Title: Statistical Core Didactic
1Statistical Core Didactic
- Introduction to
- Biostatistics
- Donald E. Mercante, PhD
2Randomized Experimental Designs
3Randomized Experimental Designs
- Three Design Principles
- 1. Replication
- 2. Randomization
- 3. Blocking
4Randomized Experimental Designs
- 1. Replication
- Allows estimation of experimental error, against
which, differences in trts are judged.
5Randomized Experimental Designs
- Replication
- Allows estimation of exptl error, against which,
differences in trts are judged. - Experimental Error
- Measure of random variability.
- Inherent variability between subjects treated
6Randomized Experimental Designs
- If you dont replicate . . .
- . . . You cant estimate!
7Randomized Experimental Designs
- To ensure the validity of our estimates of
exptl error and treatment effects we rely on ...
8Randomized Experimental Designs
9Randomized Experimental Designs
- 2. Randomization
- leads to unbiased estimates of
- treatment effects
10Randomized Experimental Designs
- Randomization
- leads to unbiased estimates of
- treatment effects
- i.e., estimates free from systematic differences
due to uncontrolled variables
11Randomized Experimental Designs
- Without randomization, we may need to adjust
analysis by - stratifying
- covariate adjustment
12Randomized Experimental Designs
- 3. Blocking
- Arranging subjects into similar groups to
- account for systematic differences
13Randomized Experimental Designs
- Blocking
- Arranging subjects into similar groups (i.e.,
blocks) to account for systematic differences - - e.g., clinic site, gender, or age.
14Randomized Experimental Designs
- Blocking
- leads to increased sensitivity of statistical
tests by reducing exptl error.
15Randomized Experimental Designs
- Blocking
- Result More powerful statistical test
16Randomized Experimental Designs
- Summary
- Replication allows us to estimate Exptl Error
- Randomization ensures unbiased estimates of
treatment effects - Blocking increases power of statistical tests
17Randomized Experimental Designs
- Three Aspects of Any Statistical Design
- Treatment Design
- Sampling Design
- Error Control Design
18Randomized Experimental Designs
- 1. Treatment Design
- How many factors
- How many levels per factor
- Range of the levels
- Qualitative vs quantitative factors
19Randomized Experimental Designs
- One Factor Design Examples
- Comparison of multiple bonding agents
- Comparison of dental implant techniques
- Comparing various dose levels to achieve numbness
20Randomized Experimental Designs
- Multi-Factor Design Examples
- Factorial or crossed effects
- Bonding agent and restorative compound
- Type of perio procedure and dose of antibiotic
- Nested or hierarchical effects
- Surface disinfection procedures within clinic type
21Randomized Experimental Designs
- 2. Sampling or Observation Design
- Is observational unit experimental unit ?
- or,
- is there subsampling of EU ?
22Randomized Experimental Designs
- Sampling or Observation Design
- For example,
- Is one measurement taken per mouth, or are
multiple sites measured? - Is one blood pressure reading obtained or are
multiple blood pressure readings taken?
23Randomized Experimental Designs
- 3. Error Control Design
- concerned with actual arrangement of the exptl
units - How treatments are assigned to eus
24Randomized Experimental Designs
- 3. Error Control Design
- Goal Decrease experimental error
25Randomized Experimental Designs
- 3. Error Control Design
- Examples
- CRD Completely Randomized Design
- RCB Randomized Complete Block Design
- Split-mouth designs (whole incomplete block)
- Cross-Over Design
26Inferential Statistics
- Hypothesis Testing
- Confidence Intervals
27Hypothesis Testing
- Start with a research question
- Translate this into a testable hypothesis
28Hypothesis Testing
- Specifying hypotheses
- H0 null or no effect hypothesis
- H1 research or alternative hypothesis
- Note Only the null is tested.
29Errors in Hypothesis Testing
- When testing hypotheses, the chance of making a
mistake always exists. - Two kinds of errors can be made
- Type I Error
- Type II Error
30Errors in Hypothesis Testing
Reality ? ? Decision H0 True H0 False
Fail to Reject H0 ? Type II (?)
Reject H0 Type I (?) ?
