Ministry of Agriculture of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ministry of Agriculture of


Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan Development of the agriculture sector and food security of the SCO countries – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ministry of Agriculture of

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of
Development of the
agriculture sector and food security of the SCO

Presentation Deputy Minister of
Agriculture of RT, Mr Isroilov S.I
  • AGRICULTURE is the most important sector of the
    economy of states - members of the SCO. The
    stable functioning of the agricultural sector is
    largely depends on the state of the economy and
    food security of the state of the SCO. In
    connection with this, the integration within the
    Shanghai Cooperation Organization, has a special
    place in the agreement of Agrarian Policy of the
    States Parties. Today's meeting of the Council of
    Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation
    Organization on The development of agriculture
    and food security of the SCO" is one of the
    vectors of the interaction of our countries to
    ensure sustainable agricultural development the
  • The Republic of Tajikistan is an agrarian
    country, and this sector plays a key role in
    ensuring food security, creating new jobs in
    rural areas, and social development of the
    village and, in general, the development of the
    republic's economy. In this regard, one of the
    strategic directions of development of the
    country selected by the Government of our
    Republic is to ensure food security and improve
    the welfare of the population.

Detail information on TAJIKISTAN
Population of the Republic of Tajikistan more than 8,2 million In rural areas live more than 70 of population of the country and 46 of them are busy with the agriculture sector Agriculture share in GDP accounts 21-23 percentage Tajikistan has suitable climate condition for developing the agriculture and these conditions are promoting to grow probably all type of crops In agriculture sector of the country are functioning more than 87,6 thous. dehkan farms, 456 cooperatives, , 621 collective dehkan farms, 6 agrofirms, and 119 Dehkan farm associations.
Prioritized direction of the Agrarian
reform programm up to 2020 year
  Diversification of the agriculture crops 2. Farm reform 3. Improve movements of the cooperatives 4. Institutional reform 5. Establishment of the Center on provision of informational advisory services
Food Security
  • Food security and agricultural development is a
    major sector of the economy, and sustainable food
    supply of the country largely depends on the
    development of this sector. Development of the
    agricultural sector will provide a reliable,
    stable and balanced food supply of the country by
    means of dynamic and steady growth of
    agricultural production, income and employment of
    the rural population, as well as the protection
    of natural resources for its expanded
  • Taking these factors into account, and to ensure
    food security, the following laws and programs
    were adopted, such as the Law of RT "On Food
    Security" "Food Security Program of the Republic
    of Tajikistan for the period up to 2015" and the
    Council on Food Security of the Government of the
    Republic of Tajikistan
  • Priorities of the Government of Tajikistan in the
    field of "food security"
  • To make the food accessible (economic and
    physical accessibility) on the basis of
    sustainable development of the agricultural
  • Ensuring food safety and proper organization of
    nutrition (especially for vulnerable groups)
  • Ensuring a stable food supply.
  • Implementation of these priorities will help to
    achieve the strategic goals of the country,
    including poverty reduction.

  • With the support of the Government of
    Tajikistan, 15 medium-term Governmental Programms
    up to 2015 years is currently implementing,
  • 7 Programms on crop production sector
  • -Improve of cotton production -Improve of
    horticulture and vineyards
  • - Improve of potato production -Improve of
    seed production
  • - Improve of tobacco production - Locust
  • - Plant and garden protection .
  • 8 Programms on livestock sector
  • -Improve of livestock and pedigree
  • -Improve of poultries
    -Improve of horse breeding
  • -Improve of fishery -Improve
    of yak breeding
  • -Improve of apiculture
    -Improve of livestock biotechnology
  • - Pasture improvement .

