Title: Arabian Penninsula
1Arabian Penninsula
2First lets match words with their definitions
- Adaptations a person who moves
from place to place often -
search of water and vegetation. - Caravans to buy and sell by
trading gods or services -
than money. -
- Nomad permanently settled
in one place. - Sedentary to bring water to
a dry place in order to grow -
crops. - Barter a group of people
traveling together for mutual
- Irrigate a change in
structure, function, or behavior by which a
species or individual improves its chance of
survival in a specific environment.
3Desert Adaptations Which of the
following is adaptation
belongs in the desert.
4Oases adaptations
5Yes, you got it! A well. Now why are they able
to dig wells and get water in an oasis?
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6Nope, sorry not a boat
Now that we know the boat does not Belong which
environment would be better suited? ____________
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7No, this does not belong in the desert.
Please write down which of the following
environments this may belong to, and why. (Oases,
Mountain, Coastal) ______________________________
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8You got it nice work!
Now write below why you choose this as an
adaptation for the desert. ______________________
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9Sorry a ship is too big for the oasis but it
would go great here.
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10A terrace would not work in an oasis but it would
go great here. Explain what a terrace is.
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11Coastal Plain Adaptation
12He is cute, but he does not belong on the coast.
Where does he belong, and why?
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13You got it! This is an irrigation system. Write
the definition of irrigation.
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14Home sweet home, if you lived in this
environment. Why do their houses look like this?
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15Mountain Adaptation
16 No, why do you think a well would not work in
the mountains?
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17Yes, nice work! What is the function of a terrace?
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18Which environment would you like to live in, and
- ______________________________________________
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- ______________________________________________
19I know he is sooo cute but he does not belong in
the mountains. Give the definition of a caravan
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20I know hes cute but he does not belong on the
21I know he is sooo cute but he does not belong in
the mountains. Give the definition of a caravan
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