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Follow me to the Neighborhood: Using Social Media in the Neighborhood Concept at Michigan State University MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT AFFAIRS ADMINISTRATION – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Follow me to the Neighborhood Using Social Media
in the Neighborhood Concept at Michigan State

  • Introduction to Michigan State University and the
    Neighborhood Concept
  • Current social media ventures
  • Recommendations and considerations for continued
    social media engagement

Michigan State University
  • Demographics
  • 36,058 undergraduates
  • 14,000 residential capacity
  • Suburban campus (5,200 acres)
  • Research I
  • NCAA Division I
  • Public, Land Grant
  • 11 Student Affairs and Services Departments
  • Academic, developmental, identity-based services

The Neighborhood Concept
  • Division of Student Affairs and Services (with
    campus collaboration)
  • 2010-2011 Pilot Implantation in East Campus
  • Small campus feel to a large campus - offering a
    central engagement center in each neighborhood

The Neighborhood Concept
  • Academic and social integration into living
    learning halls- including in-neighborhood
    advising, resume workshops, health services
  • Tied to major institutional endeavors, including
    the MSU mission, core values, Boldness by Design,
    Shaping the Future
  • Both developmental and practical outcomes
    (helping students develop, staying on campus,

Neighborhood Concept and Social Media
  • East Neighborhood Engagement Center Facebook Fan
    Page (86 followers)
  • Integration of YouTube videos from MSU partner
  • SpartanConnect (Intranet social networking forum)
  • neighborhoods.msu.edu (pictures, updates on
    construction, learning outcomes)
  • High collaboration with Neighborhood constituents
    (Residential and Hospitality Services, Health
    Services, various student affairs departments)

Recommendations and considerations for
continuedsocial media engagement
Create a Social Media Virtual Vision Statement
  • Define consistent standards for social networking
  • Vision statement creates and outline of purpose,
    culture, and goals for the neighborhood social
    media campaign
  • Align with themes in MSU initiatives and
    strategic plan
  • Innovation, enhancing student engagement,
    advancing research, connecting learning in areas
    outside the class
  • Vision should include details for how social
    media promotes learning outcomes, advances the
    University, and enhances the lived experiences in
    the neighborhoods
  • Reaching out to different demographics,
    millennial learning styles, engaging in an online
    and offline community
  • (CAS, 2009 Lipton, 1996 Ellison, Stein?eld,
    Lampe, 2007 Reisser Roper, 1991)

What we know about MSU Students and Social Media
  • MSU students report higher levels of interaction
    through social media between students who they
    have met offline, the importance of building
    students social capital, and learning about the
    people in their residence hall, and learning more
    about the offline community they are a part of
  • MSU students report lower levels of meeting new
    people or starting new relationships through
    social media

(Ellison, N B., Steinfield, C, Lampe, C, 2007)
Training for Consistent Implementation
  • Social media experts (faculty) at MSU will train
    student affairs professionals on social media,
    social media marketing, and how to effectively
    use social media within each unique
  • Student affairs professionals will advise and
    train the Social Media Student Committee (SMSC).
  • SMSC will be in charge of all social media
    accounts for their specific neighborhood
  • Student affairs professionals and SMSC Training
  • Neighborhood Environment
  • Unique characteristics of their specific
  • Population demographics of specific neighborhood
  • Interaction and developing relationships with
    offices in neighborhoods

Training for Consistent Implementation
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Making the most out of neighborhood social media
    accounts (incentives, advertising, branding)
  • Best way to reach students (what is being used,
    learning style inventory)
  • Reaching students who do not have social media
  • Keeping up with latest social media trends
  • How to navigate and understand the most recent
  • Diversity
  • How does diversity play into social media
    accounts for neighborhood?
  • Diversity activities through social media lens
  • Larger MSU Community/Greater Lansing Community
  • Specific neighborhood and larger campus
  • Incorporation of neighborhood into larger MSU
    campus and Lansing community
  • Networking with local businesses
  • Providing special deals to students living in
  • SMSC will increase faculty/student affairs
    professional/student interaction
  • Training will continue for student affairs
    professionals and SMSC throughout the

(Astin, 1999 Schlossberg, 1989)
Understanding Social Ecology
  • We all exist within and are shaped by our
  • Individual, relationship, community and society
  • In order to reach individuals and create
    sustained behavior change, they must be
    approached at every level of their ecology
  • Social marketing campaigns must be crafted and
    placed in ways which consider the specific
    contexts influencing target audiences at each

(Bronfenbrenner, 1979)
New Way of Doing an Old Thing
  • Social media were designed to fill an intrinsic
    human need to connect and converse
  • Effective social media creates, facilitates and
    maximizes human conversation around meaningful
    messages and converts the audience into
    energetic, authentic broadcasters
  • Social Media is used by diverse audiences
    regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, or
    socioeconomic status it is increasingly
    widespread and deeply ingrained
  • As there are many observable correlations between
    online and offline personas the opt-in, highly
    personal nature of social media requires
    dissolving the lines between ones personal and
    digital lives the extension of a social
    ecological approach into this new space is a
    natural and useful one.

