Title: IOP inversion from shallow waters
1IOP inversion from shallow waters
Peng Wang
2Rrs f(a, bb)
Lu(0-) upwelling radiance Ed(0) downwelling
3PBR approach
- Basis vectors
- absorption
- af(?) af(?0) Sfamicro(?0)(1-Sf)apico(?0)
- adg(?) adg(?0) exp(-S(?-?0))
- backscattering
- bbp(?) bbp(?0) (?/?0)-Y
- Radiance Reflectance equation 40010650
- Rrs 0.0949( bb/(bba)) 0.0794 (bb/(bba))2
- Linear regression method
- Data set simulated by hydrolight (Rrs, a and bb)
4Some results IOP comparison (a and bb)
Total Absorption Comparison
average of relative difference 11.9
5total backscattering comparison
average of relative difference 14.2
6Now story changed
7Rrs from shallow waters
Strange rrs
Matlab complain
No solutions !!!
Rrs Lu/Ed (Ludp LuB)/Ed Ludp/Ed
LuB/Ed Rrsdp RrsB
downwelling irradiance, upwelling radiance from
water column and bottom
9simple idea, hard application fortunately
- Semi-Analytical Hyperspectral Model of Lee, et
al, 1998
basically rrs rrsdp1-exp(-2KH)
rrsBexp(-2KH) rrsdp(1-A0exp-(1/cos?w)D0(1D1
u)0.5aH) A1?exp-(1/cos?w)D0(1D1u)0.5
aH. rrs subsurface remote-sensing reflectance,
sr-1 rrsdpsubsurface remote-sensing reflectance
for deep waters, sr-1 rrsB subsurface
remote-sensing reflectance for the bottom, sr-1
K diffuse attenuation, m-1 H bottom depth,
m ?wsubsurface solar zenith angle, rad u bb/(a
bb) a attenuation coefficient (abb), m-1
? bottom albedo A0,1 D0,1 D0,1 from Lee et
al, 1998
10After subtracting the bottom influence, we get
Now matlab smiled and we got solutions !!!
11Coefficient of Variance(express sample
variability relative to the mean of the sample)
- Total
- absorption
- Total
- Backscattering
12IOP inversion results from shallow waters
Total Backscattering
- Bottom reflectance has a huge impact on the
remote sensing reflectance - Current semi-analytic algorithm can be
successfully applied to invert IOPs after bottom
correction - PBR approach can find strange rrs which is caused
by the environment or bad measurements?