Title: Open the Eyes of My Heart
The Truth Concerning Salvation!
John 141-6
2Our world is certainly giving us mixed signs as
to what is right and what is wrong
3(No Transcript)
4We Just Disagree
Been away, havent see you in a while, Howve you
been? Have you changed your style and do you
think that weve grown up differently? Dont seem
the same, seems youve lost your feel for me
5We Just Disagree
So lets leave it alone, cause we cant see eye
to eye. There aint no good guys, there aint no
bad guys. Theres only you and me and we just
to better understand when it comes to salvation
there is no substitute for truth
7It is a wicked thing to be neutral between right
and wrong.
Theodore Roosevelt
8James 417
Anyone then, who knows the good he ought to do
and doesnt do it, sins.
9I Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Salvation?
10World says there are many roads to salvation or
11I Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Salvation?
A. What World Religions Teach
12It is noteworthy that all religions do share one
key element salvation comes by human works
Burger King thinking Have it your way!
13I Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Salvation?
A. What World Religions Teach
B. What Biblical Christianity Teaches
14Romans 323
All have sinned and fallen short of Gods glory.
15Romans 623
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of
God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
16Christianity alone can point to a moment in
history and say, This is what God has done to
save man.
17II Is Being Good, Good Enough?
A. All Have Sinned
18Compared to Christ, none of us measure up to His
holiness, purity and righteousness
19If we could accomplish this perfect life
without slippage/failure (sin) we could attain
salvation on our own, but the point of the Bible
is that none of us will. Its impossible!
20Matthew 1916-21
Teacher, what good thing must I do to get
eternal life? If you want to be perfect, go,
sell your possessions and give to the poor, and
you will have treasure in heaven. Then come,
follow me. When the young man heard this, he
went away sad, because he had great wealth.
21II Is Being Good, Good Enough?
A. All Have Sinned
B. Jesus Died for a Reason
22If it were possible to attain salvation by simply
living a moral life (being a good man like
Charlie Brown) it would make the death of Jesus
on the Cross totally useless
23III Is Sincerity What Really Matters?
A. It Sounds So Good
B. Many Fear the Truth
24There is a propensity to run from the truth
There is a resistance to being truthful through
actions and words and to the study of His Word!
25III Is Sincerity What Really Matters?
A. It Sounds So Good
B. Many Fear the Truth
C. Hypocrisy is Despised
26Jesus denounced hypocrisy in no uncertain terms
e.g. Matthew 23
27(No Transcript)
28No, madam I dont tell you at all God does. He
says everyone who would enter heaven no matter
how good they think they are must be born again.
D. L. Moody
29When it comes to life and death matters to whom
or what do you turn? You see, truth always
matters when it comes to salvation!
30Jesus Saves!