Title: Organ Pathology
1Organ Pathology
- Female Genital System - II
Pathology of ovaries, tubes, breast, pregnancy
Jaroslava Dušková Inst. Pathol. ,1st Med.
Faculty, Charles Univ. Prague http//www1.lf1.cuni
2Diseases of the Fallopian Tubes
- inborn malformations
- aplasia (Müllerian duct disorders)
- bilateral incl. uterus vagina
- unilateral incl. kidney
- partial atresia
- acquired
3Diseases of the Fallopian Tubes
- inborn
- acquired
- non neoplastic atrophy, infection pyosalpinx,
hydrosalpinx, tbc salpingitis, synechiae - salpingitis isthmica nodosa
- pseudotumours cysts, ectopic pregnancy,
- neoplastic adenocarcinoma
4Diseases of the Fallopian Tubes
- PID pelvic inflammatory disease (chronic
salpingooophoritis) - tubar sterility
5Diseases of the Ovaries
- inborn
- acquired
- atrophy (involution)
- stromal hyperplasia (stromal)
- inflammation (salpingooophoritis, PID,
tuboovarian absess. Actinomycosis, tbc.) - (cont.)
6Diseases of the Ovaries
- inborn malformations
- aplasia (incl. kidney, uterus vagina)
- hypoplasia (e.g. in adrenogenital syndrome
pseudohermafroditismus femininus) - acquired (cont.)
7Diseases of the Ovaries
- inborn
- acquired
- atrophy
- hyperplasia
- inflammation
- pseudotumours
- TUMOURS (cont.)
8Ovary - cysts
- follicle
- luteal
- inclusion
- endometrial (chocolate)
- POLYCYSTIC OVARIES (Stein- Leventhal syndrome)
- obesity
- hirsutism
- infertility
- oligo- or amenorrhea
9Diseases of the Ovaries
- inborn
- acquired
- pseudotumours (stromal hyperplasia, dif.
10Ovary malignant neoplasms
- Czech Rep. 1323 new cases 2002
- Czech Rep. 25,3/ 100 000 women
- Europe 20,6/ 100 000 women
- World 15,1/ 100 000 women
11TUMOURS of the Ovary119 (!) coded nosology units
ICD-O Classification groups
- Surface epithelial stromal
- Sex cord stromal
- Germ cell
- Mixed germ cell sex cord-stromal
- Tumour of the rete ovarii
- Miscelaneous, tumour like lesions
- Lymphomas leukemias
- Secondary tumours of the ovary
- Peritoneal tumours
12TUMOURS of the Ovary
- Surface epithelial stromal tumours
- 30 of fem. gen. neoplasms
- middle old age
- risk factors longer HRT, obesity
- protective factors high parity, oral
contraceptives - precursors inclusion cyts, endometriosis
- lack of early warning symptoms
- 70 dg. at a late stage ca peritonitis
- mean 5-year survival in Europe 32 (!!!)
13TUMOURS of the Ovary
- Surface epithelial stromal tumours -
macroscopy - small to more than 20cm
- two thirds bilateral
- solid cystic with intracystic papillae
- confluent papillae, softer borderline
- necroses haemorrhage susp. malignancy
14TUMOURS of the Ovary Surface epithelial stromal
tumours - microscopy
- serous - endosalpigeoma
- mucinous endocervicoma
- mixed
- endometrioid (coinciding with endometrial ca)
- Brenner tumour
- ------------------------
- papillary cystadenoma
- papillary borderleine
- papillary cystadenocarcinomas
15TUMOURS of the Ovary119 (!) coded nosology units
ICD-O Classification groups
- Surface epithelial stromal
- Sex cord stromal
- Germ cell
- Mixed germ cell sex cord-stromal
- Tumour of the rete ovarii
- Miscelaneous, tumour like lesions
- Lymphomas leukemias
- Secondary tumours of the ovary
- Peritoneal tumours
16TUMOURS of the Ovary
- Sex cord stromal tumours
- Granulosa-stromal cell tumours
- Thecoma-fibroma group
- Sertoli- Leydig cell group
- Others..
