SQL Analysis Services 2005 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SQL Analysis Services 2005


SQL Analysis Services 2005 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services provides unified, fully integrated views of your business data to support online analytical ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SQL Analysis Services 2005

SQL Analysis Services 2005
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services
    provides unified, fully integrated views of your
    business data to support online analytical
    processing (OLAP), key performance indicator
    (KPI) scorecards, and powerful data mining
    capabilities.  It provides reliable business
    decision support solutions
  • SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS) provides
  • Unified and integrated view of all your business
  • Reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP)
  • Key Performance Indicator (KPI) scorecards
  • Data mining

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services,
    organizations now have a single, consistent
    solution for reporting against either OLTP or
    OLAP data stores.
  • Reduces the amount of effort required to provide
    a consistent view of data that is integrated from
    an array of disparate applications and formats

  • Cube
  • The basic unit of storage and analysis in
    Analysis Services is the cube. A cube is a
    collection of data thats been aggregated to
    allow queries to return data quickly.
  • Dimension
  • Each cube has one or more dimensions, each based
    on one or more dimension tables. A dimension
    represents a category for analyzing business data
  • Fact table
  • A fact table contains the basic information that
    you wish to summarize. This might be order detail
    information, payroll records, or anything else
    thats amenable to summing and averaging.

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A schema is a collection of database objects,
including tables, views, indexes, and synonyms.
  • Star Schema
  • A relational database schema for representing
    multidimensional data.
  • It is the simplest form of data warehouse schema
    that contains one or more dimensions and fact
    tables. It is called a star schema because the
    entity-relationship diagram between dimensions
    and fact tables resembles a star where one fact
    table is connected to multiple dimensions.
  • The center of the star schema consists of a large
    fact table and it points towards the dimension
  • The advantage of star schema are slicing down,
    performance increase and easy understanding of

  • Snowflake schema
  • A star schema structure normalized through the
    use of outrigger tables. i.e dimension table
    hierachies are broken into simpler tables.
  • In OLAP, this snow flake schema approach
    increases the number of joins and poor
    performance in retrieval of data. Since dimension
    tables hold less space, snow flake schema
    approach may be avoided.

  • Important aspects of Star Schema Snow Flake
  • In a star schema every dimension will have a
    primary key.
  • In a star schema, a dimension table will not have
    any parent table.
  • Whereas in a snow flake schema, a dimension table
    will have one or more parent tables.
  • Hierarchies for the dimensions are stored in the
    dimensional table itself in star schema.
  • Whereas hierarchies are broken into separate
    tables in snow flake schema. These hierarchies
    helps to drill down the data from topmost
    hierarchies to the lowermost hierarchies.

  • OLAP world, there are mainly 3 different types
  • Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP)
  • Advantages
  • Excellent performance
  • In MOLAP, data is stored in a multidimensional
  • The storage is not in the relational database,
    but in proprietary formats.
  • MOLAP cubes are built for fast data retrieval,
    and are optimal for slicing and dicing
  • Disadvantages
  • It is limited in the amount of data it can
    handle. Because all calculations are performed
    when the cube is built, it is not possible to
    include a large amount of data in the cube
  • It requires an additional investment in human and
    capital resources are needed.

  • Relational OLAP (ROLAP)
  • This methodology relies on manipulating the data
    stored in the relational database
  • Advantages
  • It can handle large amounts of data, ROLAP itself
    places no limitation on data amount
  • Disadvantages
  • Performance can be slow. Because each ROLAP
    report is essentially a SQL query (or multiple
    SQL queries) in the relational database, the
    query time can be long if the underlying data
    size is large .
  • It is difficult to perform complex calculations .

  • Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) refers to technologies that
    combine MOLAP and ROLAP.
  • Advantages
  • For summary-type information, HOLAP leverages
    cube technology for faster performance.
  • When detail information is needed, HOLAP can
    "drill through" from the cube into the underlying
    relational data.

Advantages of SSAS Cubes
  • SSAS is fast even on a large volume of data
  • SSAS calculated measures are fast execution-wise
    and easy reusable
  • They are defined centrally in the SSAS database,
    and the reports pick and choose the calculated
    measures they want.

  • To build a new data cube using BIDS, you need to
    perform these steps
  • Create a new Analysis Services project
  • Define a data source
  • Define a data source view
  • Invoke the Cube Wizard

  • To create a new Analysis Services project, follow
    these steps
  • Select Microsoft SQL Server 2005 gt SQL Server
    Business Intelligence Development Studio from the
    Programs menu to launch Business Intelligence
    Development Studio.

  • To define a Data source for the new cube, follow
    these steps
  • Right-click on the Data Sources folder in
    Solution Explorer and select New Data Source.

  • To create a new data source view, follow these
  • Right-click on the Data Source Views folder in
    Solution Explorer and select New Data Source

  • BIDS will automatically display the schema of the
    new data source view

  • To create the new cube, follow these steps
  • Right-click on the Cubes folder in Solution
    Explorer and select New Cube.

