Corn Facts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Corn Facts


Corn Facts Created by Karen Bazan 2nd grade teacher Corn clips and pics Types of Corn Scientists think that the ancestry of corn in the Americas dates back to 10,000 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Corn Facts

Corn Facts
  • Created by
  • Karen Bazan
  • 2nd grade teacher

Corn clips and pics
Types of Corn
  • Scientists think that the ancestry of corn in the
    Americas dates back to 10,000 years ago, and that
    it is closely related to a wild grass called
    teosinte. Corn was introduced to Spain by
    Columbus. The Spanish called it Panizo, which
    means grain in Spanish.
  • What kinds of corn are there?
  • Flint cornFlint corn is very hard and gets its
    name from flint, a hard type of stone. The colors
    of flint corn range from white to red. (Flint
    corn is also known as Indian corn.) Flint corn is
    commonly used for industrial purposes and
    livestock feed. Today, flint corn is widely grown
    in Asia, Europe, and Central and South America.
  • Popcorn Popcorn is a special type of flint corn
    with hard, small kernels. The natural moisture
    inside the kernels turns to steam when heated,
    but the outer coat of the kernel is so hard that
    the moisture is trapped. This causes the steam to
    build up pressure until the kernel explodes. The
    wild ancestor of corn is believed to have been a
    type of popcorn. Today, the United States is
    responsible for producing almost all of the
    world's popcorn.
  • Dent cornDent corn is softer than flint corn. It
    has a dent in each kernel. Most kernels are
    yellow or white. It is commonly grown in North
    America and often used as livestock feed. It is
    also used to make many processed foods.
  • Flour cornFlour corn has a very soft starchy
    kernel. It is easily ground and is used in baked
    goods. Flour and Flint corn were the chief types
    of corn raised by Native Americans. Today, it is
    used mostly for food by the people who grow it.
    It is one of the oldest kinds of corn.
  • Sweet cornSweet corn has more natural sugar than
    other types of corn. Today, it is eaten on the
    cob or it is stored frozen or canned. Most Native
    American tribes didn't grow sweet corn because
    they didn't like the sweet taste.
  • Pod cornPod corn is thought to have been the
    first type of corn grown. Each kernel grows in
    its own husk, so it is difficult to use without
    incorporating a lot of labor. It is raised today
    for scientific research.

Did you know?
  • Corn provides nearly 20 of the world's food
  • Corn is grown in Africa more widely than any
    other crop.
  • The United States grows 45 of the world's corn,
    much of which is processed into animal feed.
  • A bushel of corn yields 2.5 gallons of ethanol a
    renewable fuel used instead of lead to raise
    gasoline octane levels.
  • More than 2000 supermarket products are sweetened
    with corn syrup, more than are sweetened with
    refined sugars.
  • Corn farming was probably introduced to Africa to
    supply cheap food for slave ships. Ironically,
    while Africa was losing people to slavery, the
    addition of corn to the African diet helped to
    fuel a population increase. Corn, which was easy
    to cultivate and grew rapidly, became a staple
    crop in many parts of Africa. Today, in east
    Africa, for example, corn is eaten at nearly
    every meal.
  • An ear of corn averages 800 kernels in 16 rows.
  • Corn is produced in every continent of the world
    except Antarctica.

Why is Corn Important?
  • As a crop, corn dominates American agriculture,
    with production more than double that of any
    other. Corn is planted on roughly 70-80 million
    US acres annually, with an annual production of
    about 9 billion bushels and a value of 30 billion
    dollars (production and value vary from year to
    year). The humble kernel of corn finds its way
    into your life as edible and inedible products,
    including rubber, plastics, fuel, clothing, food
    additives and adjuncts, and literally thousands
    of other forms. Corn is also our chief crop
    export, with total bushels exported in excess of
    total bushels used domestically for food, seed,
    and industrial purposes. Over half of the crop,
    however, ends up as feed for domestic livestock.
  • Corn production is measured in bushels, a term
    that equates to a quantity equal to 56 pounds of
    shelled grain (removed from the cob). A single
    bushel of corn contains roughly 73,000 kernels,
    each of which can produce a plant bearing one or
    more ears, each of which in turn can produce
    roughly 800 new kernels. Each year, United States
    farms harvest many hundreds of trillions of
    kernels, to be used as food for humans and
    animals, to produce raw materials for
    manufacturing other goods, and for export.

More Types of Corn
  • DENT corn, the scientific name of which is Zea
    mays indentata, is also called "field" corn. It
    is a corn variety with kernels that contain both
    hard and soft starch and become indented at
    maturity. It is a major crop used to make food,
    animal feed, and industrial products.
  • FLINT corn, known by the scientific name Zea mays
    indurata, is a variety of corn having hard,
    horny, rounded or short and flat kernels with the
    soft and starchy endosperm completely enclosed by
    a hard outer layer. It is similar to dent and is
    used for the same purposes. Most of it is grown
    in South America.
  • WAXY corn is a corn variety with grains that have
    a waxy appearance when cut, and that contain only
    branched-chain starch. It is grown to make
    special starches for thickening foods.
  • SWEET or "green" corn is eaten fresh, canned, or
    frozen. It is a type of corn that is grown in
    many horticultural varities. It is variously
    considered a distinct species (Zea saccharata or
    Zea rugosa), a subspecies (Zea mays rugosa) or a
    specific mutation of dent corn. It is
    distinguished by kernels containing a high
    percentage of sugar in the milk stage when they
    are suitable for table use.
  • POPCORN is a variety of corn, Zea mays everta,
    which has small ears and small pointed or rounded
    kernels with very hard corneous endosperm that,
    on exposure to dry heat, are popped or everted by
    the expulsion of the contained moisture, and form
    a white starchy mass many times the size of the
    original kernel.
  • INDIAN corn has white, red, purple, brown, or
    multicolored kernels. It was the original corn
    grown by the Indians, and is known by the
    scientific name Zea mays. It is many times seen
    in harvest time and Halloween decorations.
  • FLOUR corn, also called "soft" corn or "squaw"
    corn, has kernels shaped like those of flint corn
    and composed almost entirely of soft starch. It
    is known by the scientific name Zea mays
    amylacea. In this country we grow small amounts
    of blue flour corn to make tortillas, chips, and
    baked goods. In South America this corn is grown
    in various colors to make food and beer.
  • This information provided by the Ohio Corn
    Marketing Program

Pictures of Dent Corn
Flint Corn
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