Title: Player Name
1PV Lax Spring Flower Sale
Player Name Team
Phone Number Total Amount
Customer Name Phone Number 10" Hanging Basket 16.25 10" Petunias Hanging Basket 16.25 10" Ivy Geranium Hanging Basket 16.25 10" Begonias Hanging Basket 16.25 Market Pack Marigolds 5.00 Market Pack Bergonia 5.00 Market Pack Petunias 5.00 4" Pot Geranium 5.25 4" Pot New Guinea Impatient 5.25 4"Pot of Non Stop Begonia 5.25 4"Pot of Lantana 5.25 Quantity Total Money Total
Grand Totals
Please Make Checks Payable to PV Lacrosse
2PV Lax Spring Flower Sale Price Sheet
Market Pack (6) of Begonias 5.00
Market Pack (6) of Marigolds 5.00
Market Pack (6) of Petunias 5.00
4 Pot of New Guineas Impatient 5.25
4 Pot Non Stop Begonia 5.25
4 pot of Latana 5.25
4 Pot Geranium 5.25
10 Hanging baket of Ivy Geraniums
Also available 10 Hanging Basket of
Petunias or Dragonwing Begonias 16.25 each
Please Make Checks out to PV Lacrosse
Images are depictions of the products and not
an exact representation of the flowers or
colors you will receive.