Title: Easy Come, Easy Go
1- Easy Come, Easy Go
- Love Your Money
- Jayne McBurney
- Family Consumer Sciences Agent
- Jayne_mcburney_at_ncsu.edu
- http//johnston.ces.ncsu.edu/
2Buying Power
- Young Adults spend....
- 3 billion on entertainment
- More than 11 BILLION on snacks and beverages
- 5 billion a year on clothes and shoes
- 4 billion on personal care
- (Alloy Media Marketing and Harris Interactive,
Created by Jayne McBurney, Family Consumer
Sciences Agent, Johnston County Center, 2736 NC
210 Highway Smithfield, NC 27577
3and...media junkies
- Laptop 57 Cell phones 88
- 94 age 18-29 use the Internet
- (http//pewinternet.org/Reports/2012
/Digital-differences.aspx )
- Price
- Product
- Placement
- Promotion
5Price Product
- Different models for different stores
- TVs, clothing, appliances
- Martha Stewart, Martha Stewart,
- Martha Stewart
6Placement Promotion
7Why we Buy...
- Blend in/Stand out
- Brand Personality
- Fashion Knowledge
- Value Seeking/Investment
- Comfort of brands safe purchase
- Noble, S., Hayatko, D., Phillips, J. What drives
college-age Generation Y consumers? Journal of
Business Research 62(2009) 617-628 -
8Avoid Impulse Buying( buying without intention,
spontaneous, immediate)
- Do I need it?
- Have I compared prices?
- Can I get is cheaper BOGO,coupons
- Cost of gas to get there
- Know what you CAN spend
Created by Jayne McBurney, Family Consumer
Sciences Agent, Johnston County Center, 2736 NC
210 Highway Smithfield, NC 27577
9How to Avoid Retail Therapy
- 1. LIST
- 2. Eat first
- 3. Shop alone
- 4. Time limit
- 5. CASH
- 6. No Drama!
1030 day List....anything over 100
- Most people dont
- plan to fail
- they simply
- fail to plan.
Created by Jayne McBurney, Family Consumer
Sciences Agent, Johnston County Center, 2736 NC
210 Highway Smithfield, NC 27577
- Set aside for fixed expenses
- Car - payment, gas, insurance
- Rent/Mortgage
- School costs
- Savingsa little bit adds up
- Envelopes for flexible expenses
- Food
- Entertainment
- Clothing
12Plan Expenditures
- Make a decision
- buy shoes vs. concert tickets
- How much are each?
- Can you get both?
- Comparison Shop!!!!!!!
Created by Jayne McBurney, Family Consumer
Sciences Agent, Johnston County Center, 2736 NC
210 Highway Smithfield, NC 27577
13Cool outfit
- Shorts
- Graphic Tee
- Flats
- Mall Store
- 36.50
- 19.50
- 32.50
- 177
Created by Jayne McBurney, Family Consumer
Sciences Agent, Johnston County Center, 2736 NC
210 Highway Smithfield, NC 27577
14The 3 Rs
- Reality.. is limited
- Responsibilitysave it or blow it
- Restraintdelayed gratification
Created by Jayne McBurney, Family Consumer
Sciences Agent, Johnston County Center, 2736 NC
210 Highway Smithfield, NC 27577
15Helpful Websites
- groupon.com
- twongo.com
- LivingSocial.com
- SouthernSavers.com
Created by Jayne McBurney, Family Consumer
Sciences Agent, Johnston County Center, 2736 NC
210 Highway Smithfield, NC 27577