Title: Development of Compound Steam Turbines for Industrial Applications
1Development of Compound Steam Turbines for
Industrial Applications
- P M V Subbarao
- Professor
- Mechanical Engineering Department
Fluid Dynamic Solutions to Techno-economical
2Classification of Steam Turbines
3From Books of Sir Charles Parson
- In 1884 or four years previously, I dealt with
the turbine problem in a different way. - It seemed to me that moderate surface velocities
and speeds of rotation were essential if the
turbine motor was to receive general acceptance
as a prime mover. - I therefore decided to split up the fall in
pressure of the steam into small fractional
expansions over a large number of turbines in
series, so that the velocity of the steam nowhere
should be great. - A moderate speed of turbine suffices for the
highest economy.
4- This principle of compounding turbines in series
is now universally used in all except very small
engines, where economy in steam is of secondary
importance. - The arrangement of small falls in pressure at
each turbine also appeared to me to be surer to
give a high efficiency. - The steam flowed practically in a non-expansive
manner through each individual turbine, and
consequently in an analogous way to water in
hydraulic turbines whose high efficiency at that
date had been proved by accurate tests.
5Impulse Vs Parson (50 Reaction)
Fixed blade row accelerates the steam
Fixed blade row accelerates the steam
Moving blade row changes both the speed and direction of the steam
Moving blade row changes only the direction of the steam
Force comes from rate of change of momentum
Force comes from rate of change of momentum
6The Reaction (Parsons) Stage
Va0Va2 Fixed blades expand steam from Va2 to Va1 using a blades whose angle vary from b1 to b2.
Assuming that the gap between stator and rotor
doesnt alter the flow conditions. ?!?....
Also in a 50 reaction stage, the moving blades
are a mirror image of the fixed blades,
7The thermodynamics of 50 Reaction SSSF
8The Fluid Dynamics of 50 Reaction
9Theory of Parsons Blading
Va1 Vr2 a1 ß2
10Strength of Blading
For an ideal Impulse Blade
For an ideal Parson Blade
11Blade Power
Ideal Impulse Stage
Ideal Parson Stage
12Blade Efficiency
Available power in Impulse Stage
Available power in 50 Reaction stage
13Stage Efficiency
Impulse Stage
50 Reaction stage
14Maximum Efficiency of Impulse Blade
15Maximum Efficiency of Parson Blade
16Blade Power at Maximum Efficiency COnditions
Ideal Impulse Stage
Ideal Parson Stage
17Moderate Capacity of Parson Same Blade Velocity
So at optimum U/Va1, an impulse stage produces TWICE the power of a 50 reaction stage for same blade speed!
This means that an impulse turbine requires only half the number of stages as a 50 reaction turbine for a given application!
This fact has a major impact on the construction of the turbine
It is also responsible for some of the greatest miss understandings, since people assume that this means that impulse blading is cheaper overall - this is NOT true!
Impulse turbines have fewer stages, but they must use a different form of construction which is expensive