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Area statistics of Kharif-2010
Sr. No. Crop Normal sown area Area sown in Kharif 2010 aginst normal sown area
1 Paddy 7.49 7.76 103.70
2 Total cereal 18.46 17.92 97.06
3 Tur 2.81 3.15 112.05
4 Mungbean 1.83 1.75 95.28
5 Uridbean 1.08 1.05 97.16
6 Other pulses 0.70 0.74 105.71
7 Total pulses 6.41 6.69 104.29
8 Total oilseed 24.90 25.22 101.29
9 Cotton 25.19 26.33 104.51
10 Other crops 12.02 12.88 107.15
Total area sown 86.98 89.03 102.36
Area statistics of Rabi-2010
Sr. No. Crop Normal sown area Area sown in Rabi- 2010-11 as on 13/12/10 against normal sown area
1 Wheat 11.71 8.75 74.72
2 Total cereal 13.12 10.03 76.45
3 Gram 2.15 1.71 79.83
4 Other pulses 0.27 0.20 75.00
5 Total pulses 2.42 1.91 78.93
6 Total oilseed 2.89 2.36 81.66
7 Sugarcane 1.86 1.03 55.06
8 Cumin 2.85 1.83 64.39
9 Potato 0.59 0.41 69.20
10 Other crops 6.30 5.04 80.00
Total area sown 30.02 22.61 75.29
Rainfall status of Gujarat ( in mm)
Normal 2007 2008 2009 2010 Un seasonal rain 2010
969.14 1178.32 960.54 708.96 1037.00 24.58
Financial Statement 2010-11 (Rs. In Crores)
Crop Approved plan Unspent balance as on 1/04/10 Releases (Amount in Crores) Total fund available Expenditure (Including expenditure compared to approved plan ) Anticipated expenditure for kharif/Rabi Audited UC position 2008-09 2009-10 Interest accrued so far (1-4-2010)
NFSM-Rice 1.66 1.05 - 1.05 0.93 (56.02) 1.66 UTC submitted Date 16/11/10
NFSM-Wheat 6.64 0.54 - 0.54 2.75 (41.41) 6.64 UTC submitted Date 16/11/10
NFSM-Pulses 17.68 6.92 - 6.92 8.39 (47.45) 17.68 UTC submitted Date 16/11/10
Total 25.98 8.51 - 8.51 12.07 (46.46) 25.98
Figures in ( ) indicate percentage
physical/financial progress 2010-11(crop wise
including a3p)
physical/financial progress 2010-11
(NOVEMBER-2010 ending)

Sr.No Component NFSM - PULSES NFSM - PULSES NFSM - PULSES NFSM - PULSES NFSM - PULSES NFSM - PULSES Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
Sr.No Component Physical Physical Physical Financial (Rs.inLakh) Financial (Rs.inLakh) Financial (Rs.inLakh) Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
Sr.No Component Target Ach Ach Target Ach Ach Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
1 Distribution of Certified seeds (Qtls.) 21500 11052 51.40 258.000 106.53 41.29 In Rabi Summer
2 Integrated Nutrient Management (a) Lime/Gypsum (ha.) 20000 14346 71.73 150.000 81.54 54.36
  (b) Micro- Nutrients(ha.) 30000 21982 73.27 150.000 96.81 64.54
3 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) (ha.) 9000 7240 80.44 67.50 43.97 65.14
4 Incentive for Demonstration (no.) 6500 5997 92.26 130.00 92.93 71.48
5 Incentive for open pipeline (mt.) 275700 68838 24.97 51.70 12.36 23.91 In Rabi Summer
6 Distribution of Seed Drills.(no.) 300 239 79.67 45.00 28.05 62.33
7 Distribution of Rotavators (no.) 700 613 87.57 210.00 170.00 80.95
8 Incentive for Pump sets (no.) 1000 969 96.90 100.00 83.40 83.40
9 Incentive for Knap Sack Sprayers (no.) 583 901 154.55 17.49 14.82 84.73
physical/financial progress 2010-11
(NOVEMBER-2010 ending)
Sr.No Component NFSM - PULSES NFSM - PULSES NFSM - PULSES NFSM - PULSES NFSM - PULSES NFSM - PULSES Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
Sr.No Component Physical Physical Physical Financial(Rs.inLakh) Financial(Rs.inLakh) Financial(Rs.inLakh) Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
Sr.No Component Target Ach Ach Target Ach Ach Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
