Radiation Standards Organizations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Radiation Standards Organizations


(ICRP) International Commission on Radiological Protection . www.icrp.org. The ICRP is an international consensus standards organization that develops recommendations ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Radiation Standards Organizations

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Radiation Standards Organizations
  • National Council on Radiation Protection and
  • www.ncrponline.org
  • The NCRP is a national consensus standards
    organization that is comprised of the top
    scientists across the United States who meet and
    develop recommendations that should be practiced
    by those who use radiation.
  • The NCRP Web site states its objectives as the
  • to collect, analyze, develop and disseminate in
    the public interest information and
    recommendations about (a) protection against
    radiation (referred to herein as radiation
    protection) and (b) radiation measurements,
    quantities and units, particularly those
    concerned with radiation protection
  • to provide a means by which organizations
    concerned with the scientific and related aspects
    of radiation protection and of radiation
    quantities, units and measurements may cooperate
    for effective utilization of their combined
    resources, and to stimulate the work of such
  • to develop basic concepts about radiation
    quantities, units and measurements, about the
    application of these concepts, and about
    radiation protection
  • to cooperate with the International Commission on
    Radiological Protection, the Federal Radiation
    Council, the International Commission on
    Radiation Units and Measurements, and other
    national and international organizations,
    governmental and private, concerned with
    radiation quantities, units and measurements and
    with radiation protection.

  • International Commission on Radiological
  • www.icrp.org
  • The ICRP is an international consensus standards
    organization that develops recommendations and
    guidance on radiation protection for societal
    benefits. ICRPs radiation protection
    recommendations are often used by organizations
    and regulators to update their operating
    procedures and rules.

  • International Atomic Energy Agency - www.iaea.org
  • The IAEA, in conjunction with various countries,
    promotes safe, secure, and peaceful nuclear
    technologies. According to the objectives found
    on the IAEA Web site
  • The Agency is authorized
  • To encourage and assist research on, and
    development and practical application of, atomic
    energy for peaceful uses throughout the world
    and, if requested to do so, to act as an
    intermediary for the purposes of securing the
    performance of services or the supplying of
    materials, equipment, or facilities by one member
    of the Agency for another and to perform any
    operation or service useful in research on, or
    development or practical application of, atomic
    energy for peaceful purposes
  • To make provision, in accordance with this
    Statute, for materials, services, equipment, and
    facilities to meet the needs of research on, and
    development and practical application of, atomic
    energy for peaceful purposes, including the
    production of electric power, with due
    consideration for the needs of the
    under-developed areas of the world
  • To foster the exchange of scientific and
    technical information on peaceful uses of atomic
  • To encourage the exchange of training of
    scientists and experts in the field of peaceful
    uses of atomic energy
  • To establish and administer safeguards designed
    to ensure that special fissionable and other
    materials, services, equipment, facilities, and
    information made available by the Agency or at
    its request or under its supervision or control
    are not used in such a way as to further any
    military purpose and to apply safeguards, at the
    request of the parties, to any bilateral or
    multilateral arrangement, or at the request of a
    State, to any of that States activities in the
    field of atomic energy
  • To establish or adopt, in consultation and, where
    appropriate, in collaboration with the competent
    organs of the United Nations and with the
    specialized agencies concerned, standards of
    safety for protection of health and minimization
    of danger to life and property (including such
    standards for labor conditions), and to provide
    for the application of these standards to its own
    operation as well as to the operations making use
    of materials, services, equipment, facilities,
    and information made available by the Agency or
    at its request or under its control or
    supervision and to provide for the application
    of these standards, at the request of the
    parties, to operations under any bilateral or
    multilateral arrangements, or, at the request of
    a State, to any of that States activities in the
    field of atomic energy
  • To acquire or establish any facilities, plant and
    equipment useful in carrying out its authorized
    functions, whenever the facilities, plant, and
    equipment otherwise available to it in the area
    concerned are inadequate or available only on
    terms it deems unsatisfactory.

