Title: Adam
1Adams Equity Theory
The theory is built-on the belief that employees
become de-motivated, both in relation to their
job and their employer, if they feel as though
their inputs are greater than the outputs.
2(No Transcript)
3Inputs are typically effort, loyalty, hard work,
commitment, skill, ability, adaptability,
flexibility, tolerance, determination, heart and
soul, enthusiasm, trust in our boss and
superiors, support of colleagues and
subordinates, personal sacrifice, etc.
4People need to feel that there is a fair balance
between inputs and outputs.
Outputs are typically all financial rewards -
pay, salary, expenses, perks, benefits, pension
arrangements, bonus and commission
5Motivation is the push of the mental forces to
accomplish an action. Unsatisfied needs
motivate. On the biological level basic human
needs of food, shelter and survival are powerful
motivators. On the psychological level people
need to be understood, affirmed, validated and
appreciated. On the business level motivation
occurs when people perceive a clear business
reason for pursuing a transfer of knowledge or
6Example to demonstrate the theory A person
working at an office doing paperwork. He/she Put
in long hours towards their job, and are
motivated By the manager to continue a high
standard of work. But The worker may become
de-motivated when his or her Rewards do not match
the amount of work they are Performing. Both
these things, input and output have To balance
themselves out in order for the person To remain
Dmitry, Brent, Shqiprim