Title: Insert heading 1
1Interregional Working Groups
InnoFun - The innovative project WS 3 26th
September 2013 Nicosia
- Benjamin Kuscher
- InnoFun Project Manager
- ConPlusUltra GmbH
- Benjamin.kuscher_at_conplusultra.com
2Interregional Working Group
- Forming two interregional working groups at WS 2
Peterborough - Working group I decision process in funding
schemes (UK) - Working group II start-up - investor matching
via digital tools (BE) - Target of interregional working groups
- Fostering cooperation with external experts
- Gaining more information / experience on
potential instruments actions for the RIP
3Interregional Working Group
- Target of this session
- Learning from each other
- Getting overview about potential topics for RIPs
- Procedure
- Group work / interregional working group
- Presentation by the 2 group leaders about the
main activities within their working group since
WS 2 Peterborough - Brainstorming WHICH topics relevant for RIP and
WHY / all
4Interregional Working Group
- Ad 1 group work
- Duration 30 minutes
- Answering three questions
- Which topics have been discussed in our working
group? - Which of these topics might be of interest for my
RIP? - Why are these topics interesting for my / my RIP?
- Form for the presentation on the flip chart
Topics discussed interesting for my RIP Why
Xx  Â
Xx  Â
Xx  Â
5Presentation of Working Group
6Working Group decision process in funding schemes
PP9 Opportunity Peterborough Steve Bowyer
7Target of the Working Group
- Funding Websites Design portal
- How to outreach to business Develop an easy to
use Flowchart for businesses and funders to use.
Identify top 6 questions funders ask businesses - Educate and Train Businesses, Intermediaries and
Funders Utilise stakeholders group to identify
training needs and design training for both
funders and businesses. - Useful tools Provide overview of available tools
and portals for funding
8Members of the Working Group
- Groups Leader Rod Gilchrist
- Opportunity Peterborough
- Regions UCY and ANETEL, Cyprus
- TSP and Tartu City Government
- Opportunity Peterborough
- Interest also from Bratislava, Slovakia and
- Marseille, France
9Activity Plan When? What? How?
No. Date Place of activity Structure of activity / meeting Agenda purpose of meetings
1 22 March Peterborough organised SKYPE Skype Phone conference To agree priorities
2 3 June Peterborough organised telephone conference Telephone conversation Follow up to agree priorities
3  14 June and 28 June  Email deadline  Agree tasks and timetable  All partners wishing to undeertake tasks asked to identify and provide detail of activity
4  13 September  Email deadline  Report back from partners  Progress report of activity
10Working Group start-up - investor matching via
digital tools
PP4 EWI Hilde Vermeulen
11Target of the Working Group
- Mapping of pitching capacity (selection in
incubation programmes, contests), educational
alignments. - Showcasing and sharing of use of digital pitching
tools - Attendance to pitching slots as learning examples
- Facilitating Public/Private brokerage and bridge
communication gap - Transfer private practices to public investors?
- Insight in pitching cultures
- Recommendation and conclusions of use for policy
12Members of the Working Group
- Groups Leader Flanders (EWI)
- Regions Lapland (KTUAS)
- Méditerannée Technologies
- Flanders (EWI and iMinds)
- South Bohemia (JAIP)
- Basque Country (Tecnalia)
13Activity Plan When? What? How?
No. Date Place of activity Structure of activity / meeting Agenda purpose of meetings
1 April InnoFun site free downloadable pitching software (JAIP) Download software
2 May 24 and 28 iLinc room VideoConference instructive session and a session pitching some best practices (KTUAS) Sharing and discussing best practices from Finland
3 April-August Working group Mailings informative mailings from iMinds, TECNALIA, EWI Showcase pitching examples for expressions of interest in WG (Incubation pitches, Team academy, Language Summit)
4 Sept Tbd Pilot for pitches in Flanders call for social innovation Results Crowdfunding study (September) Flanders
14iLinc webtool
15Agenda video conference May 28
16Lets innovate the innovation funding