Horticulture and vineyards
  • Horticulture and vineyards are the main sector in
    economic development, actually in food processing
    and strengthening of export potential of the
  • Currently, total area of the gardens are
    consist of 131 thous. ha, from this area stone
    fruits 70,1 thousand ha, pips 49,4 thousand ha,
    nuts 5,2 thousand ha, subtropical 5,1 thousand
    ha and citruses 369 Ha
  • Total area of the vineyards are 37,8 thousand
  • In frame of the on gong implementation of
    agrarian reform, in order of diversification of
    the sectors is started to planting prunes, new
    varieties and high quality of apricots, apples,
    pears, peach and citruses, such as for Prune
    Anna Shpet, Vengerka ajeni and italian for
    ?pricot Mirsnadjali, Subhani, Khurmai, Kandak,
    Ahmadi for Apples Renet Simirenko, Jonatan,
    Golden Delishes, Rozamarin, Zolotoe Graymo for
    Pear Dilafruz, Belebosk, Kyure, Lastochka,
    Lesnaya krasavisa for Peach ?djiri surch,
    Kamberlend, Malinoviy, Lola, Farhod, Guldor,
    Sunbuli for Citrus Villa Franko, Meyera,
    Grecheskiy, Ioskuriya for Persimon Khiakuma,
    Zendji-maru, Gosha-Gaki and etc.

The result of the implementation of the
Governmental programms on crop production sector
The results of implementation of Government
programms in seed production sector
  • In the country, more than 65 special seed farms
    are currently functioning, who are engaged with
    growing of cotton, cereals, vegetables, potatoes
    and Lucerne.

Crop production
  • Crop production is one of the main sector of the
    agriculture, and playing important role in
    provision of the food security in the country.
  • In the country producing more than 400-450
    thousand MT of cotton, more than 1,3 million MT
    of cereal, more than 1,1 million MT of potato,
    1,4 million MT vegetables, 495 thousand MT of
    melons, 330 thousand MT of fruits, 175 thousand
    of grapes.
  • Export of cotton fibers , vegetables and fruits
  • from Tajikistan to the SCO countries for last 8
    months of 2014 year

Importer countries Unit Cotton fibers Dry fruits Onion Cherry Apricot Grapes Apples Plum
Kazakhstan MT - 45936 70078 225 1866 60 - 256
Kirgizstan MT - - - - 467 49 - -
China MT 866 241 - 125 - - - -
Russia MT 6701 91 729 95 8,5 - 2 -
Total MT 7567 46027 70807 445 2341,5 109 2 256
EXPORT and IMPORT between SCO countries and
Republic of Tajikistan
  • For 2013
  • For last 6 months of 2014

? Country (thousand USD ) (thousand USD )
? Country Export Import
1 Kazakhstan 85 531 625 758
2 Kirgizstan 7 199 179 315
3 China 86 323 595 799
4 Russia 123 095 906 260
5 Uzbekistan 4 574 7 490
Total 306 722 2 314 622
? Country (thousand USD ) (thousand USD )
? Country Export Import
1 Kazakhstan 89 088 325 470
2 Kirgizstan 2 272 9 788
3 China 20 413 334 727
4 Russia 50 235 706 377
5 Uzbekistan 1 684 1 580
Total 163 692 1 377 942
Commodity circulation of Tajikistan with SCO
countries composed in 2013 more than 2 billion
621 million USD, For last 6 months of 2014
composed more then 1 billion 542 million USD.
  • Livestock is main part of the agrarian sector of
    Tajikistan and providing population with meat,
    and milk, animal fat, eggs, honey, fish provides
    industry with raw materials, skin, wool,
    karakuls, fluff, etc. Livestock based on total
    production of the agriculture products takes
    second place after crop production sector
  • More than 2,1 million head of big cattle 4,9
    million head of sheep and goat, more than 5,0
    million head of all type of poultries and 78,0
    thousand head of the horses exist in the country
  • The value of the livestock sector production in
    overall value of the GDP the agriculture
    consist of 31,5 percent. Each year the country
    produces more than 175 thousand MT of meat, 828
    thousand MT of milk, 3510 MT of honey, 344
    million pcs of eggs, 1723 MT catching of fish and
    6,6 thousand MT of wool

