- Child and Adolescent Unit
- Designed for 10 beds, but staffed for fewer
- Acute psychiatric inpatient
- Front Door Emergency Room typically, frequently
Central or Regional Office recommendation
3 WMMHC Stats
- Approximately 200 admissions in a year
- Mood Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified by far the
most frequent diagnosis (7x more frequently given
than the next diagnosis which was Psychotic
Disorder, NOS) - Approximately 45 referred by family/relatives
- Approximately 25 referred by courts/law
enforcement - 10 were involuntary commitments
4 WMMHC Stats
- 17 had dual diagnoses of MI/DD
- Payor Sources
- 38 Medicaid
- 33 MC Managed Care
- 17 guest of the state
- 12 private insurance
5 WMMHC Statistics
- Average Length of Stay 11.5 days with a range
from 2-126 days (10 exceeded 30 days) - Of the 10, the classic presentation was
- Dually diagnosed with MI/DD
- Extreme Behavioral Presentations (typically
aggression) - Co-occurring medical conditions
- Multiple admissions to inpatient services
6Complicated Medical Conditions
- One youth had the following medical conditions on
7NW Region Inpatient Bed Capacity for Children and
- Crittenton 41
- Research Psychiatric 25
- Heartland St. Joseph 0
- St. Lukes Northland 6
- Two Rivers 20
- ___________________________
- Total Beds 102
- Royal Oaks 33
8 Capacity Development
- Based on model developed by Robert Friedman out
of Southern Florida in 1987 updated through
discussions in 2003 - Balanced system of care excess or deficit in
any area, impacts all other areas - Does not include services for prevention or early
intervention - Public mental health services and funding, so
would include schools, juvenile courts, child
welfare and Medicaid
9 NW Region Capacity Development
Category Total Slots Specific Service Specific Slots
Hospitalization/ Stabilization less than 6 months 43 Non-Medical Crisis Bed 4
Hospitalization/ Stabilization less than 6 months 43 Medical Crisis Bed 4
Hospitalization/ Stabilization less than 6 months 43 Residential 9
Hospitalization/ Stabilization less than 6 months 43 Inpatient 26
Hospital/Residential Treatment Centers greater than 6 months 43 Transitional/Independent Living 37
Hospital/Residential Treatment Centers greater than 6 months 43 Residential 5
Hospital/Residential Treatment Centers greater than 6 months 43 Inpatient greater than 6 months 1
Treatment Family Homes/Group Homes 340 Treatment Family Homes 255
Treatment Family Homes/Group Homes 340 Group Homes 86
10 NW Region Capacity Development
Category Total Slots Specific Service Specific Slots
Home -Based 851 Respite 247
Home -Based 851 Family Assistance 238
Home -Based 851 In-home Therapy 247
Home -Based 851 Intensive CPR 119
Day Treatment 851 Full Program 153
Day Treatment 851 Individual Therapy1 247
Day Treatment 851 Group Therapy1 451
Outpatient 3404 Physician Services 2247
Outpatient 3404 Access/Intake 511
Outpatient 3404 Evaluation Services 34
Outpatient 3404 Therapy Services 613
1 Individual services added to existing program 1 Individual services added to existing program 1 Individual services added to existing program 1 Individual services added to existing program
11 NW Region Capacity Development
Category Service Slot Specific Service Specific Slot
Case Management with WrapAround2,3 5504 POS CM 1021
Case Management with WrapAround2,3 5504 TCM Bachelors 613
Case Management with WrapAround2,3 5504 TCM Masters 340
Case Management with WrapAround2,3 5504 Maintenance CPR 545
Case Management with WrapAround2,3 5504 Rehab CPR 885
Case Management with WrapAround2,3 5504 WrapAround3 2100
Parent Support4 1260 Support and Educational Groups
Total Service Slots 8396
Total Youth 6300