10 Distribution of Sprinkler Sets. (ha.) 500 175 35.00 37.50 12.39 33.04 In Rabi Summer
11 Incentive for Bio-fertilizers (ha.) 15232 9489 62.30 15.23 7.51 49.31
12 Incentive for P P Chemicals(ha.) 13900 12894 92.76 69.50 47.09 67.76
13 Farmers Training (No.) 293 239 81.57 49.30 20.30 41.18
14 Miscellaneous Expenses PMT Other expenses   55.00 11.66 21.20 Due To Vacancy
15 Local Initiative     200.00 9.14 4.57 Work is under progress.
TOTAL 1606.22 838.50 52.20
physical/financial progress 2010-11
(NOVEMBER-2010 ending)
Sr.No Component NFSM - WHEAT NFSM - WHEAT NFSM - WHEAT NFSM - WHEAT NFSM - WHEAT NFSM - WHEAT Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
Sr.No Component Physical Physical Physical Financial (Rs.inLakh) Financial (Rs.inLakh) Financial (Rs.inLakh) Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
Sr.No Component Target Ach Ach Target Ach Ach Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
1 Demonstration on improved package of practice. (No.) 1015 937 92.32 20.30 9.00 44.33
2 Increase in SRR (Seed Distribution).(Qtl) 48000 13800 28.75 240.00 64.00 26.67 Work is under progress.
3 Distribution of Seed Minikits of HYVs of Wheat 5070 5070 100.00 - - -
4 Incentive for Micro Nutrients (ha.) 16000 8217 51.36 80.00 31.57 39.46 Work is under progress.
5 Incentive for Gypsum (Salt affected soils). (ha.) 13000 5062 38.94 65.00 24.11 37.09 --- do ---
6 Incentive on Rotavators 250 207 82.80 75.00 61.10 81.47
7 Incentive on Seed Drills. 100 86 86.00 15.00 11.00 73.33
8 Incentive on Knap Sack Sprayers. 500 857 171.40 15.00 13.36 89.07
9 Incentive for Sprinkler Sets(ha.) 150 46 30.67 11.25 3.50 31.11 Work is under progress.
physical/financial progress 2010-11
(NOVEMBER-2010 ending)
Sr.No Component NFSM - WHEAT NFSM - WHEAT NFSM - WHEAT NFSM - WHEAT NFSM - WHEAT NFSM - WHEAT Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
Sr.No Component Physical Physical Physical Financial (Rs.inLakh) Financial (Rs.inLakh) Financial (Rs.inLakh) Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
Sr.No Component Target Ach Ach Target Ach Ach Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
10 Incentive on Diesel Pump Sets (No.) 400 405 101.25 40.00 37.44 93.60
11 Farmers Trainings (No.) 50 37 74.00 8.50 0.00 0.00
12 Award for Best performing Districts 1   0.00 5.00   0.00 Work is under progress.
13 Miscellaneous Expenses (a) PMT Other expen. at Dist. level 416 5 25.52 7.06 27.66 Due to Vacancy
 14 (b) PMT Other State level 22   13.87   0.00 Due to Vacancy
15 Local Initiative   15 50.00 13.00 26.00 Work is under progress.
TOTAL 664.44 275.14 41.41
physical/financial progress 2010-11
(NOVEMBER-2010 ending)
Sr.No Component NFSM - RICE NFSM - RICE NFSM - RICE NFSM - RICE NFSM - RICE NFSM - RICE Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
Sr.No Component Physical Physical Physical Financial (Rs.inLakh) Financial (Rs.inLakh) Financial (Rs.inLakh) Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
Sr.No Component Target Ach Ach Target Ach Ach Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
