Unit 4: Chemical Periodicity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 4: Chemical Periodicity


chapter 6 Whitten, Davis & Peck. Unit 4: Chemical Periodicity – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Unit 4: Chemical Periodicity

  • Unit 4 Chemical Periodicity

More About the Periodic Table
  • Establish a classification scheme of the elements
    based on their electron configurations.
  • Noble Gases
  • All of them have completely filled electron
  • Since they have similar electronic structures,
    their chemical reactions are similar.
  • He 1s2
  • Ne He 2s2 2p6
  • Ar Ne 3s2 3p6
  • Kr Ar 4s2 3d10 4p6
  • Xe Kr 5s2 4d10 5p6
  • Rn Xe 6s2 4f14 5d10 6p6

Outer shell may be represented as having the
electron configuration of ns2 np6
More About the Periodic Table
  • Representative Elements
  • Are the elements in A groups on periodic chart.
  • These elements will have their last electron in
    an outer s or p orbital.
  • These elements have fairly regular variations in
    their properties.

More About the Periodic Table
  • d-Transition Elements
  • Elements on periodic chart in B groups.
  • Sometimes called transition metals.
  • Each metal has d electrons.
  • ns (n-1)d configurations
  • E.g. 21Sc through 30Zn have 4s and 3d occupied
    but NOT 4p
  • These elements make the transition from metals to
  • Exhibit smaller variations from row-to-row than
    the representative elements.

More About the Periodic Table
  • f - transition metals
  • Sometimes called inner transition metals.
  • Electrons are being added to f orbitals.
  • Lanthanides, 4f orbitals occupied
  • Actinides, 5f orbitals occupied
  • Electrons are being added two shells below the
    valence shell!
  • Consequently, very slight variations of
    properties from one element to another.

More About the Periodic Table
  • Outermost electrons have the greatest influence
    on the chemical properties of elements.
  • Adding an electron to an s or p orbital usually
    causes dramatic changes in the physical
    chemical properties
  • Adding an electron to a d or f orbital typically
    has a much smaller effect on properties.

Periodic Properties of the Elements
  • Knowledge of periodicity is valuable in
    understanding bonding in simple compounds
  • Variations useful in predicting chemical
  • Changes in properties depend on
  • electron configurations, especially configuration
    in outmost occupied shell
  • How far away that shell is from the nucleus
  • Atomic Radii
  • Ionization Energy
  • Electron Affinity
  • Ionic Radii
  • Electronegativity

Atomic Radii
  • Effective nuclear charge, Zeff, experienced by an
    electron in an outer shell is less than the
    actual nuclear charge, Z.
  • This is because the inner electrons block/
    screen/shield the nuclear charges effect on the
    outer electrons.
  • The concept of shielding or screening helps us to
    understand many periodic trends in atomic

Atomic Radii
  • Within a family (group) of representative
    elements, atomic radii increase from the top to
    bottom of the periodic table as electrons are
    added to shells further from the nucleus.
  • E.g. 3Li has a 1s2 2s1 configuration.
  • The outermost 2s1 electron is not as effectively
    shielded as an electron in a shell further from
  • E.g. 11Na has 10 inner e-s 1s2 2s2 2p6 and one in
    an outer shell, 3s1
  • The 10 inner e-s shield the outer-shell electron
    from most of the 11 nuclear charge

Atomic Radii
Atomic Radii
  • Atomic radii decrease going from left to right
    across the periodic table as a proton is added to
    the nucleus and an electron is added to a
    particular shell.
  • Moving across a period, each element has an
    increased nuclear charge and the electrons are
    going into the same shell (2s and 2p or 3s and
    3p, etc.).
  • Consequently, the outer electrons feel a stronger
    effective nuclear charge.
  • For Li, Zeff 1 For Be, Zeff 2

Atomic Radii
  • Example 1 Arrange these elements in order of
    increasing atomic radii.
  • Se, S, O, Te
  • You do it!
  • O lt S lt Se lt Te

Ionization Energy
  • First ionization energy (IE1)
  • The minimum amount of energy required to remove
    the most loosely bound electron from an isolated
    gaseous atom to form a 1 ion.
  • Symbolically
  • Atom(g) energy ? ion(g) e-

Mg(g) 738kJ/mol ? Mg e-
Ionization Energy
  • Second ionization energy (IE2)
  • The amount of energy required to remove the
    second electron from a gaseous 1 ion.
  • Symbolically
  • ion energy ? ion2 e-
  • Mg 1451 kJ/mol ?Mg2 e-
  • Atoms can have 3rd (IE3), 4th (IE4), etc.
    ionization energies.

