Title: How do we measure relative humidity?
1Lesson 21 How do we measure relative humidity?
2Have you ever tried to air dry clothes on a humid
It took a long time, didnt it?
3The air already contained many water molecules,
so the water from the clothes evaporated very
Evaporation means to change to a gas.
4How fast evaporation takes place depends on the
When the water does evaporate something happens.
The surface that had been wet becomes cooler.
5For example, when the sweat on your body
evaporates, your skin cools down.
6Now you know two important facts about
-Water evaporates faster when the air is dry.
-When water evaporates, the temperature goes down.
7These facts make it possible to measure relative
Relative humidity is measured with a hygrometer.
One kind of hygrometer is the wet and dry bulb
8The wet and dry bulb thermometer has two
One of the thermometers has a wet cloth around
the bulb. This is the wet bulb.
9The thermometer without the wet cloth is the dry
10-the dry bulb measures the normal air temperature.
-the temperature of the web bulb thermometer
depends on how fast the water evaporates.
11When the air is saturated, no evaporation takes
The temperature of the wet bulb thermometer is
the same as the dry bulb thermometer
12When air is not saturated, evaporation does take
The wet bulb cools down, and it has a lower
temperature than the dry bulb.
13If the wet bulb has a much lower temperature than
the dry bulb, it means the air is not very humid.
14To figure out the relative humidity of the air,
you need to know two things
-The dry bulb temperature
-The difference between the wet and dry bulb
15Once you know these two temperatures, you use a
chart to find the relative humidity.
Relative humidity is stated in a percent.
16(No Transcript)
17Lets try one.
The dry bulb temperature is 28, and the wet bulb
is 24.
What is the difference between the two
18So, on the left side of the chart, we find the
dry bulb temperature of 28.
Along the top, we find the difference of 4.
Like a multiplication chart, we follow the two
lines until they meet.
19What is the relative humidity?
20Please remember that scientists always measure in
the metric system, and American weather people
measure in the English system.
21When you hear the relative humidity on TV, it was
always found using degrees Fahrenheit.
Scientists will always measure in degrees