1 Demonstration on improved package of practice.(No.) 250 250 100.00 6.25 2.84 45.44
2 Demonstration on System of Rice Intensification ( SRI) (No.) 50 50 100.00 1.50 1.21 80.67
3 Demonstrations on Hybrid Rice Tech.(No.) 25 25 100.00 0.75 0.65 86.67
4 Assistance for Distribution of HYVs. Seeds.(Qtl.) 5000 1500 30.00 25.00 7.37 29.48 Due to less rainfall.
5 Seed Minikits Of HYVs Rice. (No.) 2326 2326 100.00 - - -
6 Incentive for Micro Nutrients (ha.) 3000 3000 100.00 15.00 13.00 86.67
7 Assistance for Plant Protection Chemicals and Bio-agent (ha.) 4000 4000 100.00 20.00 15.50 77.50
8 Incentive for Conoweeder other Farm Implements. (ha.) 500 500 100.00 15.00 14.60 97.33
physical/financial progress 2010-11
(NOVEMBER-2010 ending)
Sr.No Component NFSM - RICE NFSM - RICE NFSM - RICE NFSM - RICE NFSM - RICE NFSM - RICE Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
Sr.No Component Physical Physical Physical Financial (Rs.inLakh) Financial (Rs.inLakh) Financial (Rs.inLakh) Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
Sr.No Component Target Ach Ach Target Ach Ach Reasons for low progress/reasons for mismatch between Physical Financial
9 Incentive on Knap Sack Sprayers. (No.) 1000 1630 163.00 30.00 12.60 42.00 Mismatch of financial achievement is due to low price sprayers.
10 Incentive on Seed Drills. (No.) 50 45 90.00 7.50 6.75 90.00
11 Incentive on Rotavators. (No.) 20 12 60.00 6.00 3.60 60.00 Work is under progress.
12 Incentive on Pump Sets (No.) 150 175 116.67 15.00 14.50 96.67
13 Farmers Training (No.) 20 12 60.00 3.40 0.80 23.53 Work is under progress.
14 Local Initiatives     20.00 0.00 0.00 Work is under progress.
TOTAL TOTAL 165.40 93.42 56.48
Achievements of A3P during Kharif 2010-11
Sr.No District Block/Taluka Crop Area covered (Ha.) Total Rs. (In lakhs)
1. Bharuch Valiya Pigeonpea 1000 53.96
1. Bharuch Bharuch Pigeonpea 1000 52.91
1. Bharuch Jambusar Pigeonpea 1000 53.96
2. Sabarkantha Megaraj Pigeonpea 1000 49.35
2. Sabarkantha Bayad Pigeonpea 1000 49.35
3. Banaskantha Bhabhar Mungbean 500 21.28
3. Banaskantha Tharad Mungbean 1000 43.18
3. Banaskantha Vav Mungbean 1000 42.58
3. Banaskantha Danta Pigeonpea 1000 42.92
4. Kutch Bhuj Mungbean 1000 53.29
4. Kutch Mandvi Mungbean 1000 53.29
4. Kutch Rapar Mungbean 500 21.43
5. Dahod Dhanpur Uridben 1000 41.83
5. Dahod Devgadhbaria Uridben 1000 41.83
5. Dahod Limkheda Uridben 1000 41.83
6. Vadodara Karjan Pigeonpea 1000 53.85
6. Vadodara Savali Pigeonpea 1000 53.85
6. Vadodara Vaghodiya Pigeonpea 1000 53.85
6. Vadodara Dabhoi Pigeonpea 1000 53.85
6. Vadodara Shinor Pigeonpea 1000 53.85
6. Vadodara Sankheda Pigeonpea 1000 53.85
6. Vadodara Pavijetpur Pigeonpea 1000 53.85
Total Total 21 21000 1039.90
Input planning for Rabi and implementation status
of rabi plan under NFSM Pulses 2010-11
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Rabi 2010-11 Rabi 2010-11 Rabi 2010-11
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Physical Financial (in Rs. Lakh) Financial (in Rs. Lakh)
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Ach Target Ach
1 Distribution of Certified seeds (Qtl.) 16090 GSSC,GUJCOMOSOL,NSC, KRIBHCO,GSFC 5642 211.52 60.05
2 Integrated Nutrient Management (a) Lime/Gypsum (ha.) 7269 GSFC,HINDALCO 1615 85.61 17.15
2 (b) Micro- Nutrients (ha.) 10109 GSFC,GUJCOMOSOL,GAIC 2091 74.03 20.84
 3 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) (ha.) 2867 1107 36.54 13.01
4 Incentive for Demonstration (No.) 2336 1833 68.46 31.39
5 Incentive for open pipeline (mts.) 234007 27145 42.89 3.55
6 Distribution of Seed Drills. (No.) 81 20 18.94 1.99
7 Distribution of Rotavators (No.) 160 73 43.80 3.80
