Title: Developing Paragraphs: Illustration
1Developing Paragraphs Illustration
- Examples
- A method of developing an idea by providing one
or more instances of that idea. - Clarify the idea
- Make the idea more convincing
- Make an abstract idea more concrete
Pg 353, 2 As a child, I had pen pals from all
over the world. From Europe were my Swedish
cousin Britt-Marie and a pretty French girl named
Simone. From The Pacific came the beautiful
monthly letters of Etsuko and occasional postcard
from Ying in Hong Kong. Finally, from Africa came
a number of charming letters from several school
children in Kenya.
- A method of developing an idea by providing one
or more instances of that idea. - To provide a list of brief examples w/out a
particular grouping - To provide a list of brief examples arranged into
groups - To select one item and develop it fully
Pg 353 3 As a child, I had pen pals from all
over the world. It all started when my cousin
Britt-Marie in Sweden sent me a funny little
letter in crazy English
Pg 353 1 As a child, I had pen pals from all
over the world. These included my cousin
Britt-Marie from Sweden, Ying from Hong Kong,
Simone from France, Etsuko from Japan, and
several children from Kenya.
4Where can we find examples?
- Personal experience/knowledge
- Imagination
- Interviews and surveys
- Outside research
- Look _at_ pg 354, read Exercise 1. What kind of
illustration is each?
5Sources for Illustration
Option 1 Make a list of deceptive products
sham-wow! Booty pop. Diet pills.
Option 3 Get specific about one product The
advertisements for Mabeline concealer are
completely false. The product doesnt conceal
wrinkles, instead it just covers them with color.
You can still see the wrinkles! The models look
good afterwards due to air-brushing effects!
- Pg 355, Exercise 2
- Give Examples (Illustration) for the topic
sentence - Many advertising claims are deceptive
Option 2 Make a list of deceptive products
Diet fads such as fen-fen, hydroxycut, and
dexatrim. Cleaning products such as
6What order should I put it in?
- time-order if the example is a story
- Spatial order (left to right, top to bottom)
- Logical order
- If no order seems necessary, put your strongest
example last.
7Why dont these Women.. 682
- Choose a partner
- Decide which paragraph is the MOST IMPORTANT
illustration (example) - Once youve decided, analyze the TITLE. What does
it MEAN? Why phrase it that way (these women)?
- Do the exercises and activities up to pg 331.
- For your journal assignment, CHOOSE one
ASSIGNMENT from pgs 332-335. - Write a illustrative paragraph about one of the
topics suggested. - You will be graded on your illustration, and use
of our vocabulary words/ grammar that we have
covered so far.