Title: A Student, Owner and Operator
1Microscapes Inc.
Theres no job to small
A Student, Owner and Operator
2Clients Room of Service with Proposed Plant Design
- Key
- A Ficus benjamina nitida
- B Dracaena
- deremensis
- C Agtaonema sp.
- D Ficus pumila
- E Spathiphyllum wallisii
- - Existing house lamps
3Current Conditions
- Excess moisture accumulates from use of the
adjoining kitchen due to poor ventilation - Ave. foot candles (fc) during daylight hours
- A 6.3fc
- B C 10.42fc
- D 55.04fc
- E 6.32fc
- Client will install a shelf on wall behind the
couch about 3 feet below ceiling level and 1.5
feet in depth - Install Grow-lux bulbs above areas labeled A, E,
and B-C-B - Install a Hepa-filter to clean and circulate the
air - Water test to determine if a filter is necessary
and/or how fertilizer application needs to be
curtailed according to water quality
5Plant Placement
6Plant A Characteristics
- Ficus benjamina (Ficus benjamina Nitida)
- Temp warm hot (60F- gt72F)
- Light requirements Medium High (70 fc - gt230
fc) - Size medium, (4ft 8ft), using a specimen in
the middle of this range - Into a 14 terra cotta clay planter
7Plant B Characteristics
- Janet Craig Dracaena (Dracaena deremensis Janet
Craig) - Temp cool hot (45F - gt72F)
- Light requirements Low High (lt23fc - gt230fc)
- Size small (8in 4Ft), using the smaller
specimen of this range - Into a 6 terra cotta planter
8Plant C Characteristics
- Creeping evergreen (Aglaonema sp.)
- Temp cool hot (45F - 72F
- Light requirements low medium (lt23fc - 140fc)
- Size small (8in 4Ft), using the smaller
specimen in this range - Into a 6 terra cotta clay planter
9Plant D Characteristics
- Creeping fig (Ficus Pumila)
- Temp cool hot (45F - gt72 F)
- Light requirements Low High (lt23 fc - gt230 fc)
- Size small (8 in 4ft), using the smaller
specimen in this range - Into a 30 clay window trough
10Plant E Characteristics
- White flag, Peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallissi)
- Temp warm hot (60F - gt72F)
- Light requirements Low Medium (lt23fc - 140fc)
- Size small (8in 4ft), using the larger
specimen in this range - Into a 10 terra cotta clay pot
11Outline of Installation Costs
Plant Container Cost Ave cost per plant Growing Media (ft3) Cost of Media Planting time/plant (hr) Labor Cost Cost of planting individual plants (add purple columns)
A 4.95 15.00 1.4 3.15 1 15.00 38.10
B .95 4.50 0.6 1.35 1 15.00 21.80
C .95 4.50 0.6 1.35 1 15.00 21.80
D 10.00 .50 3.0 13.5 1 (for all 4 plants) 15.00 39.00
E 1.95 10.00 1.00 2.25 1 15.00 29.20
These are wholesale prices. Two workers.
One working at 8.00 and the other working at 7.00
12Installation Costs
Plant Cost of planting individual plants at wholesale pricing Quantity Retail prices of containers Retail prices of plants Installation costs (retail prices labor media x quantity)
A 37.10 1 11.15 34.99 64.29
B 21.80 2 2.15 14.95 66.90
C 21.80 1 2.15 12.99 31.49
D 39.00 4 (in one container) 22.50 1.15 55.60
E 29.20 1 4.40 25.00 46.65
TOTAL 264.93
13Maintenance Schedule and Costs
Operation Time b/w operations Times performed per year Time for each operation (min) Total Time (min) Number of Hours Labor Costs/ hour Cost Per Plant
Watering AC 10 days 24 7 168 2.8 7.00 19.60
Watering - heat 5 days 24 7 168 2.8 7.00 19.60
Watering -additional As needed 24 7 168 2.8 7.00 19.60
trimming 3/yr 3 4 12 0.2 7.00 1.40
Pest Control 1/month 12 3 36 0.6 7.00 4.20
Fertilizing 2/yr 2 2 4 0.07 7.00 .49
Cleanup 10 days 36 2 72 1.2 7.00 8.40
Clean plants 3/yr 3 60 180 3 7.00 21.00
Foreman 2/month 24 5 120 2 18.00 36.00
TOTAL 130.29
14- Guarantees
- 100 satisfaction guaranteed or Microscapes Inc.
will refund your last two monthly payments. If
contract is less than two months before
termination than we will refund all of your
monthly payments. This refund does not include
installation and maintenance costs up to the
point of contract termination. - Replacement
- Microscapes will replace any plants that dies
under our care. This does not include the death
of plant due to the actions of a non-microscape
team member. For instance gas leaks, plant
exposure to foreign substances introduced by a
non-Microscape member, effects of pets, improper
pruning or watering by a non-Microscape member,
etc - Cancellation Rights
- The contract can be terminated by the customer in
the case of dissatisfaction - Microscapes also has the right to cancel their
services should it be in the best interest of the
company - Fees
- By signing to this one-year contract the client
agrees to pay for our monthly fee of 60.00 in
addition to installation and maintenance costs as
determined by the tables in this contract, cost
of water test, filter, and grow-lux bulb costs
and installation.
15- I,_________ on this date________ hereby agree to
the terms presented in this contract and agree to
pay Microspaces Inc. the below fee for one year
of service unless contract is otherwise
terminated by the concurrence of both parties. - Itinerated fees for 12 months of service
- 264.93 Installation costs
- 130.29 Maintenance costs
- 720.00 - 60.00 x 12 months
- Total 1115.22