Title: Units%20Three%20and%20Five
1Units Three and Five Energy Transmission Using
Both Liquids and Gases qualify as fluids since
each takes the shape of its container and will
produce flow.
However, gases compress and liquids are
relatively incompressible.
2Liquids and Gases
Liquid Molecules
Gaseous Molecules
A molecule consists of two or more atoms in
chemical combination.
3Molecular Energy
Molecular energy is the movement of molecules
within a substance
Molecular energy is affected by temperature.
4Fluids take the shape of their containers
5Gases and Heat Energy
6Gas Temperature, Pressure, Compression, and
Boyles Law of Gas Compression
7Hydraulic Transmission of Energy
8Pneumatic Transmission of Energy
9Hydraulic Accumulator
10Positive Displacement Pump
11Positive Displacement Compressor
12Pump Types
1. Gear
13Pump Types
2. Piston
14Pump Types
3. Vane
15Resistance and Pressure
Any influence that restricts the movement of
fluid is resistance and will effect pressure.
The systematic relationship between resistance
and pressure is directly proportional.
16Heat generation in Fluids
When energy is consumed to overcome resistance,
energy changes form. The energy is transformed
into heat energy.
Heat from lighting
Heat from machine bearings.
Heat from friction
Viscosity is the measure of a liquids resistance
to flow.
As a liquid takes on heat, its viscosity will
18Measuring Viscosity
Viscosity is measured in units called Saybolt
Universal Seconds or SSU.
This is the time it takes for a liquid to flow
through an orifice of a exact size when the fluid
is at a certain temperature.
19Viscosity and Friction generate Heat
A liquid resists movement, this is resistance.
A sharp bend or turn is resistance.
Fluid moving too fast through through a conductor
generates heat because of resistance.
The rate of movement of fluid per foot is
referred to as velocity.
20Viscosity and Friction generate Heat (continued)
Maximum velocities for fluids
Oil 10 to 30 feet per second depending on
pressure. 15 fps is a general rule. Womack,
Vol1, page 37.
Gas 1100 fps, critical velocity.
For oil velocity GPM x .3208/Area
21Pressure Differential
When ever a fluid is moving through a conductor
and there exists a difference between pressure
between any two points, the difference is called
a pressure differential or delta-P.
22General System Design
Avoid sharp turns, obstructions, and anything
that would disturb flow.
Also consider pipe size.