ECMO - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: ECMO

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  • ECMO is frequently instituted using cervical
    cannulation, which can be performed under local
  • ECMO is used for longer-term support ranging from
    3-10 days.
  • The purpose of ECMO is to allow time for
    intrinsic recovery of the lungs and heart

  • Blood pump with raceway tubing, a venous
    reservoir, a membrane oxygenator, and a
    countercurrent heat exchanger
  • The blood pump is either a simple roller pump or
    a constrained vortex centrifugal pump. The roller
    pump causes less hemolysis and is used for
    neonatal ECMO. The oxygenator is responsible for
    exchanging both oxygen and carbon dioxide and is
    central to the successful performance of
    prolonged ECMO.

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Neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
  • Patients with the following 2 major neonatal
    diagnoses require the use of extracorporeal
    membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
  • Primary diagnoses associated with primary
    pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN),
    including idiopathic PPHN, meconium aspiration
    syndrome, respiratory distress syndrome, group B
    streptococcal sepsis, and asphyxia
  • Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH)

Selection criteria for neonates
  • Gestational age of 34 weeks or more
  • Birth weight of 2000 g or higher
  • No significant coagulopathy or uncontrolled
  • No major intracranial hemorrhage (grade 1
    intracranial hemorrhage)
  • Mechanical ventilation for 10-14 days or less
  • Reversible lung injury
  • No lethal malformations
  • No major untreatable cardiac malformation
  • Failure of maximal medical therapy
  • Failure to meet these criteria is a relative
    contraindication for ECMO

Qualifying patient criteria for ECMO
  • Qualifying criteria are applied only when the
    infant has reached maximal ventilatory support of
    100 oxygen with peak inspiratory pressures (PIP)
    often as high as 35 cm H2 O.
  • Alveolar-arterial (A-a) gradient of 600-624 mm Hg
    for 4-12 hours at sea level, which may be
    computed as follows (where 47partial pressure of
    water vapor)
  • (A-a)(Diffusing capacity D of O2 equals
    atmospheric pressure - 47 - (PaCO2 PaO2)/FiO2

Qualifying patient criteria for ECMO
  • Oxygenation index (OI) greater than 40 in 3 of 5
    postductal gas determinations obtained 30-60
    minutes apart, which may be computed as follows
    (where MAP is mean airway pressure)
  • OI (MAP x FiO2 x 100)/ PaO2
  • PaO2 35-50 mm Hg for 2-12 hours
  • Acute deterioration 
  • PaO2 less than or equal to 30-40 mm Hg for 2
  • pH less than or equal to 7.25 for 2 hours
  • Intractable hypotension

Pediatric ECMO
  • Low cardiac output resulting from right, left,
    and biventricular failure following repair of
    congenital heart defect
  • Pulmonary vasoreactive crisis following repair of
    congenital heart defect leading to severe
    hypoxemia, low cardiac output, or both
  • Rarely, as a bridge to cardiac surgery in
    patients with serious end-organ damage resulting
    from profound low cardiac output related to
    congenital heart disease

Types of ECMO
  • Venoarterial bypass. a cannula is placed through
    the right jugular vein into the right atrium.
    Blood is drained to a venous reservoir located
    3-4 feet below heart level. The blood is actively
    pumped by a roller pump through the oxygenator,
    where gas exchange occurs via countercurrent flow
    of blood and gas. Next, the blood is warmed to
    body temperature by the heat exchanger before
    returning to the patient through a cannula placed
    through the right carotid artery into the aortic
    arch. Systemic anticoagulation therapy with
    heparin is administered throughout the bypass
    circuit, with frequent monitoring of activated
    clotting time (ACT), which should be maintained
    at 180-240 seconds.

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Types of ECMO
  • venovenous bypass, a double-lumen cannula is
    placed through the right jugular vein into the
    right atrium. Desaturated blood is withdrawn from
    the right atrium through the outer fenestrated
    venous catheter wall, and oxygenated blood is
    returned through the inner lumen of the catheter
    and is angled to direct blood across the
    tricuspid valve.