8 Incentive for Pump sets (Ha.) 106 75 30.80 14.20
Input planning for Rabi and implementation status
of rabi plan under NFSM Pulses 2010-11
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Rabi 2010-11 Rabi 2010-11 Rabi 2010-11
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Physical Financial (Rs.inLakh) Financial (Rs.inLakh)
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Ach Target Ach
9 Incentive for Knap Sack Sprayers 100 91 3.99 1.32
10 Distribution of Sprinkler Sets. 290 Tie-up with GGRC. 0 36.75 11.64
11 Incentive for Bio-fertilizers 8922 GSFC,GUJCOMASOL,KRIBHCO,IFFCO 3179 9.91 2.19
12 Incentive for P .P. Chemicals 2782 1776 34.79 12.38
13 Farmers Training 140 86 38.93 9.93
14 Miscellaneous Expenses PMT Other expenses 1 48.58 5.24
 15 Local Initiative 200.00 9.14
Total 985.54 217.82
Input planning for Rabi and implementation status
of rabi plan under NFSM Wheat 2010-11
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Rabi 2010-11 Rabi 2010-11 Rabi 2010-11
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Physical Financial (Rs.inLakh) Financial (Rs.inLakh)
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Ach Target Ach
1 Demonstration on improved package of practice. (No.) 1015 937 20.30 9.00
2 Increase in SRR (Seed Distribution). (Qtl.) 48000 GSSC,GUJCOMOSOL, NSC,KRIBHCO,GSFC 13800 240.00 64.00
3 Distribution of Seed Minikits of HYVs (No.) 5070 5070 0.00 0.00
4 Incentive for Micro Nutrients (ha.) 12179 GSFC,GUJCOMOSOL, GAIC 4396 66.65 18.22
5 Incentive for Gypsum (Salt affected soils). (ha.) 9138 GSFC,HINDALCO 1200 44.89 4.00
6 Incentive on Rotavators (No.) 99 56 29.70 15.80
Input planning for Rabi and implementation status
of rabi plan under NFSM Wheat 2010-11
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Rabi 2010-11 Rabi 2010-11 Rabi 2010-11
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Physical Financial (Rs.Lakh) Financial (Rs.Lakh)
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Ach Target Ach
7 Incentive on Seed Drills.(No.) 39 25 6.70 2.70
8 Incentive on Knap Sack Sprayers. 500 499 8.91 7.27
9 Incentive for Sprinkler Sets (ha.) 115 Tie-up with GGRC 11 8.62 0.87
10 Incentive on Diesel Pump Sets (No.) 30 30 9.16 6.60
11 Farmers Trainings (No.) 50 37 8.50 0.00
12 Award for Best performing Districts 1 0 5.00 0.00
13 Miscellaneous Expenses (a) PMT Other expen. at Dist. level 0 22.48 4.02
  (b) PMT Other State level 0 13.39 -0.48
14 Local Initiative 4 4 50.00 13.00
  TOTAL 534.30 145.00
Input planning for Rabi and implementation status
of rabi plan under NFSM Rice 2010-11
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Rabi 2010-11 Rabi 2010-11 Rabi 2010-11
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Physical Financial (Rs. Lakh) Financial (Rs. Lakh)
Sr. No. Component Planned physical target Supply tie up status (Quantity supplied, placement and supplying agency Ach Target Ach
1 Assistance for Distribution of HYVs. Seeds.(Qtl.) 3500 GSSC,GUJCOMOSOL, NSC,KRIBHCO,GSFC 0 17.63 0.00
2 Assistance for Plant Protection Chemicals and Bio-agent (ha.) 165 165 4.50 0.00
3 Incentive for Conoweeder other Farm Implements. 35 35 1.05 0.65
4 Incentive on Knap Sack Sprayers. 200 100 19.40 2.00
5 Incentive on Seed Drills. 15 10 2.25 1.50
6 Incentive on Rotavators. 8 0 2.40 0.00
7 Farmers Training 8 0 2.60 0.00
8  Local Initiatives 0 0 20.00 0.00
Total 76.63 4.65
Area,Production Yield 2007-08 to
2009-10 Productivity / - over 2006-07
Year Crop Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Reasons
Year Crop No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 Reasons
0-5 gt5 gt10 gt20 Total Districts 0-5 gt5 gt10 gt20 Total Districts
2007-08 Pulses 0 1 1 8 10 1 0 0 0 1
