Warm-Up - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tobacco: The Effects of Tobacco Use ... tobacco use is the NUMBER 1 cause of preventative disease ... second-hand smoke as a Group A carcinogen Cancer causing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: cancer | cause | smoke | warm


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Warm-Up

  • Most people know that tobacco is harmful. Why do
    you think some people continue to use tobacco

Tobacco The Effects of Tobacco Use
  • Lesson 13

Tobacco A Serious Health Risk
  • According to the Surgeon General, tobacco use is
    the NUMBER 1 cause of preventative disease and
    death in the United States
  • Avoiding all forms of tobacco can prevent many
    serious health problems
  • Many people start smoking thinking they can quit
    whenever they want, but once they have formed the
    habit it is very difficult to quit

  • The addictive drug found in tobacco leaves
  • A substance that causes physiological or
    psychological dependence
  • Nicotine is a stimulant
  • A drug that increases the action of the central
    nervous system, the heart and other organs
  • Raises blood pressure
  • Increases heart rate
  • Contributes to heart disease
  • Contributes to stroke

Cigarette Smoke- A Toxic Mixture
  • Tobacco is not only addictive, but the smoke is
  • The Environmental Protection Agency classified
    second-hand smoke as a Group A carcinogen
  • Cancer causing substance
  • Cigarettes contain 43 known carcinogens,
    including formaldehyde and arsenic. They also
    contain chemicals used in insecticides, paint,
    toilet cleaners, antifreeze and explosives

  • A thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco
  • Effects of tar
  • Destroys cilia, tiny hair-like structures that
    line the upper airways and protect against
  • damages alveoli, the air sacs in the lugs which
    absorb oxygen and rid the body of carbon dioxide
  • Destroys lung tissue, making lungs less able to

Healthy lung vs Smokers lung
Carbon Monoxide
  • Another component found in cigarette smoke
  • Colorless, odorless, poisonous gas
  • Taken up more readily by the blood than oxygen,
    replacing oxygen in the blood and depriving the
    tissues and cells of the body
  • Increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart
    disease and hardening of the arteries

Harmful Effects of Pipes and Cigars
  • Cigars contain more nicotine and produce more tar
    and carbon monoxide than cigarettes do
  • One cigar can contain as much nicotine as A PACK
    of cigarettes
  • Pipe and cigar smokers have an increased risk of
    developing cancers of the lip, mouth and throat
  • Lungs damaged by smoking are more susceptible to
    diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema
    and cancer

Harmful Effects of Smokeless Tobacco
  • Smokeless tobacco
  • Sniffed through nose, held in mouth, or chewed
  • Contains nicotine in addition to 28 carcinogens
    all of which are absorbed into the blood
  • Since it is often held in the mouth, it delivers
    both nicotine and carcinogens to the body at
    levels that can be 2-3 times the amount delivered
    by a single cigarette
  • Irritates the mouths sensitive tissues, causing

  • Thickened, white, leathery looking spots on the
    inside of the mouth that can develop into oral
  • Cancers of the throat, larynx, esophagus, stomach
    and pancreas are also more common among users of
    smokeless tobacco

Short Term Effects of Tobacco Use
  • Changes in brain chemistry
  • Addictive properties of nicotine cause the body
    to crave more of the drug
  • User may experience withdrawal symptoms such as
    headaches, nervousness and trembling as soon as
    30 minutes after his/her last tobacco use
  • Increased respiration and heart rate
  • Breathing becomes more difficult
  • Nicotine can cause an irregular heart rate
  • Dulled taste buds and reduced appetite
  • Bad breath
  • Smelly hair, clothes and skin
  • May cause people to avoid the tobacco user

Long Term Effects of Tobacco Use
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Damage to the cilia cause them to lose function.
    This causes a build up of tar causing chronic
    coughing and excessive mucus secretion
  • Emphysema
  • Destroys the alveoli in the lungs making it more
    difficult for the lungs to absorb oxygen.
  • A person with advanced emphysema uses up to 80
    percent of his or her energy in order to
  • Lung cancer
  • With the build up of mucus due to the destruction
    of cilia, cancerous cells can begin to grow
  • Unless detected early, lung cancer causes death
  • Coronary heart disease and stroke
  • Nicotine constricts blood vessels, decreasing
  • Nicotine contributes to plaque buildup in blood
    vessels, leading to hardened arteries
  • Clogged arteries increase the risk of heart
    attack and stroke
  • The risk of sudden death from heart disease is
    THREE TIMES greater for smokers

(No Transcript)
Other Consequences
  • Legal
  • Selling tobacco to people under 18 is illegal
  • Schools prohibit the use of tobacco products on
    school property
  • Social
  • People find secondhand smoke and the smell of
    tobacco offensive
  • Tobacco users may be excluded from social
  • Bad breath, yellowed teeth and smelly clothing
    may also harm a tobacco users social life
  • Financial
  • Expensive to use tobacco products
  • Total economic cost of tobacco use to taxpayers
    in the US is 97 BILLION a year
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