Venoarterial ECMO Venovenous ECMO
Higher PaO2 is achieved. Lower PaO2 is achieved.
Lower perfusion rates are needed. Higher perfusion rates are needed.
Bypasses pulmonary circulation Maintains pulmonary blood flow
Decreases pulmonary artery pressures Elevates mixed venous PO2
Provides cardiac support to assist systemic circulation Does not provide cardiac support to assist systemic circulation
Requires arterial cannulation Requires only venous cannulation
Clinical Management-Pulmonary
  • ECMO is used temporarily while awaiting pulmonary
  • The typical ventilator settings are FiO2 of
    21-30, PIP of 15-25 cm H2 O, a positive
    end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 3-5 cm H2 O,
    and intermittent mechanical ventilation (IMV) of
    10-20 breaths per minute. In some centers, a high
    PEEP of 12-14 cm H2 0 has been used to avoid
    atelectasis this has been found to shorten the
    bypass time in infants. Pulmonary hygiene is
    strict and requires frequent positional changes,
    endotracheal suctioning every 4 hours depending
    on secretions, and a daily chest radiograph.

Clinical Management-Cardiovascular
  • Systemic perfusion and intravascular volume
    should be maintained. Volume status can be
    assessed clinically by urine output and physical
    signs of perfusion and by measuring the central
    venous pressure and the mean arterial blood
    pressure. Native cardiac output can be enhanced
    with inotropic agents. Echocardiography should be
    performed to exclude any major congenital heart
    anomaly that may require immediate intervention
    other than ECMO

Clinical Management-CNS
  • CNS complications are the most serious and are
    primarily related to the degree of hypoxia and
    acidosis. Avoiding paralytic agents and
    performing regular neurologic examinations are
    recommended. If feasible, head ultrasonography
    should be performed before beginning ECMO in a
    neonate. Reevaluation with serial head
    ultrasonography may be needed on a daily basis,
    especially after any major event. In patients
    with seizures or suspected seizures, aggressive
    treatment is recommended (eg, phenobarbital)

Clinical Management-Renal
  • During the first 24-48 hours on ECMO, oliguria
    and acute tubular necrosis associated with
    capillary leak and intravascular volume depletion
    are common because ECMO triggers an acute
    inflammatory like reaction. The diuretic phase,
    which usually begins within 48 hours, is often
    one of the earliest signs of recovery. If
    oliguria persists for 48-72 hours, diuretics are
    often required to reduce edema. When renal
    failure does not improve, hemofiltration or
    hemodialysis filters may be added to the circuit.

Clinical Management-Hemalogic
  • To optimize oxygen delivery, the patient's
    hemoglobin should be maintained at 12-15 g/dL
    using packed RBCs (pRBCs). As a result of
    platelet consumption during ECMO, platelet
    transfusions are required to maintain platelet
    counts above 100,000/mcL. Activated clotting time
    (ACT) should be maintained at 180-240 seconds to
    avoid bleeding complications.

Clinical Management- Infection
  • Strict aseptic precautions are required. The
    presence of infection is monitored by obtaining
    cultures from the circuit at least once a week.
    Based on institutional experience, the protocol
    frequency may vary. Other appropriate cultures
    (eg, fungal and viral) should be obtained as

Clinical Management-Fluids
  • Patients on ECMO require close monitoring of
    fluids and electrolytes. The high-energy
    requirements should be met using
    hyperalimentation techniques. The patient's
    weight increases in the first 1-3 days on ECMO
    because of fluid retention.

  • As the blood travels around the circuit, there is
    a risk of clots forming as the blood is outside
    the body and in contact with the plastic of the
  • There is a risk of infection with any invasive
  • When the blood in the body is thinned, bleeding
    into the head may occur.

ECMO Lecture
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