Poultry, Apiculture and Fishery
  • Poultry Starting from
    2007, poultry is developing with high speed. Now
    51 poultry enterprises are functioning in the
    country. According to the statistic data in all
    categories of the poultry enterprises there are
    2,1 million head of poultries up to 01.01.2014 .
  • It is indicated, that with involving of local and
    foreign investment brought and launched modern
    technology in production from Iran, Turkey,
    Ukraine, and Russian Federation in 12 poultry
    enterprises. The poultry holders of the country
    engaging holding quails and partridges, their
    meat and eggs are using as dietary cookery.
  • Apiculture Currently in the country is being
    breed more than 196 of thousand bee families and
    each year are being producing more than 3510
    MT of honey. Each year, in order to improve the
    sector in the framework of Apiculture
    Improvement programm are imported 500-600 bee
    family from the Russian Federation.
  • Generally the country has resources of
    nectariferous crops, which it is allows to
    breed more than 800 bee families, which can be
    harvest 18 thousand MT of honey per year and
    huge quantity of the other products will follow
    strengthening export potential of the country.
  • Each year in all regions of the country are
    organizing national fair and competitionsHONEY
  • Fishery Tajikistan according to the
    availability of the fresh water is taking one of
    the main place in the world. 63 percent of the
    fresh water out Central Asia ,exists in
    Tajikistan. 1300 natural pools, 8 big water
    reservoirs, 6 big river, 5 big glaciers with
    total value 414 sq. ?? are located in the
    country. Fishery is one of the high income
    sector in Tajikistan.
  • Currently 2 governmental and 190 dehkan fishery
    farms are functioning in the country. There is
    indicated that today Tajikistan is using only
    17 of available potential, but need of the
    country is 14 thousand MT.
  • In future Tajikistan has potential to produce up
    to 300 thousand MT of the fishery products based
    on existing value of the water resources.

Implementation results of the Governmental
Programms on livestock sector
Collaboration in the sphere of Agro technician
with the member countries of SCO
  • In order to improve collaboration on provision of
    agriculture machineries and equipments in one
    frame of collaboration with SCO countries many
    tajik companies such as SUE Madad, NSUE
    Tajikagrolizing, OJSCAgrotechservis and OSC
    Madadi Tursunzoda are collaborating with
    Russian companies such as Rostselmash,
    ?gromashkholding, Agroremradiator and
    Gryazokultivator, China companies YUTO,
  • During the collaboration with above mentioned
    companies to RT were delivered from the
    Russian Federation more than 300 unit, from
    China 1100 unit of agriculture machines and
  • It is necessary to indicate that in 2014 SUE
    Madad in collaboration with Chinese company
    Difun has jointly established Center on
    provision of the services and repairing
    agriculture machines
  • In agrarian sector of the country there exist
    19,7 thousand tractors, 780 cereal harvesting
    combines 6,4 thousand ploughs and 1,7
    ?thousand seeding machines
  • Need of Tajikistan for agriculture machines and
  • Universal tractors-11 065 unit
  • Tillable tractors -10 959 unit
  • 3 wheels (inter-row cultivation) - 6770 unit
  • combine harvester -1 890 units
  • Seeding machine 4 890 units.

Dear participants of the business forum
  • The present meeting of the members of SCO will be
    the place for decision making, and gives for
    Tajikistan an impulse in achieving the food
  • During the short period the SCO was able to solve
    a lot of problems generated during the decade,
    improve the cooperation between the member states
    and move the collaboration to the advanced level,
    thus became acknowledged in the region the world.
  • The cooperation and collaboration between the
    member states has an great value in effective
    implementation of tasks and goals set for the
    agrarian sector as well as achieving the food
  • Taking in to the consideration the fact that
    Tajikistan is an agrarian country, the investment
    to the agriculture sector in not enough and
    sufficient, thus it requires an attraction of
    mutually profitable investments from SCO member
    states which will allow and force to strengthen
    and improve the export capacity of the country in
    nearest years and achieve the food security.

Thank you for your attention!!!
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