31Errors in Hypothesis Testing
- Type I Error
- Rejecting a true null hypothesis
- Type II Error
- Failing to reject a false null hypothesis
32Errors in Hypothesis Testing
- Type I Error
- Experimenter controls or explicitly sets this
error rate - ? - Type II Error
- We have no direct control over this error rate - ?
33Randomized Experimental Designs
- When constructing an hypothesis
- Since you have direct control over Type I error
rate, put what you think is likely to happen in
the alternative. - Then, you are more likely to reject H0, since
you know the risk level (?).
34Errors in Hypothesis Testing
- Goal of Hypothesis Testing
- Simultaneously minimize chance of making either
35Errors in Hypothesis TestingIndirect Control of ß
- Power
- Ability to detect a false null hypothesis
- POWER 1 - ?
36Steps in Hypothesis Testing
- General framework
- Specify null alternative hypotheses
- Specify test statistic and ?-level
- State rejection rule (RR)
- Compute test statistic and compare to RR
- State conclusion
37Steps in Hypothesis Testing
- test statistic
- Summary of sample evidence relevant to
determining whether the null or the alternative
hypothesis is more likely true.
38Steps in Hypothesis Testing
- test statistic
- When testing hypotheses about means, test
statistics usually take the form of a standardize
difference between the sample and hypothesized
39Steps in Hypothesis Testing
- test statistic
- For example, if our hypothesis is
- Test statistic might be
40Steps in Hypothesis Testing
- Rejection Rule (RR)
- Rule to base an Accept or Reject null
hypothesis decision. - For example,
- Reject H0 if t gt 95th percentile of
41Hypothesis Testing
- P-values
- Probability of obtaining a result (i.e., test
statistic) at least as extreme as that observed,
given the null is true.
42Hypothesis Testing
- P-values
- Probability of obtaining a result at least as
extreme given the null is true. - P-values are probabilities
- 0 lt p lt 1 lt-- valid range
- Computed from distribution of the test
43Hypothesis Testing
- P-values
- Generally, plt0.05 considered significant
44Hypothesis Testing
45Hypothesis Testing
- Example
- Suppose we wish to study the effect on blood
pressure of an exercise regimen consisting of
walking 30 minutes twice a day. - Let the outcome of interest be resting systolic
BP. - Our research hypothesis is that following the
exercise regimen will result in a reduction of
systolic BP.
46Hypothesis Testing
- Study Design 1 Take baseline SBP (before
treatment) and at the end of the therapy period. - Primary analysis variable difference in SBP
between the baseline and final measurements. -
47Hypothesis Testing
- Null Hypothesis
- The mean change in SBP (pre post) is equal to
zero. - Alternative Hypothesis
- The mean change in SBP (pre post) is
different from zero. -
48Hypothesis Testing
- Test Statistic
- The mean change in SBP (pre post) divided by
the standard error of the differences.
49Hypothesis Testing
- Study Design 2 Randomly assign patients to
control and experimental treatments. Take
baseline SBP (before treatment) and at the end of
the therapy period (post-treatment). - Primary analysis variable difference in SBP
between the baseline and final measurements in
each group. -
50Hypothesis Testing
- Null Hypothesis
- The mean change in SBP (pre post) is equal in
both groups. - Alternative Hypothesis
- The mean change in SBP (pre post) is
different between the groups. -
51Hypothesis Testing
- Test Statistic
- The difference in mean change in SBP (pre
post) between the two groups divided by the
standard error of the differences.
52Interval Estimation
- Statistics such as the sample mean, median, and
variance are called - point estimates
- -vary from sample to sample
- -do not incorporate precision
53Interval Estimation
- Take as an example the sample mean
- X gt ?
- (popn mean)
- Or the sample variance
- S2 gt ?2
- (popn variance)
54Interval Estimation
- Recall, a one-sample t-test on the population
mean. The test statistic was - This can be rewritten to yield
55Interval Estimation
Confidence Interval for ?
The basic form of most CI Estimate
Multiple of Std Error of the Estimate
56Interval Estimation
- Example Standing SBP
- Mean 140.8, S.D. 9.5, N 12
- 95 CI for ?
- 140.8 2.201 (9.5/sqrt(12))
- 140.8 6.036
- (134.8, 146.8)