Your Science Paper - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Your Science Paper


Your Science Paper The First Draft Parenthetical Documentation The tartness that distinguishes Lycopersicon esculentum, the tomato, from other vegetables is produced ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Your Science Paper

Your Science Paper
  • The First Draft

Powerpoint Includes
  • General paper guidelines
  • Title page format
  • Background information discussion
  • Parenthetical documentation discussion.

What is Included in the First Draft
  • Title Page
  • Introductory paragraph (thesis and purpose)
  • Background information (research)
  • Final paragraph with hypothesis
  • Works Cited page

  • Double-space your entire paper.
  • Type in 12 pt Times New Roman
  • Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all
  • Create a header that numbers all pages
    consecutively in the upper right-hand corner,
    one-half inch from the top and flush with the
    right margin. (Note do not number the title

  • Do not skip extra lines between paragraphs
  • When beginning a paragraph, use your own words
    for the first and last sentences. Do not cite
    someone in those two sentences.
  • No part of the paper has a title or header. It
    should all flow from one paragraph to another
    with good transitions.

  • Center your title in the middle of the paper,
    double spaced.
  • Capitalize each word in the title. This rule does
    not apply to articles, short prepositions, or
    conjunctions unless one is the first word of the
    title or subtitle.
  • Do not underline any word and make the title
    14-16pt font size.

  • In the bottom right hand corner, double spaced,
    print your name, your full home address on two
    lines, your school name, and your grade. Write
    out tenth instead of using a number. Use 12pt

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Background Information
  • Starts on a new page.
  • Includes introductory paragraph with thesis
    statement and purpose, background information
  • Ends with summary paragraph that includes the
  • You must cite your sources correctly. Failure to
    cite your sources will result in a zero for

Background Information
  • This section should explain what prompted your
    research and what you hoped to achieve.
  • It should include previous research as well as
    your own experiences.
  • Review the literature (books, websites, journals,
    etc.) and summarize essential information so that
    we can understand it.

Background Information
  • Include information about your independent and
    dependent variables.
  • Establish a strong rationale for the study by
    emphasizing unresolved issues or questions.

The First Paragraph of Your Paper..
  • This starts on a new page, right behind the title
  • This is the paragraph that sets the tone for your
    whole paper.
  • It includes your purpose and your thesis
  • It introduces your topic.

The First Paragraph of Your Paper..
  • Your purpose should NOT read The purpose of this
    project is
  • State your thesis and the purpose of your
    research paper clearly. What is the chief reason
    you are writing the paper?
  • State also how you plan to approach your topic.

The First Paragraph of Your Paper..
  • Explain briefly the major points you plan to
    cover in your paper and why readers should be
    interested in your topic.
  • Do some critical thinking and write your thesis
    statement down in one sentence.
  • Your thesis statement is like a declaration of
    your belief. The main portion of your essay will
    consist of arguments to support and defend this

The First Paragraph of Your Paper..
  • Your thesis may change as your paper matures
    through its many drafts.
  • Make sure your thesis is in the form of a
    statement, not a question. "Can we save the
    Amazon rain forest?" is an ear-catching question
    that might be useful in the introduction, but it
    doesn't express an opinion or perspective.

Thesis Examples
  • The Amazon rain forest can be saved by limiting
    tourist presence, boycotting goods made by
    companies that deplete the forest's resources,
    and generally educating people about the need to
    preserve the rain forest in order to preserve the
    earth's ecological systems."
  • "The Amazon rain forest cannot be saved since the
    companies that deplete its resources in their
    manufacturing are so widely-spread throughout the
    world, so politically powerful in their
    respective countries, and wealthy enough to fight
    the opposition fully."

The First ParagraphAn Example
  • The tartness that distinguishes Lycopersicon
    esculentum, the tomato, from other vegetables is
    produced in part by acids. Practically all foods
    contain acids, either naturally or added later
    during processing (Gould 268). There are several
    important factors that seem to have an influence
    on the acidity of tomatoes. These include
    variety, maturity, handling and holding
    procedures prior to processing, and the
    processing itself (Gould 273). Does the pH of
    roma and plum tomatoes change once they are

The First Paragraph An Example
  • Most people notice that low-powered light bulbs
    are dimmer than light bulbs with high power.
    They probably also see slight variations in the
    color of differently powered light bulbs. These
    everyday observations lead one to question what
    effect a light bulb's power has on its spectrum.
    Spectrum, according to Kurt Nassau's
    Experimenting With Color, is the pattern of
    colors in the visible part of the electromagnetic
    spectrum (120). This experiment is designed to
    discover quantitatively what happens to the
    spectrum of a light bulb as its power source, in
    this case batteries, is gradually diminished.

Background Information
  • This is your research.
  • This is where you talk about different aspects of
    your project.
  • This is where you write about what you have been

Background Information
  • When I read your hypothesis at the end of this
    section, I should already know what it is going
    to say because you have set it up through your
    research. What you write about leads to your

For Example
  • The hypothesis
  • If begonia plants are given Coca Cola, they will
    grow taller than plants that are given just
  • So what should you discuss in your background?