Peer to Peer case management and parent partner models of cm would be included in this category WrapAround was calculated based on access for 70 of the youth receiving CM or home-based services Based on 20 of children served Peer to Peer case management and parent partner models of cm would be included in this category WrapAround was calculated based on access for 70 of the youth receiving CM or home-based services Based on 20 of children served Peer to Peer case management and parent partner models of cm would be included in this category WrapAround was calculated based on access for 70 of the youth receiving CM or home-based services Based on 20 of children served Peer to Peer case management and parent partner models of cm would be included in this category WrapAround was calculated based on access for 70 of the youth receiving CM or home-based services Based on 20 of children served
12 Current Utilization
Current Service Current Utilization or Slots Capacity Development Slots Recommended
Acute Inpatient 102 26
Residential under 6 months 129/67 9
Crisis Beds (TFH) 8
Inpatient over 6 months 1
Residential over 6 months 50 5
Transitional/ Independent Living 37
Group Homes 86
13 Current Utilization
Current Service Utilization/Slots Capacity Development Slots Recommended
Treatment Family Homes 9 (27) 255
Respite 133 247
Family Assistance 238
In-home Therapy 247
Intensive CPR 230 119
Rehab CPR 226 885
Maintenance CPR 545
POS CM 2555 1021
Bachelor level TCM 1656 613
Master level TCM 1045 340
14Current Utilization
Current Service Current Utilization/Slots Capacity Development Slots Recommended
WrapAround 188 2100
Day Treatment-Full Program 49 153
Individual Therapy Enhancement 247
Group Therapy Enhancement 81 451
Physician Services 3216 2247
Access/Intake 1458 511
Evaluation Services 377 34
Therapy Services 499 613
15 Current Utilization
- Total of 4921 youth served (unduplicated within a
service but may be duplicated across services) - Total billings not included inpatient and
residential 10,838,534 - In a year, on average approximately 5 youth
exceed 6 months in residential
16 Profiles
- 15 year old female Truman/Kansas City Regional
Office - Currently at Mid Mo since 2/09 (2nd transfer from
WMMHC upon closing) - Childrens Division custody
- 10 hospitalizations at Western Mo MHC
- 2 KCRO placements
- 1 Private sector In-patient Acute Hospitalization
- Physical health issues prohibit SCL psychiatric
placements - Has been denied out of state placements
- 12 year old male Swope/Kansas City Regional
Office - Currently at (DMH/CPS)Hawthorn Childrens
Hospital in St. Louis since 10/08 - Childrens Division custody
- 2 hospitalizations at Western Mo MHC In-patient
Unit - No community placement prospects with SCL or KCRO
17 Profiles
- 16 year old male Comprehensive MHS
- Parents custody
- Crossed 3 Jackson Co Administrative Agents
- Placed in SCL psychiatric placement at the
States most elevated rate no other statewide
options - 9 year old female - Tri-County MHS
- Parents custody
- In SCL psychiatric placement for over 15 months
in St. James, MO as there are no closer
placements that will accept her
18 Profile
- 15 year old male Comprehensive MHS/Kansas City
Regional Office - Grandparents custody
- Currently in JAG Unit - no other SCL/VPA
Placement options - 4 combined SCL/MRDD placements
- 14 year old male ReDiscover MHS
- Parents custody
- Currently in JAG Unit no other SCL/VPA
Placement options - Has been denied SCL psychiatric and Childrens
Division placements statewide
19 Profiles
- 14 year old female Family Guidance
Center/Albany Regional Office - Parents custody
- Currently in SCL/MRDD Interdivisional Agreement
in St. Louis only placement that would accept
her with very rigid conditions - 3 hospitalizations at Western Mo MHC
- 1 hospitalization at Hawthorn Childrens Hospital
in St. Louis - 4 SCL placements
- 12 year old female Swope/Kansas City Regional
Office - Childrens Division custody
- Currently in Childrens Division placement
- 4 hospitalizations at Western Mo MHC
- 1 SCL psychiatric placement
- 1 KCRO community placement