2008-09 Pulses 0 2 3 5 10 0 0 0 1 1
2009-10 Pulses 0 2 2 3 7 1 1 1 1 4 Uneven distribution of rain
Area,Production Yield 2007-08 to
2009-10 Productivity / - over 2006-07
Year Crop Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Reasons
Year Crop No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 Reasons
0-5 gt5 gt10 gt20 Total Districts 0-5 gt5 gt10 gt20 Total Districts
2007-08 Wheat 0 2 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
2008-09 Wheat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 4
2009-10 Wheat 1 1 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 1
Area,Production Yield 2007-08 to
2009-10 Productivity / - over 2006-07
Year Crop Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Reasons for productivity decline despite NFSM scheme or Productivity increase with any critical input from NFSM
Year Crop No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 Reasons for productivity decline despite NFSM scheme or Productivity increase with any critical input from NFSM
0-5 gt5 gt10 gt20 Total Districts 0-5 gt5 gt10 gt20 Total Districts
2007-08 Rice 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0
2008-09 Rice 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
2009-10 Rice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Scanty and erratic rainfall
Progress of A3P during Kharif Rabi 2010-11
Season No of units allocated No of units implemented by state Unit cost incurred on each unit (Rs. In Lakh) Reasons for deviation, if any
Kharif 21 21 49.52 -
Rabi 03 03 54.00 -
Total 24 24 - -
A3P Unit wise details
Particulars of each A3Punit crop wise Amount released (Rs in lakhs) Amount spent Balance Production (M.T.) Productivity ( Kg./Ha.) Performance of Production /Productivity compared to check (Kg./Ha.)
Pigeonpea 702.00 679.40 Crop not harvested Crop not harvested Crop not harvested
Mugenbean 270.00 235.05 3600.00 650 - 750 500-600
Urdben 162.00 125.49 2900.00 960 - 975 792-800
Performance of Minikits supplied during Kharif
Crop Rice No. of minikits allocated No. of minikits received Name of the variety year of release Agency supplied Date of receipt Yield of minikits variety (Kg./Ha) Yield of Check variety (Kg./Ha) Acceptance of farmer/or decline reasons for the same
Rice 2326 2326 GR-7 NSC 05.06.10 3900 3500
Pulses (A3P) 13000 13000 Arhar- Laxmi SFCI 01.06.10 to 06.06.10 Crop not Harvested Crop not Harvested Crop not Harvested
Pulses (A3P) 3000 3000 Urid Azadurd-3 NSC 20.05.10 960 965
Pulses (A3P) 5000 5000 Moong P-9531 PDM-11 SFCI 12.06.10 650 700 800 800
Performance of Minikits supplied during Rabi-
Crop No. of minikits allocated No. of minikits received Name of the variety year of release Agency supplied Date of receipt Yield of minikits variety Yield of Check variety Acceptance of farmer/or decline reasons for the same
Gram 3000 3000 JAKI-9218 GG-2 SFCI NSC 04.10.10 08.10.10 - - -
Wheat 5070 5070  HI-1531 HD-2932 NSC SFCI 10.11.10 to 11.11.10 - - -
NFSM-PMT status in the state/districts
No. of consultants sanctioned No. of consultants sanctioned No. of consultants engaged No. of consultants engaged No. of technical assistants sanctioned at district level No. of technical assistants sanctioned at district level No. of technical assistants engaged at district level No. of technical assistants engaged at district level If not, Reasons for not engaging the PMT
State level District level State level District level Regular NFSM A3P Regular NFSM A3P Less salary No job guaranty after 11 months For consultant, prescribed E.Q. is higher.
3 15 0 2 38 24 4 10 Less salary No job guaranty after 11 months For consultant, prescribed E.Q. is higher.
