Luigi Logrippo SITE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Luigi Logrippo SITE


Title: Luigi Logrippo Author: Luigi Logrippo Last modified by: luigi Created Date: 7/28/2005 1:39:55 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: site | hockey | logrippo | luigi


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Luigi Logrippo SITE

Luigi LogrippoSITE
  • Feature Interactions http//
Main idea
  • Many software flaws can be discovered by making
    the logic precise and thoroughly examining it by
    the use of logic tools
  • Formal methods
  • Feature interactions are the result of logic
  • Inconsistency of specs
  • Application areas
  • Security
  • New VoIP and Web based systems
  • Many others

Do this
Do that
Feature Interaction in Automotive
  • Electronic Stability Program (ESP) and Cruise
    Control (CC)
  • ESP Break if wheels slip on wet road
  • CC Increase speed until cruise speed is reached
  • FI detectable by the fact that the two features
    have contradicting requirements

Protection rings in Bell-LaPadula security model
High security personnel uses delegation to
transfer access rights to lower security
personnel FI Delegation defeats BLP
FI in communications
FI CF defeats OCS .
3. A gets connected to C
2. B forwards to C
1. A calls B
OCS Originating Call Screening CF Call Forward
Infinite loops FIs
  • Companies A, B and C have policies where each of
    them uses the next in a loop as suppliers of
    parts in excess of inventory
  • This can start a chain reaction with potentially
    disastrous effects!

Send 800 pucks
Send 1000 hockey pucks
Send 400
Send 600 pucks
Send 400 pucks
FI subcontracting defeats itself
Infinite loops FIs
  • Companies A, B and C have policies where each of
    them uses the next in a loop as suppliers of
    parts in excess of inventory
  • This can start a chain reaction with potentially
    disastrous effects!

Send 800 pucks
Send 1000 hockey pucks
Send 400
Send 600 pucks
Send 400 pucks
FI subcontracting defeats itself
Presence communications features
  • Alice call Bob urgently about meeting
  • Bobs policy send to voice mail all calls that
    arrive when I am moving faster than 50Km/h
  • FI Bobs policy defeats Alices urgent call
  • (BTW our group has extensive experience on the
    design of presence features with complex policies)

How to detect
  • Specifications must be made precise!
  • Sometimes they are already sufficiently precise,
    e.g. in a XML-based language
  • E.g.BPEL
  • Constraint Logic Programming
  • Given a set of logic constraints, CPL tools can
    tell whether
  • There is a solution, constraints are satisfiable
  • There is no solution, in fact there is a

How to solve
  • Solution is a more complex problem, will depend
  • User intentions,
  • Try to identify user goals
  • May require an interactive system
  • Solution methods will vary according to the
    application domain

  • Complex designs require the composition of
    complex features
  • With a lot of user control on what will happen in
    different situation (user policies)
  • Introduction of these features will require
    sophisticated methods to control different
    situations of feature conflicts
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