
Madison inherited the tense situation between the
United States, Great Britain, and France.
Washington, Adams, and Jefferson had all barely
avoided war with one of these great nations.
Federalists opposed Madisons war resolution,
talked of secession, and proposed constitutional
amendments, which were not acted upon. By 1812,
this was no longer possible and the US declared
war on Great Britain.
The War of 1812, aka - The Second War for
  • There were several causes of the war
  • The British had a policy of intercepting US ships
    that were trading with France
  • The British impressments of American sailors
  • The British encouraged Native Americans on the
    frontier to fight against USsettlers.
  • American Western Expansionism
  • War hawks (Congressmen from the South and West)
    strongly pushed for war with the British!

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During the war, Francis Scott Key was inspired by
flag he saw waving over Ft. McHenry in Baltimore,
so he wrote a poem. that poem eventually
became our national anthem!
Treaty of Ghent, 1814
  • The last battle of the War of 1812 was the Battle
    of New Orleans where General Andrew Jackson was
    victorious. He became a national hero as a
    result (and a future president!).

This war resulted in the British finally
evacuating their forts in American territory. It
also produced an American claim to the Oregon
Territory and increased migration into Florida.
Madisons Treaties and Territorial Gains
  • The Convention of 1818 allowed for joint
    occupation of the Oregon Territory by the US and
    Great Britain.
  • The Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 added Florida to
    the US. It also set the western border of the
    Louisiana Territory.

John Marshall and the Supreme CourtPart II
In the 1819 case of McCulloch v. Maryland,
Marshall reaffirmed the doctrine of implied
powers by reinforcing the right of the Congress
to create and maintain a National Bank.
This new power made the Court an equal partner in
the Federal government.
John Marshall and the Supreme CourtPart III
In the 1823 case of Gibbons v. Ogden, Marshall
reaffirmed the power of the Federal government as
the lone regulator of interstate trade.
The Fifth President, James Monroe
  • James Monroe was the last of the Revolutionary
    era presidents and the fourth of the Virginia
  • His presidency is often referred to as The Era
    of Good Feelings as there was only one political
    party, the Democratic Republicans, and very
    little conflict or controversy.

The Monroe Doctrine, 1823
  • The American continents should not be considered
    for future colonization by any European powers.
  • Nations in the Western Hemisphere were inherently
    different from those of Europei.e., they were
    republics by nature rather than monarchies.
  • The United States would regard as a threat to her
    own peace and safety any attempt by European
    powers to impose their system on any independent
    state in the Western Hemisphere.
  • The United States would not interfere in European

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