First Ionization Energies of Some Elements
Ionization Energy
  • Periodic trends for Ionization Energy
  • IE2 gt IE1
  • It always takes more energy to remove a second
    electron from an ion than from a neutral atom.
  • IE1 generally increases moving from IA elements
    to VIIIA elements.
  • Important exceptions at Be Mg, N P, etc. due
    to filled and half-filled subshells.
  • IE1 generally decreases moving down a family.
  • IE1 for Li gt IE1 for Na, etc.

Ionization Energy
  • Example 2 Arrange these elements based on their
    first ionization energies.
  • Sr, Be, Ca, Mg
  • You do it!
  • Sr lt Ca lt Mg lt Be

Ionization Energy
  • First, second, third, etc. ionization energies
    exhibit periodicity as well.
  • Look at the following table of ionization
    energies versus third row elements.
  • Notice that the energy increases enormously when
    an electron is removed from a completed electron

Ionization Energy
Group and element IA Na IIA Mg IIIA Al IVA Si
IE1 (kJ/mol) 496 738 578 786
IE2 (kJ/mol) 4562 1451 1817 1577
IE3 (kJ/mol) 6912 7733 2745 3232
IE4 (kJ/mol) 9540 10,550 11,580 4356
Ionization Energy
  • The reason Na forms Na and not Na2 is that the
    energy difference between IE1 and IE2 is so
  • Requires more than 9 times more energy to remove
    the second electron than the first one.
  • The same trend is persistent throughout the
  • Thus Mg forms Mg2 and not Mg3.
  • Al forms Al3.

Attaining a noble gas configuration favours an
atom of a representative element in forming a
monoatomic ion
Ionization Energy
  • The relative values of IE helps in predicting
    whether an element would form ionic or covalent
  • Elements with low IE ? ionic compounds by losing
    e-s (cations)
  • Elements with intermediate IE ? covalent
  • Elements with very high IE ? ionic compounds by
    gain e-s (anions)

Electron Affinity
  • Electron affinity (EA) is the amount of energy
    absorbed when an electron is added to an isolated
    gaseous atom to form an ion with a 1- charge.
  • Sign conventions for electron affinity.
  • If electron affinity gt 0 energy is absorbed.
  • If electron affinity lt 0 energy is released.
  • Electron affinity is a measure of an atoms
    ability to form negative ions.
  • Symbolically

atom(g) e- EA ???ion-(g)
Electron Affinity
Two examples of electron affinity values
Mg(g) e- 231 kJ/mol ? Mg-(g) EA 231
Br(g) e- ? Br-(g) 323 kJ/mol EA
-323 kJ/mol
Elements with very ve electron affinities gain
electrons easily to form negative ions (anions)
Electron Affinity
  • General periodic trend for electron affinity is
  • the values become more negative from left to
    right across a period on the periodic chart.
  • the values become more negative from bottom to
    top up a row on the periodic chart.

Noteworthy exceptions Group 2A very difficult
to add an e- because these elements have their
outer s subshell filled Group 5A an additional
e- would have to be added to a half-filled set of
np orbitals
Electron Affinity
  • Example 3 Arrange these elements based on their
    electron affinities.
  • Al, Mg, Si, Na
  • You do it!
  • Si lt Al lt Na lt Mg

Ionic Radii
  • Cations (ve ions) are always smaller than their
    respective neutral atoms.

Ionic Radii
  • Anions (negative ions) are always larger than
    their neutral atoms.

Ionic Radii
  • Cation (positive ions) radii decrease from left
    to right across a period.
  • Increasing nuclear charge attracts the electrons
    and decreases the radius.

Ion Rb Sr2 In3
Ionic Radii(Å) 1.66 1.32 0.94
Ionic Radii
  • Anion (negative ions) radii decrease from left to
    right across a period.
  • Increasing electron numbers in highly charged
    ions cause the electrons to repel and increase
    the ionic radius.

Ion N3- O2- F1-
Ionic Radii(Å) 1.71 1.26 1.19
  • Example O2- is larger than the isoelectric F-
    because the oxide ion contains 10 e-s held by a
    nuclear charge of 8, whereas the F- ion has 10
    e-s held by a nuclear charge of 9

Ionic Radii
  • Both cation and anion sizes increase going down a

Ionic Radii
  • Example 4 Arrange these elements based on their
    ionic radii.
  • Ga, K, Ca
  • You do it!
  • K1 gt Ca2 gt Ga3

  • Electronegativity is a measure of the relative
    tendency of an atom to attract electrons to
    itself when chemically combined with another
  • Electronegativity is measured on the Pauling
  • Fluorine is the most electronegative element.
  • E.g. EN value for F is 4.0 ? when F is chemically
    bonded to other elements, it has a greater
    tendency to attract electron density to itself
    than any other element
  • Cesium and francium are the least electronegative

  • For the representative elements,
    electronegativities usually increase from left to
    right across periods and decrease from top to
    bottom within groups.

