Title: Male and Female Reproductive Systems
1Male and FemaleReproductive Systems
- Humans and other organisms have complex
reproductive systems that ensure the survival of
the species.
2Human Male Reproductive System
- Structure of male reproductive system, sperm and
sperm production
3Associated Hormones
Hormone Sent from Acts on Function
Gonadotrophic Hormone (GnRH) Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Tells pituitary gland to secrete LH and FSH
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Pituitary gland Testis Stimulates production of sperm in seminiferous tubuules
Lutenizing Hormone (LH)(ICSH) Pituitary gland Testis Stimulates Leydig cells to produce testosterone
Testosterone Testis Body/ hypothalamus Helps to stimulate sperm production/ secondary sex characteristics and release of GnRH
Inhibitin Sertoli cells Pituitary gland Slows the release of FSH and GnRH
4Human Male Reproductive System
Urinary Bladder Seminal Vesicle
Prostate Bulbourethral Gland Epididymis Vas
deferens Testis Scrotum Urethera
5Human Male Reproductive System
- Urinary bladder collect and store urine for
excretion. - Seminal Vesicle add fluid to spermatozoa for
nourishment (sugar rich) - Prostate add fluid to spermatozoa (secrete fluid
that neutralizes acids in the vagina) - Bulbourethral Gland secrete alkaline fluid to
neutralize acidic urine in urethra. - Epididymis tube for storing and maturing
spermatozoa before being released into the vas
deferens - Vas deferens tube leading to urethera in which
sperm become active. - Testes tissue in which spermatogenisis takes
place. - Urethera tube that leads from the urinary
bladder to the outside.
- Male haploid sex cell or gamete
ORGANISM (23 chromosomes in human male). - Produced in testes
- Ideal temperature for production is 34 degrees
Celsius - must be accompanied by fluids so that the sperm
may move.
7Female Reproductive System
8Associated Hormones
Hormone Sent from Acts on Function
Gonadotrophic Hormone (GnRH) Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Tells pituitary gland to secrete LH and FSH
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Pituitary gland Ovary Stimullates the development of oocytes and maturation of follicles
Lutenizing Hormone (LH) Pituitary gland Ovary Simulate the migration of follicle in ovary
Estrogen Ovary Body/ uterus Forms secondary sex characteristics/ influence the forming of the endometrium
Proghesterone Ovary uterus Maintains the endometrium
9Female Reproductive System
- Oviduct/ fallopean tube
- Fimbrae
- Ovary
- Uterus
- Cervix
- Vaginal canal
- Bladder
- Urethra
- Uterus protective structure that is the site of
implantation and development - Ovary Structure in which the ova are produced
and developed into follicles - Oviduct the tube which is the site of
fertilization and sends the fertilized follicle
to the uterus - Fimbriae structures of oviduct that create
currents to bring the ova into the oviduct - Cervix muscular structure that is the entrance
to the uterus and closes the uterus so that the
developing fetus is protected - Vagina the canal that leads the sperm to the
- Female gamete
- Haploid (23 chromosomes in human)
- Developed during embryonic stage
- Matured during puberty
- Menopause when follilces are no longer being
- Graffian Follicle, http//www.deltacollege.edu/emp
pg, accessed Dec.7, 2004 - Female Reproductive Organs, http//www.uh.edu/tgi
ll2/image008.jpg, accessed Dec.7, 2004 - All images taken by G.Burgess, Nov.23, 2010.