17TUMOURS of the Ovary
- Sex cord stromal tumours
- Granulosa-stromal cell tumours
- manifesting mostly as a solid or cystic mass or
with steroid hormones production E/A effects - adult
- juvenile
- bleeding disorders, virilisation,
- isosexual precoccious puberty
18TUMOURS of the Ovary119 (!) coded nosology units
ICD-O Classification groups
- Surface epithelial stromal
- Sex cord stromal
- Germ cell
- Mixed germ cell sex cord-stromal
- Tumour of the rete ovarii
- Miscelaneous, tumour like lesions
- Lymphomas leukemias
- Secondary tumours of the ovary
- Peritoneal tumours
19TUMOURS of the Ovary Germ cell Tumours
- dysgerminoma ( seminoma ovarii)
- embryonal carcinoma
- teratoma (mature, immature)
- yolc sac tumour
- choriocarcinoma
20Embryonal carcinoma
- composed of primitive anaplastic-appearing
epithelial cells - pure rare, mostly in combined germ cell tumours
- peak incidence 30 years
- swelling, 2/3 patients with metastases at
diagnosis - macro tan/gray, necroses, hemorrhages
- micro solid, tubular, PLAP, CK
21Mesoblastoma vitellinum- yolc sac tumour
endodermal sinus tumour
- 80 of prepubertal germ cell tumours
- in postpubertal as admixture
- painless mass, serum AFP elevated
- macro gray/tan nonencapsulated
- micro many variants microcystic,
solid,festoon-like, hepatoid, spindle cell - AFP, alpha1-Antitrypsin
22Choriocarcinoma (non gestational)
- rare
- admixture in many germ cell tumours
- malignant
- children young adults
- presents with bleeding and precoccious
pseudopuberty - ß-HCG
- morphologicall identical with gestational ch.
- Def.
- Tumours (benign, borderline or malignant)
composed of two or more different cell lines that
are NOT normally present in the place of tumour
- coetaneous differentiated -cystic
- embryonal nondifferentiated -
25TUMOURS of the Ovary Secondary tumours of the
- metastatic - advanced stage
- poor prognosis
- Krukenberg tumour metastatic signet ring cell
ca originating mostly in the stomach or colon
26Diseases of the Breast
- inborn malformations
- amastia, polymastia (mamma accessoria), aberant
mammary tissue, polythelia - acquired
27Diseases of the Breast
- inborn
- acquired
- degenerations amyloid, mastitis acute
puerperal, chronic - Pseudotumours ( precanceroses) fibrocystic
disease, lipophagic granuloma, silicon granuloma,
suture granuloma. - TUMOURS
28Fibrocystic Breast Disease
- Def
- dyshormonal changes of the breast tissue with
variably increased risk of breast cancer
according to the type of epithelial proliferation
29Fibrocystic Breast Disease - symptoms
- palpable lump
- fluctuating cysts
- (pain)
30Fibrocystic Breast Disease - morphology
- fibrosis
- cysts
- epithelial hyperplasia
- ductal, lobular adenosis simple, florid,
sclerosing, microglandular - usual, atypical
- papillary
31Tumours of the Breast WHO 2003 75 ICD-O
coded nosology units
- epithelial
- myoepithelial
- mesenchymal
- fibroepithelial
- tumours of the nipple
- malignant lymphoma
- metastatic tumours
- tumours of the male breast
32Tumours of the Breast symptoms
- early stage asymptomatic mammography
(microcalciffication) - palpable lump
- nipple discharge
- breast configuration change
- ulceration
- metastases
33Benign epithelial tumours
- intraductal papilloma
- central
- peripheral - tubular adenoma
34Ductal ca in situ DCIS
- TDLU, seldom larger ducts
- precursor of invasive ca
- microcalcification on mammography
- 85 of cases detected with imaging techniques
- screening introduction
- incidence from 2,4/ 100 000 to 15,8/ 100 000
35Ductal ca in situ DCIS
- Histopathology
- solid, papillary, cribriform, comedo
- cytology (grading) G1-3
36Lobular carcinoma in situ LCIS
- 85 multicentric, 30 bilateral
- precursor of invasive ca
- Histopathology
- preserved lobular architecture, TDLU involvement,
small monomorphous cells, regular nuclei
37Breast cancer high risk
- age more than 50
- developed countries USA, Europe
- positive family history
- atypical hyperplasia
- BRCA1 gen (40-50), BRCA2 gen, other ca
(bowel, ovary, prostate, stomach, pankreas..)
38Breast cancer increased risk
- menarche prior 11 menopause after 55 yrs
- nuliparity late first delivery 30-35 let
- higher socioeconomic group
- obesity
- radiation
39Breast cancer increased risk
- etanol abuse
- oral contraceptives uncertain
- HRT following 10-15 yrs administration
40Breast cancer -prognosis
- typing
- grading
- staging
- hormonal receptors (ER PR- immunohistochemistry)
- c-erbB-2 receptoru (immunohistochemistry, FISH)
- proliferation activity (immunohistochemistry
Ki-67 index) - angioinvasion
41Mixed Tumours
- Def.
- Tumours (benign or malignant) composed of two or
more different cell lines that are normally
present in the place of tumour origin
- young age (30yr)
- firm circumscribed, painles
- mostly up to 30 mm
- solitary
- stromal epithelial component
43Phyllodes tumor
- middle age (50yrs)
- mostly benign, recidives
- painless, up to 50 mm
- more cellular stromal component