  • Example 5 Arrange these elements based on their
  • Se, Ge, Br, As
  • You do it!
  • Ge lt As lt Se lt Br

Periodic Trends
  • It is important that you understand and know the
    periodic trends described in the previous
  • They will be used extensively in Chapter 7 to
    understand and predict bonding patterns.

Chemical Reactions Periodicity
  • In the next sections periodicity will be applied
    to the chemical reactions of hydrogen, and
  • They form the most kinds of compounds with other

  • Colourless, odourless , tasteless gas,
  • Lowest molecular weight density
  • Flammable
  • Combustion reaction is exothermic enough to
    provide the heat needed to sustain the reaction
  • 2H2 (g) O2 (g) ?2H2O(l) heat

At 803.8 feet in length and 135.1 feet in
diameter, the German passenger airship Hindenburg
(LZ-129) was the largest aircraft ever to fly.
The very flammable hydrogen was responsible for
the Hindenburg disaster in 1937
Preparation of Hydrogen
  • Hydrogen gas, H2, can be made in the laboratory
    by the reaction of a metal with a nonoxidizing

Mg 2 HCl ???MgCl2 H2
  • Hydrogen is commercially prepared by the
    thermal cracking of hydrocarbons.

C4H10 ? 2 C2H2 3 H2
Preparation of Hydrogen
  • Hydrogen may also be prepared by steam cracking
  • CH4 (g) H2O (g) CO(g) 3
    H2 (g)
  • The mixture of H2 and CO gases are referred to
    synthesis gas and can be used to produce a
    variety of organic compounds e.g. methanol, and
    hydrocarbon mixtures for gasoline, kerosene

2002 prototype car from Chrysler that uses
methanol for fuel. A small reactor converts
methanol, H2O and O2 into H2 and CO2. the H2 then
reacts further with O2 to produce electricity to
power the car. Methanol easier and safer to store
than H2
Reactions of Hydrogen the Hydrides
  • Hydrogen reacts with active metals to yield
    solid ionic hydrides.
  • Example

2 K(l) H2 (g) ? 2 KH (s)
Ba H2 ? BaH2
  • In general for IA metals, this reaction can be
    represented as

2 M H2 ? 2 MH
  • In general this reaction for IIA metals can be
    represented as

M H2 ? MH2
Reactions of Hydrogen the Hydrides
  • The ionic hydrides are basic.
  • The H- reacts with water to produce H2 and OH-.

H- H2O ? H2 OH-
  • For example, the reaction of LiH with water
    proceeds in this fashion.

Reactions of Hydrogen the Hydrides
  • Hydrogen reacts with nonmetals to produce
    covalent binary compounds ? molecular hydrides
  • One example are the haloacids produced by the
    reaction of hydrogen with the halogens.

H2 X2 ? 2 HX
  • For example, the reactions of F2 and Br2 with
    H2 are

Hydrogen burns in an atmosphere of pure Cl2 to
produce hydrogen chloride, HCl
H2 F2 ? 2 HF H2 Br2 ? 2 HBr
Reactions of Hydrogen the Hydrides
  • Hydrogen reacts with oxygen and other VIA
    elements to produce several common binary
    covalent compounds.
  • Examples of this reaction include the production
    of H2O, H2S, H2Se, H2Te.

2 H2 O2 ? 2 H2O 8 H2 S8 ? 8 H2S
Reactions of Hydrogen the Hydrides
  • The hydrides of Group VIIA and VIA hydrides are

Reactions of Hydrogen the Hydrides
  • The primary industrial use of Hydrogen is in the
    synthesis of ammonia, a molecular hydride, by the
    Haber process
  • Most of the NH3 produced is used as a fertilizer
    or to make other fertilizers e.g. ammonium
    nitrate NH4NO3 and ammonium sulfate NH4SO4

Reactions of Hydrogen the Hydrides
  • There is an important periodic trend evident in
    the ionic or covalent character of hydrides.
  • Metal hydrides are ionic compounds and form basic
    aqueous solutions.
  • Nonmetal hydrides are covalent compounds and form
    acidic aqueous solutions.

Oxygen and the Oxides
  • Joseph Priestley discovered oxygen in 1774 using
    this reaction

2 HgO(s) ??2 Hg(?) O2(g) Red powder
colourless gas
  • A common laboratory preparation method for oxygen

2 KClO3 (s) ?? 2 KCl(s) 3 O2(g)
  • Commercially, oxygen is obtained from the
    fractional distillation of liquid air.

Oxygen and the Oxides
  • Ozone (O3) is an allotropic form of oxygen which
    has two resonance structures.
  • Ozone is an excellent UV light absorber in the
    earths atmosphere.

