Are we addicted to coffee? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Are we addicted to coffee?


Are we addicted to coffee? The (Possible) Necessity of Caffeine Dependence Syndrome in the DSM Amanda Smallwood 100067083 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Are we addicted to coffee?

Are we addicted to coffee?
  • The (Possible) Necessity of Caffeine Dependence
    Syndrome in the DSM
  • Amanda Smallwood
  • 100067083

Caffeine Background
  • Average Americans caffeine intake is 200 mg/day,
    and up to 30 of Americans consume 500 mg or more
    per day.
  • Coffee, brewed 100-140 mg/8oz.
  • Coffee, instant 65-100 mg/8oz.
  • Tea 40-100 mg/8oz.
  • Caffeinated soda 45 mg/12oz.
  • Over-the-counter cold remedies 25-50 mg/tablet
  • Antidrowsiness pills 100-200 mg/tablet
  • Weight-loss aids 75-200 mg/tablet
  • Chocolate 5 mg/chocolate bar
  • (DSM-IV, pg 231)

What is an addiction?
  • Some argue that addictive drugs engender
    compulsion or overwhelming involvement that
    takes over all life activity to the exclusion of
    other interests. (so caffeine wouldnt qualify)
  • Others say the substance has to have reinforcing
    effects, and produce harmful effects on the user
    and the society. (so, maybe)

Substance-Related Disorders
  • Substance Use Disorders
  • Substance Dependence
  • Substance Abuse
  • Substance-Induced Disorders
  • Substance Intoxication
  • Substance Withdrawal
  • Substance-Induced Delirium
  • Substance-Induced Mood Disorder
  • Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction..

What is Substance Dependence?
  • A maladaptive pattern of substance use, leading
    to clinically significant impairment or distress,
    as manifested by 3 or more of the following,
    occuring at any time in the same 12-month period
  • 1) Tolerance, as defined by either a need for
    markedly increased amounts of the substance to
    achieve intoxication or desired effect, or
    markedly diminished effect with continued use of
    the same amount of the substance
  • 2) Withdrawal
  • 3) the substance is often taken in larger amounts
    or over a longer period of time than was intended
  • 4) there is a persistent desire or unsuccessful
    efforts to cut down or control substance use
  • 5) a great deal of time is spent in activities
    necessary to obtain the substance, use the
    substance, or recover from its effects
  • 6) important social, occupational, or
    recreational activities are given up or reduced
    because of substance use
  • 7) the substance use is continued despite
    knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent
    physical or psychological problem that is likely
    to have been caused or exaccerbated by the
    substance (DSM-IV 197)

What is Substance dependence?
  • Specifiers
  • With Physiological Dependence
  • Tolerance (need for greater amounts of substance
    to achieve desired effect)
  • Withdrawal (maladaptive behavioural change, with
    physiological and cognitive concomitants, that
    occurs when blood or tissue concentrations of a
    substance decline in an individual who had
    maintained prolonged heavy use of the substance
    DSM-IV pp194)
  • Without Physiological Dependence

What is Substance Abuse?
  • A maladaptive pattern of substance use leading
    to clinically significant impairment or distress
    as manifested by one or more of the following,
    occurring within a 12-month period
  • 1) recurrent substance use resulting in a failure
    to fulfill major role obligations at work,
    school, or home
  • 2) recurrent substance use in situations in which
    it is physically hazardous
  • 3) recurrent substance-related legal problems
  • 4) continued substance use despite having
    persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal
    problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of
    the substance

Current DSM-IV Diagnoses
  • Caffeine Withdrawal Syndrome
  • Caffeine Intoxication
  • Other Caffeine-Induced Disorders (diagnosed when
    symptoms exceed those usually associated with
    Caffeine Intoxication)
  • Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder
  • Caffeine-Induced Sleep Disorder
  • Acute doses exceeding 10g (approx. 100 cups of
    coffee) can result in grand mal seizures and
    respiratory failure which may result in death.

Caffeines Properties of Physical Dependence
  • Acts as reinforcer (leads to a release of
    dopamine in the prefrontal cortex, Nehlig, 1999)
  • Hughes et al (1992) found that some coffee and
    soda drinkers reliably self-administered
    caffeinated beverages in preference to
    decaffeinated in a double-blind test.
  • Tolerance to some subjective effects of caffeine
    seems to occur, but complete tolerance to many
    effects of caffeine on the central nervous system
    is rarely seen (Nehlig, 1999).

  • Nehlig (1999) concluded that although caffeine
    fulfils some of the criteria for drug dependence
    and shares with amphetamines and cocaine some
    effects of the cerebral dopaminergic system, it
    does not act on the dopaminergic structures
    related to reward, motivation and addiction.

Clinical Dependence, as Well?
  • Patterns of consumption
  • Many feel its the same syndrome but milder than
    heroin or cocaine.
  • But, since effects are less pronounced, it cannot
    be equated with other drugs of dependence.
  • Many people show habitual use, but its hard to
    tell whether its a true compulsion.

