Title: Polish experience in mobility programmes
1Polish experience in mobility programmes
Thematic Workshop Scientific Mobility
opportunities, future trends, problems
- Maria Jaworska
- Polish Academy of Science
- Poland
BILAT-Ukraine Enhancing the bilateral ST
Partnership with Ukraine
2Poland before becoming a Member State
Taking part in European projects as a
partner 5th Framework Programme Marie Curie
Initial Training Networks (ITN) To structure
the high-quality initial research training
capacity throughout EU Member States and
Associated Countries Open to researchers from
Third Countries
3How to be a partner?
- http//cordis.europa.eu
- Partner Service
Publish your partners profile by entering your
project idea or specific expertise
Search the partners profiles submitted by other
- by National Contact Points/ Bridgehead
Organisations in EU countries
4- Polish Network of Mobility Information Centres
- (Bridgehead Organisation in Warsaw
- 10 Regional Points)
- www.euraxess.pl
- The part of the European EURAXESS Services
Network - http//ec.europa.eu/euraxess
- To support the transnational mobility of
5Regional Mobility Centre in Olsztyn Warmia and
Mazury Region
- Project title Polish Network of Mobility
Information Centres - Contract number MOBI-CT-2004-003746
- Action Specific Support Action
- Period of realization 2004-2007
- Funding source Directorate-General Research,
European Commission - After 2007 Polish Network is financed by the
Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
5th FP (1998-2002) ? 6 projects 6th FP
(2002-2006) ? 11 projects 7th FP (2007-2013) ?
2 projects
6Examples of projects realised at Warmia and
Mazury region within 6th FP
- Project title Genomic Approaches for Crop
Improvement - Contract number MTKD-CT-2004-509834
- Action Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge
Project - Period of realization 2004-2008
- Status in the project Coordinator UWM
- Funding source European Commission, Marie
Curie European Fellowships Unit - http//www.uwm.edu.pl/katgenbiol
7Examples of projects realised at Warmia and
Mazury region within 6th FP
- Project title Innovative Electrochemical
Applications for Nickel-Coated Carbon Fibre
Material - Contract number MIRG-CT-2005-031073
- Action Marie Curie International Reintegration
Grant - Period of realization 2006-2008
- Status in the project Coordinator UWM
- Funding source Directorate-General Research,
European Commission -
8Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career
Development 2007 Distribution of proposals
evaluated and recommended for funding by country
of nationality of applicant
9Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship for
Career Development 2007 Distribution of
proposals evaluated and recommended for funding
by country of nationality of applicant
10Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career
Development 2008 Distribution of proposals
evaluated and recommended for funding by country
of nationality of applicant from Member States
and Associated Countries
11Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship for
Career Development 2008 Distribution of
proposals evaluated and recommended for funding
by country of nationality of applicant
14List of registered organisations
15National EURAXESS Portals
16POLAND http//www.euraxess.pl
18EU possibilities for Ukraine
- ERC Starting Grants
- ERC Advanced Investigator Grant
Research programs
Specific International Scientific Cooperation
Activities (INCO)
- Individual Mobility Programs
- Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN)
- Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways
19Polish possibilities for UkraineResearch
Fellowships for Scholars from CEE Countries
- The MIANOWSKI FUND in co-operation with FUNDATION
FOR POLISH SCIENCE offers a scholarship scheme
for researchers and scholars from abroad, mainly
from Central and East European countries,
interested in research at Polish scientific
centers. It is indicated that candidates contact
the relevant institution prior to application. - Purpose
- Scholarships are granted for carrying out
research projects, proposals for which are
subject to approval by the trustees of the Fund.
Grants cover periods of 1-6 months. - Fields
- Not specified
- Eligibility
- Priority being given to persons employed in
academic institutions of the candidates home
country and holding a degree. - How to apply
- The deadline for delivery of applications is
October 15. - http//www.mianowski.waw.pl
20Fellowships awarded by the Mianowski Fund in the
years 1994-2008
21The Lane Kirkland Scholarships Program
- The Polish-American Freedom Foundation - Founder
of the Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program, and the
Polish U.S. Fulbright Commission - Program
Administrator offer candidates from Ukraine,
Belarus, Russia, as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova for the Lane
Kirkland Scholarships. - Purpose
- To share Polish experiences in economic, social
and political transformations, within the
framework of a two-semester supplementary study
program (for MA degree holders) in the Polish
schools of higher education and 2-4 week
professional internships in governmental and
private institutions. - Fields
- Economics and Management
- Administration / management (i.e. business, NGOs,
culture, environment protection and healthcare) - Public Administration (Central and Local
Government Administration) - Law
- Social Sciences (Social Psychology, Sociology)
- Political Science and International Relations
- Development Policy and Humanitarian Aid
22- Eligibility criteria
- Citizenship and permanent residence in one of the
targeted countries - Individuals with a permanent residence card in
Poland are ineligible - Masters degree
- up to 35 years of age (in special cases up to 40)
- Polish language proficiency adequate to
effectively attend lectures and seminars and
prepare a diploma thesis, or, alternatively,
English - for those candidates who select a
specific study program with English as language
of instruction (in such cases only basic Polish
is required) - minimum 2 years of professional experience
- Fellowships awarded in the years 2000-2007
- 137 from Ukraine ? 275 fellowships in total
- How to apply
- Application form is available at
http//form.kirkland.edu.pl - The deadline for delivery of applications is
March 15. - http//www.kirkland.edu.pl
23Scholarships of the Polish Government for Young
- The Centre for East European Studies is the
coordinator of the special Polish Governments
Scholarship Programme for Young Scholars from
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and the states
of South Caucasus and Central Asia. Each year 70
young scholars are admitted to the programme and
study 9 months at Polish universities. - Purpose
- To master the modern research methodology and
acquaint with key new achievements in the areas
of interest. - Fields
- Humanities history, international relations,
politology, sociology, psychology, administration
and management, law, journalism. - Eligibility criteria
- Masters degree in humanities
- up to 35 years of age
- Polish language proficiency adequate to
effectively attend lectures and seminars (in
special cases Polish language course) - How to apply
- The deadline for delivery of applications is
March 1. - http//www.studium.uw.edu.pl/?id37
24East European Studies Scholarships
- The Centre for East European Studies offers 25
scholarships to enter 2-year Masters Program in
Specialist Eastern Studies at the University of
Warsaw for candidates from the former Soviet
Union and post-communist countries. Over 800
candidates from 19 countries have applied for the
scholarship in the previous editions. 190
individuals were admitted to the scholarship
programme. - Purpose
- To create a group of well-trained experts on
Eastern affairs at home, to provide educational
opportunities for young specialists from other,
especially neighbouring countries. - Fields
- Humanities history, international relations,
politology, sociology, psychology. - Eligibility criteria
- Masters degree in humanities
- good knowledge of general topics concerning East
Europe, Central Europe, Russia, Middle Asia and
Caucasus - up to 30 years of age
- Polish language proficiency adequate to
effectively attend lectures and seminars (in
special cases Polish language course), English
language - How to apply
- The deadline for delivery of applications is
March 31. - http//www.studium.uw.edu.pl/_filez/file/2520st
- Maria Jaworska
- Regional Contact Point for EU Programmes
- University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
- Ul. Oczapowskiego 2, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland
maria.jaworska_at_uwm.edu.pl Tel. 48 89/523 33 46