Title: Ready, AIM, Fire! Delivering a Winning Presentation
1Ready, AIM, Fire!Delivering a Winning
- Rhonda A. Syler, PhD
- Assistant Professor of Management, MIS
- University of Arkansas at Little Rock
2Whats the Big Deal?
- If your audience cant understand your talk, they
will conclude either that - I am too stupid to understand this speaker, or
- This speaker is too stupid to make his/her
presentation understandable. - Either conclusion is disastrous for your career.
3You must first take AIM!
- Analyze Your Audience
- Clearly Identify the Intent of Your Presentation
- Make your Message Stick
Munter, M. Russell, L. (2002). Guide to
Presentations. Prentice Hall NJ.
4(No Transcript)
5Good Talks.Bad Talks
- Spoken clearly
- Easy to follow
- Ends on time
- Mumbled speech
- Difficult to follow
- Goes way too long
- Analyze Your Audience
Munter, M. Russell, L. (2002). Guide to
Presentations. Prentice Hall NJ.
7A Analyze Your Audience
- Size
- Work experience
- Level of Education
- Other Demographics age, gender, race, culture,
political affiliation - What is their familiarity with the jargon?
8A Analyze Your Audience
- Discovering WHO they are.
- Gather secondary data (e.g., rosters,
registrations). - ASK them talk to people who will actually be in
the audience. - Talk to people who know the audience.
- Visit groups or talk to people with similar
characteristics (e.g., ROTARY ).
9A Analyze Your Audience
- Identify who has direct power or influence
- Find out what makes them tick
- Are they for or against your idea
- Tailor your message accordingly
- Who else might hear or see this?
- How will they react?
- Is any information confidential?
10A Analyze Your Audience
- What do they know expect?
- What do they know about you? Do they consider you
an expert? - How is your credibility with that audience?
- What are their expectations
- Format of presentation
- Time
- Formality
- What do they feel?
- Are they interested in your topic? If so, how
interested? - What is their attitude toward your topic?
Next Know your PURPOSE
Munter, M. Russell, L. (2002). Guide to
Presentations. Prentice Hall NJ.
12I Determine Your Purpose (Intent)
- Determine General Purpose
- Develop Specific Purpose
- To explain how to give a speech
- Outline the Presentation Objective
- As a result of my presentation, the audience will
gain a clear understanding of how to develop a
presentation strategy, how to design their
presentation and how to add the final polishing
touches to their presentations.
13I Determine Your Purpose (Intent)
- Once youve determined purpose objective
- Critique your Objective Is it
- Specific
- Measurable
- Audience-centered
- Refer to Audience Analysis Insight is your
objective - Attainable
- Worthwhile
- Finally. Create a memorable message!
Munter, M. Russell, L. (2002). Guide to
Presentations. Prentice Hall NJ.
15Make Your Message Stick
- Tell them what youre going to tell them
- Tell them what you told them!
- Prepare an effective opening
- Set the stage
- Grab their attention
- Paint a vivid picture
- Ask a question
- Share a startling story
- Provide the audience benefits for listening
- Use humor with caution
- Include a preview
- State your main points clearly
17CONCLUSIONS R Remembered
- Prepare an effective closing
- DONT be abrupt!!
- Summarize your main points
- Leave them with something memorable
18Make Your Message Stick
- Other tips for retention
- Limit it to 3 to 5 key points
- Include a preview
- Use transitions
- Use repetition
- Flag information if you only remember one thing
today. - Throw in the unexpected (humor, audio/video)
- Involve the audience
19Designing Your Visuals
- Use visuals, but dont over use them
- Make sure they represent what you intend for them
to represent - Clearly label charts, figures, tables, etc.