Arguments Against Caffeine Dependence in the DSM
  • Hughes, et al. (1992) Examined previous studies
    and data to question whether any of the factors
    warranted their own disorder in DSM-IV.
  • Concluded that withdrawal had been well
    documented, and should be included (and it was),
    but that clinical evidence did not exist to
    warrant a dependence or abuse diagnoses.
  • Granted that there was evidence to support
    caffeine dependence (some physical or behavioural
    harm, and can act as own reinforcer).

Arguments Against Caffeine Dependence in the DSM
  • Hughes et al deny, though, that theres any
    clinical significance to caffeine dependence, as
    it may not cause any distress or disability, or
    increase ones likelihood of death, pain, injury
    or important loss of personal freedom, which are
    all implied criteria.
  • Nehlig (1999) agrees, arguing that despite the
    data, the relative harm associated with caffeine
    is too low to warrant its being classified as an
    actual disorder.

Evidence Supporting Caffeine Dependence
  • Strain, et al. (1994) asserted that caffeine does
    demonstrate features typical of a psychoactive
    drug, upon which individuals may become
  • Used series of case studies
  • Individuals continued drug use despite their own
    desires and others recommendations
  • Showed evidence of dependence leading to
    dysfunction in their lives

Strain et al. (1994)
  • Subjects reported impairment in the form of
    screaming at their families, missing work, making
    costly mistakes at work, having to leave work,
    going to bed early, being unable to care for
    their children, and failing to do household
    chores, among other things.

Evidence in Support of Caffeine Dependence
  • Bernstein et al (2002) examined caffeine
    dependence in teens.
  • N36
  • Based on interviews, found that 77.8 described
    withdrawal symptoms, 38.9 reported desire or
    unsuccessful attempts to control use, and 16.7
    acknowledged continuing use despite knowledge of
    negative physical/psychological consequences.

Evidence in Support of Caffeine Dependence
  • Similarly, Hughes et al (1998) randomly-selected
    162 caffeine users, and asked about DSM-IV
    criteria for dependence, abuse, intoxication and
  • Strong desire or unsuccessful attempt to stop use
  • Spending a great deal of time with the drug 50
  • Using more than intended 28
  • Withdrawal 24
  • Using despite knowledge of harm 14
  • Tolerance 8
  • Foregoing activities to use 1
  • Intoxication 7

  • Hughes et al (1998) noted that many of the DSM
    criteria for dependence/abuse would not readily
    appear to apply to caffeine use (e.g., legal
    problems, great deal of time spent obtaining the
    drug, drug induced failure to function).

Benefits of Adding to the DSM
  • Some feel that placement in the not otherwise
    specified diagnostic categories is inadequate.
  • An increase in coverage should be strived for.
    Lowering the threshold of the criteria would
    result in more sufferers being identified and
    receiving treatment.
  • Some argue that the inclusion of new disorders
    will stimulate research in otherwise obscure
  • (Pincus et al, 1992)

Costs of Adding to the DSM
  • Some advocate that inclusion of categories that
    lack extensive empirical research trivialize the
  • With new categories come false positives.
  • The benefit of precise diagnoses must be balanced
    with the pitfalls of an already complex system of
  • (Pincus et al, 1992)

  • So, do you think Caffeine Dependence should be
  • If a whole society accepts a pattern of drug use,
    should it be classified as a disorder? It is,
    after all, normal.

Graduate Studies
  • Dr. John R. Hughes PhD.
  • University of Vermont
  • Interested in human research on nicotine,
    addiction, and gradual reduction methods.
  • Dr. Allison Oliveto PhD.
  • University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
  • Examines behavioural effects of drugs and
  • Dr. Eric Strain M.D.
  • John Hopkins University
  • Addiction Psychiatry Services
  • Dr. Keith B.J. Franklin
  • McGill University
  • Researches drug dependence, and reinforcement.

  • American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and
    Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth
    Edition, Text Revision. Washington, DC, American
    Psychiatric Association, 2000.
  • Bernstein, G., Carroll, M., Thuras, P., Cosgrove,
    K., and Roth, M. (2002). Caffeine Dependence in
    Teenagers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 66, 1-6.
  • Hughes, John R., Oliveto, Alison H., Helzer, John
    E., Higgins, Stephen T., and Bickel, Warren K.
    (1992). Should caffeine abuse, dependence, or
    withdrawl be added to DSM-IV and ICD-10? The
    American Journal of Psychiatry, 149(1), 33-40.
  • Hughes, John R., Oliveto, Allison H., Liguori,
    Anthony, Carpenter, Joseph, and Howard, Timothy.
    (1998). Endorsement of DSM-IV dependence criteria
    among caffeine users. Drug and Alcohol
    Dependence, 52, 99107.

  • Nehlig, A. (1999). Are we dependent upon coffee
    and caffeine? A review on human and animal data.
    Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 23,
  • Pincus, H., Frances, A., Wakefield Davis, W.,
    First, M., and Widiger, T. (1992). DSM-IV and New
    Diagnostic Criteria Holding the Line of
    Proliferation. The American Journal of
    Psychiatry, 149(1), 112-117.
  • Strain, Eric C., Mumford, Geoffrey K., Silverman,
    Kenneth, and Griffiths, Roland R. (1994).
    Caffeine Dependence Syndrome. JAMA, The Journal
    of the American Medical Association, 272(13),
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