Deploying ,Processing, Browsing a Cube
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Aggregations Aggregation Wizard
  • Pre calculated summaries of data from
  • leaf levels

  • Aggregations provide performance improvements by
    allowing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis
    Services (SSAS) to retrieve pre-calculated totals
    directly from cube storage instead of having to
    recalculate data from an underlying data source
    for each query.
  • The Aggregation Design Wizard uses a
    sophisticated algorithm to select aggregations
    for pre calculation so that other aggregations
    can be quickly computed from the pre calculated
  • This technique saves processing time and reduces
    storage requirements, with minimal effect on
    query response time.
  • After the aggregation has been created, if the
    structure of a cube ever changes, or if data is
    added to or changed in a cube's source tables, it
    is usually necessary to review the cube's
    aggregations and process the cube again.

Aggregation Design Wizard.
  • Microsoft provides a nice wizard to generate
    aggregates on measure groups and partitions

  • Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) is the query
    language that you use to work with and retrieve
    multidimensional data in Microsoft SQL Server
    2005 Analysis Services (SSAS).
  • MDX is superficially similar in many ways to the
    SQL syntax that is typically used with relational
    databases. However, MDX is not an extension of
    the SQL language and is different from SQL in
    many ways.
  • Basic MDX Select Query

  • Calculated members are customized measures or
    dimension members that are defined based on a
    combination of cube data, arithmetic operators,
    numbers, and functions. For example, you can
    create a calculated member that calculates the
    sum of two physical measures in the cube.

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SSAS 2005 Day 2
  • KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are one of the
    most important entities in driving business
    decisions. It can be defined as a (quantifiable)
    measurement used to define and measure an
    organization's progress in achieving business
  • SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services, allows for the
    creation of KPIs on its cubes.
  • KPI measure the health of a business.
  • KPI uses graphic displays to display status and
    trend eg. Traffic light
  • KPI defines 4 expressions for performance metrics
  • Actual Value (-1 to 1)
  • Goal Value
  • Status (-1 to 1)
  • Trend (-1 to 1)

KPI Terms used in SSAS
  • Value
  • The value is an MDX expression used to return the
    actual value of the KPI
  • Goal
  • The goal is an MDX expression used to specify the
    target value of the KPI.
  • Status
  • Ideal values for the status would be a max of 1
    (good) to a minimum of -1 (bad), while 0
    indicates neutral status
  • Status Indicator
  • The status indicator is a visual element which is
    used to present the status of the KPI. Eg gauges,
    traffic lights or smileys.
  • Trend
  • The trend is an MDX expression that evaluates the
    value of a KPI across time. It can be expressed
    using any time based criteria. Using this, the
    business user will be able to determine how the
    KPI's value has progressed over time.
  • Trend Indicator
  • The trend indicator is a visual element which is
    used to present the trend of the KPI.

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The KPIs are done! Next, process the cube. You
will be able to view the KPIs using the built-in
KPI Browser under the KPIs tab in BIDS.
  • Cube supports actions and action taken in basis
    of data
  • URL Go to a specified URL. This type of action
    supports both directing the user to some URL to
    obtain further information, and directing the
    user to some Web-based application that allows a
    new task to be performed.
  • For exampleFor a product, go to the company
    website describing that product.
  • Reporting
  • Execute a specified report. For eg for a given
    product code the action could execute a
    parameterized report providing description and
    current order status
  • Drill through
  • User can drill through to the lowest level of

Actions- Drillthrough
  • The most important aspect of it is that drill
    through returns detail level data from within the
  • The target can be a cube, dimension, hierarchy,
    level, dimension members, hierarchy members,
    level members, set, cells, etc. An action that
    targets cells can be further restricted to a
    subspace of the cube using an MDX expression.

  • A database partition is an independent subset of
    a database that contains its own data, indexes,
    configuration files, and transaction logs.
  • A partition group is a logical grouping of one or
    more database partitions that lets you control
    the placement of table spaces and buffer pools
    within the database partitions.

  • Cube provide role based security. Roles can be
    defined and permissions can be granted to the
  • Administrative permissions can be granted
    independently of data access permissions. Also,
    separate permissions can be defined for reading
    the metadata of the object, and for read/write
    access to the data.
  • Data can be secured at levels of granularity down
    to individual cells.

Role based Security
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  • Users engaged on a particular task generally do
    not have to see the complete model. To avoid
    overwhelming users with the sheer size of the
    model, we need the ability to define a view that
    shows a subset of the model
  • The cube provides such views, called
    perspectives. A cube can have many perspectives,
    each one presenting only a specific subset of the
    model (measures, dimensions, attributes, and so
    on) that is relevant to a particular group of
    users. Each perspective can then be associated
    with the user security roles that define the
    users who are permitted to see that perspective.

  • International users frequently have a need to
    view metadata in their local language. To address
    this, the cube allows translations of metadata to
    be provided in any language. A client application
    that connects using a particular locale would
    receive all metadata in the appropriate language.
  • The model can also provide translations of data.
    An attribute can map to different elements in the
    data source, and provide the translations for
    those elements in different languages.

  • From a client computer that has a French locale,
    both the cube and the query results would be
    displayed in French
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