You Should Write About
  • 1. What is a plant
  • 2. How plants grow
  • 3. What they need to grow
  • 4. Information about the specific plant you are
  • 5. What is in Coca Cola that you think will
    help plants.

Final Paragraph of Background Information
  • This final paragraph sums up your background
    information and includes your hypothesis.
  • The hypothesis is not set apart or listed

Sample Last Paragraph
  • When one, two, or three batteries of a
    four-battery flashlight are replaced with foil,
    the flashlight still works, but the voltage
    traveling to the incandescent bulb decreases.
    The light keeps working because the foil acts
    like a wire, allowing the remaining batteries to
    power the flashlight. The decreased voltage
    causes the bulb to have a lower temperature, and
    the lower temperature should affect the spectrum
    of the light bulb in a way similar to that
    described in the above research. This leads to
    the hypothesis that when the power of an
    incandescent light bulb is decreased, its
    spectrum will shift from having similar
    intensities for all colors to having greatest
    intensity in the red portion of the spectrum.

Sample Last Paragraph
  • Tomatoes have a sharp taste and are used in a
    variety of recipes. Some cooks choose to use
    canned tomatoes instead of fresh. Cooks are also
    concerned about microbial growth in their foods.
    Thus a lower pH is preferable. If plum and roma
    tomatoes are compared before and after canning, a
    canned plum tomato will be more acidic than a
    fresh plum tomato and both tomato varieties will
    display comparable acidity after canning.

General Information
  • Do not use first or second person.
  • Do not put words in quotations unless your are
    quoting someone.
  • Use metric at all times
  • Spell out numbers 1-10
  • Dont start a sentence with a non-spelled out

General Information
  • The first and last sentence of each paragraph is
    your own words.
  • Integrate the hypothesis into the last paragraph.
  • Hit the space bar twice after the end of each

Parenthetical Documentation
  • This is where you give credit to someone else for
    his/her ideas.
  • Anything that is NOT common knowledge must be
  • If you cite it in your paper, it must appear on
    your Works Cited page and vice versa.

Parenthetical Documentation
  • MLA format follows the author-page method of
  • This means that the author's last name and the
    page number(s) from which the quotation is taken
    must appear in the text, and a complete reference
    should appear in your works cited list.
  • The author's name may appear either in the
    sentence itself or in parentheses following the
    quotation or paraphrase, but the page number(s)
    should always appear in the parentheses, not in
    the text of your sentence.

Parenthetical Documentation
  • If you are using a website, there are no page
    numbers unless it is a PDF file.
  • You use par. or pars. - after the authors
    name. Count the number of paragraphs.
  • If there is no author, then use an abbreviated
    form of the title in its place in the parenthesis.

Parenthetical Documentation
  • Wordsworth stated in his book The Prose Works of
    William Wordsworth that Romantic poetry was
    marked by a "spontaneous overflow of powerful
    feelings" (263).
  • Romantic poetry is characterized by the
    "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings"
    (Wordsworth 263).

Parenthetical Documentation
  • The tartness that distinguishes Lycopersicon
    esculentum, the tomato, from other vegetables is
    produced in part by acids. Practically all foods
    contain acids, either naturally or added later
    during processing (Gould 268). There are several
    important factors that seem to have an influence
    on the acidity of tomatoes. These include
    variety, maturity, handling and holding
    procedures prior to processing, and the
    processing itself (Gould 273). Does the pH of
    roma and plum tomatoes change once they are

Parenthetical Documentation
  • Growing tomatoes at home is not complicated.
    According to William McGlynn, a horticultural
    food specialist, tomatoes may be harvested at the
    mature green stage,, semi-ripe (with different
    amounts of red pigmentation), or fully ripe,
    depending on marketing requirement (4). They are
    very perishable and subject to surface and
    internal damage, and must be handled accordingly
    (2). Tomatoes are sensitive to chilling injury,
    which differs with maturity of the fruit and
    proper temperature management for ripening and
    storage are critical to maintain quality (3).
    Tomatoes are dependent upon growing conditions
    and as the variety changes, so can the conditions

Parenthetical Documentation
  • Tomatoes have a tart taste. The most abundant
    natural acid in tomatoes is citric acid which is
    also found in oranges and lemons (Wahem 1). The
    pH of tomatoes runs between 4.0 and 4.5 (Wahem
    4). Tomatoes average a pH of 4.3 and an acidic
    product is considered to have a pH of 4.6 or less
    (Gould 273). Many vegetables go through the
    canning process. Food processing companies
    desire a lower pH to prevent microbial growth in
    their canned foods because the pH of a food is
    the controlling factor in the regulation of many
    chemical and microbial reactions (Gould 270).
    Tomato processors tend to use citric acid and
    fumaric acid as a chemical agent to lower pH
    (Gould 270). It would seem that canned tomatoes
    should have a lower pH.

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