Position of Success Stories
Component on which success story submitted Number of success story submitted Whether copy sent to national mission director
Farm Mechanization / Demonstration 2 No.
Status of online submission of QPR
Crop Entry status of state report Total No. of Districts No. of Districts for which online data submitted Reason for not submitting data.
Rice 2nd quarter 2 2 Targets are entered for all districts. Remaining achievement data entries will be completed before 25th December, 2010.
Pulses 2nd quarter 26 26 Targets are entered for all districts. Remaining achievement data entries will be completed before 25th December, 2010.
Wheat 2nd quarter 4 4 Targets are entered for all districts. Remaining achievement data entries will be completed before 25th December, 2010.
  • Constraints and suggestions
  • Inclusion of Dahod and Panchamahal District
    for Rice crop which are low productive area
  • Less availability of PMT staff ( For Consultant,
  • Experience should be reviewed)
  • Lower salary of contractual staff
  • Limit of 20 inter-componental changes
  • permission
  • Restriction on inter-componental changes from
  • seed to non seed component
  • Fund releases not against allocation
  • Approval of DFSMEC at two stages i.e. at planning
  • financial disbursement which leads to delay
    in financial
  • achievement.
  • Rate of subsidy of open pipe line is lower. It
    should be in the matching of
  • actual market rate. ( Instead of Rs.
    18.75/mt. it should be at least
  • Rs.30/mt.)

APY of rice, pulses and wheat in NFSM/non NFSM
districts from 2009-10
Area, Production and Productivity of Rice in NFSM and Non- NFSM Districts
(Area in 00 Ha. , Production in 00 M.T. ,
Productivity in Kg/Ha.)
Sr.No Districts 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 (Kharif-2009) 2009-10 (Kharif-2009) 2009-10 (Kharif-2009)
Sr.No Districts Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. (Approxi. Produty. (Approxi.
  NFSM Districts                        
1 Dahod 457 387 847 393 389 990 361 248 687 341 251 735
2 Panchmahal 711 512 720 784 837 1066 724 528 729 437 340 777
  Sub Total 1168 899 770 1177 1226 1042 1085 776 715 778 594 763
  Non- NFSM Districts                        
3 Ahmedabad 1001 1869 1867 1080 2227 2062 984 1819 1849 861 1633 1897
4 Anand 785 1417 1805 911 2156 2367 904 1800 1991 793 1617 2039
5 Banaskanth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Bharuch 109 163 1495 126 205 1627 154 269 1747 121 217 1795
7 Dang 169 204 1207 168 228 1357 179 227 1270 158 208 1318
8 Gandhinaga 143 342 2392 158 412 2608 128 269 2099 106 228 2147
9 Kheda 1003 1915 1909 1046 2525 2414 1034 2181 2109 868 1872 2157
10 Mehsana 81 167 2062 83 191 2301 59 121 2055 61 128 2103
(Area in 00 Ha. , Production in 00 M.T. ,
Productivity in Kg/Ha.)
Sr.No Districts 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 (Kharif-2009) 2009-10 (Kharif-2009) 2009-10 (Kharif-2009)
Sr.No Districts Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. (Approxi. Produty. (Approxi.
11 Narmada 130 97 746 136 116 853 152 137 901 149 141 949
12 Navsari 422 1009 2391 509 1313 2580 524 1294 2469 632 1591 2517
13 Patan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48
14 Sabarkantha 81 145 1790 103 224 2175 101 184 1822 64 120 1870
15 Surat 777 1586 2041 884 1766 1998 681 1575 2313 577 1362 2361
16 Vadodra 495 574 1160 614 836 1362 604 671 1111 583 676 1159
17 Valsad 524 1016 1939 583 1302 2233 611 1300 2128 672 1462 2176
18 Amreli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Bhavnagar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Jamnagar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Junagadh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Kutch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 Porbandar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Rajkot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Surendranag 5 9 1800 8 15 1875 9 10 1111 0 0 1159
26 Tapi     0 0 0 0 264 396 1500 352 545 1548
  Sub Total 5725 10513 1836 6409 13516 2109 6388 12253 1918 5997 11790 1966
  GRAND TOTAL 6893 11412 1656 7586 14742 1943 7473 13029 1743 6775 12134 1791
Area, Production and Productivity of Rice in NFSM and Non- NFSM Districts
(Area in 00 Ha. , Production in 00 M.T. ,
Productivity in Kg/Ha.)