  • United Kingdom Health Protection Agency -
  • The Health Protection Agency's Radiation
    Protection Division (formerly the National
    Radiation Protection Board) conducts research on
    radiation protection and risk, provides training
    courses, acts as consultant and advisor in the
    United Kingdom, and offers laboratory and
    technical services.

  • Conference of Radiation Control Program
    Directors) - www.crcpd.org
  • CRCPD is a nongovernmental organization composed
    of all state radiation control program directors
    (not just Agreement States as just discussed in
    the OAS section). The purpose of CRCPD, according
    to its Web site is to
  • promote radiological health in all aspects and
  • encourage and promote cooperative enforcement
    programs with Federal agencies and between
    related enforcement agencies within each State
  • encourage the interchange of experience among
    radiation control programs
  • collect and make accessible to the membership of
    the CRCPD such information and data as might be
    of assistance to them in the proper fulfillment
    of their duties
  • promote and foster uniformity of radiation
    control laws and regulations
  • encourage and support programs that will
    contribute to radiation control for all
  • assist the membership in their technical work and
    development and
  • exercise leadership with radiation control
    professionals and consumers in radiation control
    development and action.

  • International Radiation Protection Association
  • www.irpa.net
  • IRPA provides the means for specialists in the
    radiation sciences to share radiation-related
    information and scientific discovery. Every
    country can participate in this endeavor that has
    as its objective the protection of humans and
    their environment. According to its Web
    site, IRPA strives to
  • encourage the establishment of radiation-protectio
    n societies throughout the world as a means of
    achieving international cooperation
  • provide for and support international meetings
    for the discussions of all aspects of radiation
  • encourage international publications dedicated to
    radiation protection
  • encourage research and educational opportunities
    in those scientific and related disciplines which
    support radiation protection
  • encourage the establishment and continuous review
    of universally acceptable radiation-protection
    standards or recommendations through the
    international bodies concerned.

  • American National Standards Institute -
  • A United States-based agency, ANSI assists in the
    development and use of standards across a variety
    of applications. One of those applications is
    radiation sciences, for which ANSI has developed
    recommended standards of practice. The primary
    objective of ANSI is to offer these standards as
    a means of providing consistent and quality
    practices throughout U.S. business.

  • International Commission on Radiation Units and
  • www.icru.org
  • The objective of the International Commission on
    Radiation Units and Measurements is the
    development of internationally acceptable
    recommendations regarding (1) quantities and
    units of radiation and radioactivity (2)
    procedures suitable for the measurement and
    application of these quantities in diagnostic
    radiology, radiation therapy, radiation biology,
    and industrial operations and (3) physical data
    needed in the application of these procedures,
    the use of which tends to assure uniformity in

  • United Nations Scientific Committee on the
    Effects of Atomic Radiation - www.unscear.org
  • According to the UNSCEAR Web site, UNSCEAR is the
    official international authority on the levels
    and effects of ionizing radiation, used for
    peaceful as well as military purposes and derived
    from natural as well as man-made sources. The
    Committee systematically reviews and evaluates
    levels and trends of medical exposure and
    exposure of the public and workers.
  • UNSCEAR's more recent work involves reviews of
    information on the risks from exposure to radon,
    epidemiological studies of radiation and its
    cancer and noncancer effects, radiation effects
    on the immune system, and cellular responses to
    radiation exposure. Reviews are also performed on
    medical, public and occupational exposures,
    radiation exposures from accidents, health
    effects of the Chernobyl accident, and radiation
    effects on nonhuman biota.

  • National Academies of Science -
  • The National Academies bring together experts
    from all areas of science and technology. These
    experts voluntarily work with NAS committees and
    groups to address critical national issues and
    offer guidance to the federal government and the
    public. The Academies consist of four
    organizations the National Academy of Sciences,
    the National Academy of Engineering, the
    Institute of Medicine and the National Research
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