(Universal McCann, 2008 Vazire Gosling, 2004)
  • Levels of Social Media Ecology
  • Individual, Relationship, Community, Society

(Koch, Souder, Banyan Communications, 2009)
Applying Social Media within Social Ecology
  • The current landscape of social media behaviors
    can be mapped to the four levels of social
    ecology and provide a framework for effective,
    measurable communication strategies. Facilitating
    and maximizing communication across all levels of
    the social ecological model is necessary to
    affect students
  • Facilitate conversation
  • Finally, many social media strategies fall victim
    to old habits and fundamental misunderstandings
    about the nature of Social Media and how messages
    travel through it. across all levels of the
    social ecological model to maximize the scope and
    potential of those conversations.

(Bronfenbrenner, 1979 Gregson, 2001)
Student Investment and Involvement
  • MSU students will have the opportunity to become
    a part in creating the social media environment
    in their neighborhood
  • SMSC will be composed of students who apply and
    are accepted to the committee.
  • SMSC will consist of MSU students who
  • Have a desire to learn more about social
  • Want to use their unique skills to enhance the
    social media experience in their neighborhood
  • Would benefit from practical experience in the
    field of their choices
  • Students of all majors encouraged to apply and
    serve on committee
  • Student affairs professionals from various
    offices will take turns advising the SMSC

Student Investment and Involvement
Students Major SMSC Task
Marketing Marketing of all social media accounts
Fine Arts All photography for social media accounts
Statistics Assessment for social media accounts
Graphic Design Layout and design
Communications Relationship building with campus contacts
Assessment Strategies
  • Assessment as a practice to grown, learn from,
    and improve upon practices
  • Different methods for different stages
  • Benchmark before changes, during programs and
    interventions, post-tests
  • Tracking hits/followers, immediate program
    evaluation, learning outcomes assessment
  • Astins (1991) Inputs-Environment-Outputs Model
  • Within-institution test for campus culture,
    understanding how students relationship with
    social networking has changed
  • Collaboration within the division and faculty
  • Residence Life, Communication Arts and Sciences,
    and more

(Astin, 1991 Bliming Whitt, 1991)
  • Astin, A. W. (1991). Assessment for excellence.
    New York Macmillan.
  • Astin, A. A. (1999). Student involvement A
    developmental theory for higher education.
    Journal of College Student Personnel, 25, pp.
  • Bliming, G., Whitt, E. (1999). Using
    principles to improve practice. In Bliming, G.,
    Whitt, E. (Eds.). Good practice in student
    affairs (pp. 179-204). Washington, DC Authors.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human
    development. Cambridge,MA Harvard University
  • Council for the Advancement of Standards.
    (2009). The book of professional standards for
    higher education 2009. Washington, DC Council
    for the Advancement of Standards in Higher
  • Ellison, Nicole B., Steinfield, Charles, Lampe,
    Cliff. (2007). The benefits of facebook
    friends Social capital and college students
    use of online social network sites. Journal of
    Computer-Mediated Communication, 12, 1143-1168.
  • Gregson, J. (2001). System, environmental, and
    policy changes Using thesocial-ecological model
    as a framework for evaluating nutrition education
    and social marketing programs with low-income
    audiences.Journal of Nutrition Education, 33(1),
  • Koch, C., Souder, K, Banyan Communications.
    (2009). Social media inthe social ecology A
    conceptual framework for behavior change online
    PowerPoint slides. Retrieved fromhttp//www.slid
  • Lipton, Mark. (1996). Demystifying the
    development of an organizational vision. Sloan
    Management Review, 37, 83-92
  • Oetzel, J. G., Ting-Toomey, S., Rinderle, S.
    (2006). Conflict communication in contexts A
    social ecological perspective. In J.G. Oetzel
    S. Ting-Toomey (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of
    conflict communication. Thousand Oaks, CA Sage.
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