Sr.No Districts 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10
Sr.No Districts Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. (Approxi. Produty. Approxi.
  NFSM Dist.      
1 Ahmedabad 1324 2289 1729 1502 2756 1835 1408 1946 1382 1107 1605 1450
2 Mehsana 549 1567 2854 647 2037 3148 630 1456 2311 714 1699 2379
3 Sabarkantha 1057 2722 2575 1194 3236 2710 900 1981 2201 1267 2875 2269
4 Banaskantha 681 1705 2504 830 2313 2787 562 1182 2103 569 1235 2171
  Sub Total 3611 8283 2294 4173 10342 2478 3500 6565 1876 3657 7108 1944
  Non- NFSM Districts                        
5 Anand 568 894 1574 545 1323 2428 537 1220 2272 484 1133 2340
6 Bharuch 177 194 1096 186 359 1930 214 294 1374 155 223 1442
7 Dahod 568 1157 2037 653 1465 2243 249 411 1651 329 565 1719
8 Dang 3 9 3000 4 14 3500 7 17 2429 40 100 2497
9 Gandhinagar 275 809 2942 438 1417 3235 328 832 2537 291 758 2605
10 Kheda 626 1519 2427 784 2412 3077 678 1353 1996 628 1296 2064
(Area in 00 Ha. , Production in 00 M.T. ,
Productivity in Kg/Ha.)
Sr.No Districts 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10
Sr.No Districts Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. (Approxi. Produty. (Approxi.
11 Narmada 19 55 2895 21 67 3190 19 48 2526 22 57 2594
12 Navsari 3 9 3000 3 9 3000 3 6 2000 7 14 2068
13 Panchmahal 212 300 1415 208 424 2038 199 247 1241 164 215 1309
14 Patan 271 601 2218 326 817 2506 262 676 2580 305 808 2648
15 Surat 69 172 2493 97 189 1948 61 139 2279 62 145 2347
16 Vadodara 235 529 2251 301 777 2581 244 553 2266 204 476 2334
17 Valsad 6 18 3000 3 10 3333 3 8 2667 0 0 2735
18 Amreli 278 927 3335 467 1817 3891 393 1120 2850 104 303 2918
19 Bhavnagar 333 930 2793 495 1600 3232 339 880 2596 52 139 2664
20 Jamnagar 499 1465 2936 485 1810 3732 356 1171 3289 363 1219 3357
21 Junagadh 1423 5214 3664 1796 7590 4226 1881 5516 2932 1205 3616 3000
22 Kutch 255 663 2600 302 843 2791 201 552 2746 252 709 2814
23 Porbandar 126 380 3016 133 414 3113 56 151 2696 32 88 2764
24 Rajkot 842 3056 3629 909 3424 3767 970 3178 3276 382 1278 3344
25 Surendranag 324 731 2256 410 1193 2910 365 867 2375 347 848 2443
26 Tapi     0 0 0 0 49 122 2490 41 105 2558
  Sub Total 7112 19632 2760 8566 27974 3266 7414 19361 2611 5469 14654 2679
  GRAND TOTAL 10723 27915 2603 12739 38316 3008 10914 25926 2375 9126 22299 2443
Area, Production and Productivity of Rice in NFSM and Non- NFSM Districts
(Area in 00 Ha. , Production in 00 M.T. ,
Productivity in Kg/Ha.)
Sr.No Districts 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 (Kharif and Rabi 2009) 2009-10 (Kharif and Rabi 2009) 2009-10 (Kharif and Rabi 2009)
Sr.No Districts Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. (Approxi. Produty. (Approxi.