- Use color with a purpose
- Use fonts large enough to be seen
- Dont crowd or make it overly busy
20Using POWERPOINT for Your Presentations
21Presentation Dos Donts
- DO pick a background (slide layout) that is
appropriate - DO use bullets
- DO use visuals, as appropriate
- DO make it visually appealing
- DO make it easy to read be consistent in your
formatting - DO create logical transitions
- DO insert blank slides when you know you will
22Presentation Dos Donts
- DONT make it too busy
- DONT be wordy
- DONT use visuals or animation just for the sake
of it (Spy Kids III arrgggg!) - DONT use dark colored text on dark backgrounds
- DONT end abruptly
23PowerPoint Features
- Ability to hyperlink to other pages in the
presentation, web sites, files, etc. - Ability to create builds for more effective
presentations - Ability to add graphics, pictures, video, and
audio easily - Ability to PACK GO!
24Understanding Non-Verbal Communication
- Non-verbals say more!!
- Begin practicing analyze your Non-verbal
tendencies - Stance movement
- Gestures
- Eye contact
- Facial expression
- Vocal Traits
- Volume Rate Inflection Enunciation
25Understanding Non-Verbal Communication
- IMPROVE your non-verbal delivery
- Speak from an outline (PPT)
- Check your timing
- Watch yourself in the mirror or video
- Familiarize yourself with equipment, visuals,
room, etc.
26Nonverbal Tips
- Smile a natural smile
- Avoid extreme mannerisms
- Waving hands back and forth
- Rocking
- Adjusting glasses, hair, object on podium
- Apologizing
- Tapping on the desk
- Twirling a pencil
27Connect With Your Audience
- Dont address the audience as a whole.
- Speak to individuals.
- Look at one person. Establish eye contact. And
speak to that person for 5 to 7 seconds. - Then find someone else to look at and repeat the
28Why Does Proper Speech Matter?
- It detracts from the dignity of your message.
- It detracts from your dignity.
- It can destroy your credibility.
- It can make you seem uneducated or make you look
like your making fun of the uneducated - Talk to quickly, people assume youre nervous,
and they become nervous. - If you talk slowly, with pauses, people assume
youre brilliant
29Verbal Tips
- Slow down
- Speak loud enough so the person in the last row
can hear you, but dont yell. - Speak as if you are holding a conversation. Say
I, you, and we. - Tailor your voice to the type of speech.
- Sound confident and definitive when delivering an
instructional lecture. - Use a conversational voice for one that is more
30More Verbal Tips
- Avoid a monotone drone.
- Vary the pitch and volume (loudness) of the voice
to emphasize points. - Avoid slang..yall, aint, etc.
- Watch pronunciationridin, goin, etc
- Speak in complete sentences and dont hesitate
between words. - Never use inappropriate or offensive language.
31And Still More
- When you are going to say important things, you
should keep quiet for some seconds before saying
the point, it will hold the attention of the
audience. - Then after you've said the point, you should
again keep quiet, it will give the audience time
to digest what you said.
32How to Avoid the Hmm Syndrome
- Dont feel obligated to fill in the empty spaces.
- Practice talking into the void
- Be comfortable with the sound of your own voice
- Practice looking around the room
- Time your talk
33Controlling Your Nerves
- Be Audience-Centered
- Be Prepared
- The 6 Ps ---
- Proper Prior Planning
- Prevents Poor Performance!
- If youre prepared. You will be more confident.
More confidence less nerves!
34Controlling Your Nerves
- Identify your nervous symptoms
- Techniques to calm nerves
- Exercise
- Breathing exercises
- Progressive relaxation exercises
- Stretching/relaxing specific areas
- Think positive!!
- Self talk pep talk
- Visual a calm scene
- Connect with your audience
35Controlling Your Nerves
- Tips for keeping your voice clear.
- Get a good nights sleep get up early
- Take a hot shower
- AVOID milk
- Drink warm liquids (but avoid caffeine)
- Hum
- Breathe deeply
- Drink tap water (not cold!)
36In Summary
- Develop your strategy based on audience analysis
and intent FIRST - Compose your presentation to be memorable
- Add visuals
- Add practice, practice, practice to refine
non-verbal delivery and calm your nerves - Questions?
Gardner, T. (1998). http//www.tengrrl.com/tens/01
Munter, M. Russell, L. (2002). Guide to
Presentations. Prentice Hall NJ.