2 O3(g) ? 3 O2(g) in presence of UV
Reactions of Oxygen the Oxides
  • Oxygen is an extremely reactive element.
  • O2 reacts with most metals to produce normal
    oxides having an oxidation number of 2.

4 Li(s) O2(g) ? 2 Li2O(s)
  • However, oxygen reacts with sodium to
    produce a peroxide having an oxidation number
    of 1.

2 Na(s) O2(g) ? Na2O2(s)
Reactions of Oxygen the Oxides
  • Oxygen reacts with heavier members of group 1 ?
    K, Rb, and Cs to produce superoxides having an
    oxidation number of -1/2.

K(s) O2(g) ? KO2(s)
  • Oxygen reacts with IIA metals to give normal

2 M(s) O2(g) ? 2 MO(s) 2 Sr(s) O2(g) ? 2
Reactions of Oxygen the Oxides
  • At high oxygen pressures the 2A metals can form

Ca(s) O2(g) ? CaO2(s)
Reactions of Oxygen the Oxides
  • Metals that have variable oxidation states, such
    as the d-transition metals, can form variable
  • For example, in limited oxygen
  • In excess oxygen

2 Mn(s) O2(g) ? 2 MnO(s)
4 Mn(s) 3 O2(g) ? 2 Mn2O3(s)
Reactions of Oxygen the Oxides
  • Oxygen reacts with nonmetals to form covalent
    nonmetal oxides.
  • For example, carbon reactions with oxygen
  • In limited oxygen

2 C(s) O2(g) ? 2 CO(g)
  • In excess oxygen

C(s) O2(g) ? CO2(g)
Reactions of Oxygen the Oxides
  • Phosphorous reacts similarly to carbon forming
    two different oxides depending on the oxygen
  • In limited oxygen

P4(s) 3 O2(g) ? P4O6(s)
  • In excess oxygen

P4(s) 5 O2(g) ? P4O10(s)
Reactions of Oxygen the Oxides
  • Similar to the nonmetal hydrides, nonmetal oxides
    are acidic.
  • Sometimes nonmetal oxides are called acidic
  • They react with water to produce ternary acids.
  • For example

CO2(g) H2O (?) ? H2CO3(aq)
Cl2O7(s) H2O (?) ? 2 HClO4(aq)
As2O5(s) 6 H2O(?) ? 4 H3AsO4(aq)
Reactions of Oxygen the Oxides
  • Similar to metal hydrides, metal oxides are
  • These are called basic anhydrides.
  • They react with water to produce ionic metal
    hydroxides (bases)

Li2O(s) H2O(?) ? 2 LiOH(aq)
CaO(s) H2O (?) ? Ca(OH)2(aq)
  • Metal oxides are usually ionic and basic.
  • Nonmetal oxides are usually covalent and
  • An important periodic trend.

Reactions of Oxygen the Oxides
  • Nonmetal oxides react with metal oxides to
    produce salts.

Li2O(s) SO2(g) ? Li2SO3(s)
Cl2O7(s) MgO(s) ? Mg(ClO4)2(s)
Combustion Reactions
  • Combustion reactions are exothermic redox
  • Some of them are extremely exothermic.
  • One example of extremely exothermic reactions is
    the combustion of hydrocarbons.
  • Examples are butane and pentane combustion.

2 C4H10(g) 13 O2(g) ? 8 CO2(g) 10 H2O(g)
C5H12(g) 8 O2(g) ? 5 CO2(g) 6 H2O(g)
Fossil Fuel Contaminants
  • When fossil fuels are burned, they frequently
    have contaminants in them.
  • Sulfur contaminants in coal are a major source of
    air pollution.
  • Sulfur combusts in air.

S8(g) 8 O2(g) ? 8 SO2(g)
  • Next, a slow air oxidation of sulfur dioxide

2 SO2(g) O2(g) ? 2 SO3(g)
  • Sulfur trioxide is a nonmetal oxide, i.e. an
    acid anhydride.

SO3(g) H2O(?) ? H2SO4(aq)
Fossil Fuel Contaminants
  • Nitrogen from air can also be a source of
    significant air pollution.
  • This combustion reaction occurs in a cars
    cylinders during combustion of gasoline.

N2(g) O2(g) ? 2 NO(g)
  • After the engine exhaust is released, a slow
    oxidation of NO in air occurs.

2 NO(g) O2(g) ? 2 NO2(g)
Fossil Fuel Contaminants
  • NO2 is the haze that we call smog.
  • Causes a brown haze in air.
  • NO2 is also an acid anhydride.
  • It reacts with water to form acid rain and,
    unfortunately, the NO is recycled to form more
    acid rain.

3 NO2(g) H2O(?) ? 2 HNO3(aq) NO(g)
Group Question
  • What do the catalytic converters that are
    attached to all of our cars exhaust systems
    actually do? How do they decrease air pollution?
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