  NFSM Districts                        
1 Banaskantha 575 154 268 749 547 730 399 211 529 351 203 579
2 Bharuch 518 313 604 509 390 766 671 464 692 749 499 666
3 Dahod 793 595 750 824 796 966 595 472 793 692 671 970
4 Jamnagar 281 282 1004 320 391 1222 338 404 1195 335 393 1174
5 Kutch 1034 482 466 1056 535 507 914 327 358 747 301 403
6 Narmada 203 135 665 214 230 1075 235 224 953 197 184 934
7 Panchmahal 451 421 933 463 662 1430 453 506 1117 474 607 1281
8 Patan 514 181 352 636 402 632 420 218 519 338 183 542
9 Sabarkantha 486 256 527 480 329 685 415 303 730 378 231 611
10 Surat 396 358 904 449 393 875 215 207 963 213 165 775
11 Vadodra 929 751 808 934 1015 1087 952 986 1036 887 828 934
  Sub Total 6180 3928 636 6634 5690 858 5607 4322 771 5361 4267 796
(Area in 00 Ha. , Production in 00 M.T. ,
Productivity in Kg/Ha.)
Sr.No Districts 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 (Kharif and Rabi 2009) 2009-10 (Kharif and Rabi 2009) 2009-10 (Kharif and Rabi 2009)
Sr.No Districts Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. Produty. Area Prodn. (Approxi. Produty. (Approxi.
  Non- NFSM Dist.                        
12 Ahmedabad 365 246 674 340 203 597 326 191 586 200 124 618
13 Amreli 126 89 706 173 173 1000 172 172 1000 108 99 914
14 Anand 42 27 643 50 34 680 59 37 627 62 44 704
15 Bhavnagar 60 36 600 62 42 677 100 65 650 65 37 563
16 Dang 101 88 871 91 84 923 101 89 881 255 199 782
17 Gandhinagar 63 37 587 51 36 706 57 34 596 51 29 575
18 Junagadh 213 178 836 184 238 1293 150 167 1113 145 158 1087
19 Kheda 71 56 789 80 65 813 53 39 736 81 57 708
20 Mehsana 281 85 302 358 222 620 289 172 595 277 140 504
21 Navsari 64 51 797 85 74 871 85 70 824 159 114 718
22 Porbandar 161 225 1398 160 172 1075 153 191 1248 76 82 1080
23 Rajkot 182 157 863 168 154 917 150 183 1220 205 173 844
24 Surendranagar 224 207 924 217 148 682 166 124 747 127 77 606
25 Tapi     DIV/0! 0 0 0 217 136 627 290 213 734
26 Valsad 156 118 756 157 102 650 155 101 652 204 99 486
  Sub Total 2109 1600 759 2176 1747 803 2233 1771 793 2305 1644 713
  GRAND TOTAL 8289 5528 667 8810 7437 844 7840 6093 777 7666 5911 771
Distsrict wise rainfall status
Area,Production Yield 2007-08 to
2009-10 Productivity / - over 2006-07 (state
Year Crop Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Reasons for productivity decline despite NFSM scheme or Productivity increase with any critical input from NFSM
Year Crop No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 Reasons for productivity decline despite NFSM scheme or Productivity increase with any critical input from NFSM
0-5 gt5 gt10 gt20 Total Districts 0-5 gt5 gt10 gt20 Total Districts
2007-08 Rice 1 3 7 4 15 1 1
2008-09 Rice 2 3 4 1 10 3 1 2 5
2009-10 Rice 3 3 4 2 12 1 1 1 1 4
Area,Production Yield 2007-08 to
2009-10 Productivity / - over 2006-07 (state
Year Crop Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Reasons
Year Crop No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 Reasons
0-5 gt5 gt10 gt20 Total Districts 0-5 gt5 gt10 gt20 Total Districts
2007-08 Wheat 3 4 13 4 24 1 1
2008-09 Wheat 1 2 2 2 7 4 12 2 18
2009-10 Wheat 1 2 2 1 6 1 5 11 1 18
Area,Production Yield 2007-08 to
2009-10 Productivity / - over 2006-07 (state
Year Crop Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Productivity increase or decrease Reasons
Year Crop No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 No of Districts -ve over 2006-07 Reasons
0-5 gt5 gt10 gt20 Total Districts 0-5 gt5 gt10 gt20 Total Districts
2007-08 Pulses 2 4 1 13 20 1 2 2 5
2008-09 Pulses 3 3 3 9 18 2 1 3 1 7
2009-10 Pulses 1 4 8 13 2 4 3 3 12
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