Title: Hinduism
2Where is Hinduism practiced?
- Hinduism is practiced in many countries.
- The country with the most people practicing
Hinduism is India. - Hinduism is practiced in church like buildings
called Mandirs
3What are the basic tenets of Hinduism?
- Hinduism teaches people that the world is an
illusion. - They also believe that the soul
- They believe that if you have good karma in the
first life you will be in a higher class in the
after life.
4What is the caste system? How does it work?
- The caste system is a system of social ranking.
- Brahmins are Teachers and Priests.
- Ksatriyas are Warriors and Rulers.
- Vaisyas are Farmers, Merchants, Artesian etc.
- Sudras are Laborers.
- Untouchables are Polluted Laborers.
5Hinduism beliefs on death
- Hinduism believes in the rebirth and
reincarnation of souls. - They believe that the souls are immortal.
- If you beileve in Hinduism you will be reborn
into another human or animal.
6What two beliefs make Hinduism different from the
common religions or cultural practices?
- In Christianity they Worship god on Sundays, and
believe in only one life. - In Hinduism they worship god daily and believe in
7What are the two most positive aspects of this
- I think that one of the most positive aspects is
that they can be reborn into another human or
animal after they die. - The second thing is that they worship their god
everyday. - Ganges River?
8What works of art or literature best reveal this
religion and why?
- Aum is the main symbol of Hinduism
- It can be heard in the deepest meditation
- It is most suited for god.
9What is the most surprising or interesting thing
you learned about this religion?
- The most suprising thing I learned is that
- Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life.
- I also didnt know that only Hindu woman have a
red dot on their forehead.
10What is one Hindu holiday and how is it observed?
- Holi
- It was originally a spring festival of harvest.
Now it marks some Hindu legends. - Not much religious activity is involved in Holi.
- Also called the festal of colors.
- Usually celebrated in March