Data Communication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Data Communication


Data Communication & Networking in Manufacturing System Nanang Ali Sutisna Master Eng. in Computer Integrated Manufacture Senior PLM Consultant, IBM Indonesia (retired) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Data Communication

Data Communication Networking in Manufacturing
  • Nanang Ali Sutisna
  • Master Eng. in Computer Integrated Manufacture
  • Senior PLM Consultant, IBM Indonesia (retired)
  • Senior Manager, Product Development
  • Multistrada Arah Sarana

Chapter 8The Role of Networking in Manufacturing
Data Communication Networking in Manufacturing
8.1 Local Area Network Concepts
A data network is a mechanism by which many
computer-based devices (referred to as network
nodes) can communicate with one another on an
"any node to any node" basis. A Local Area
Network (LAN) is so named because the nodes on
that network are located within a reasonable
proximity (less than a kilometre) of one
another. A point to point link between two nodes
can therefore be considered as a network with two
nodes and it shares many of the characteristics
of larger networks.
8.1 Local Area Network Concepts
  • The rules of protocol need to be resolved before
    a network can function correctly
  • common signalling techniques
  • Common character representations
  • complementary communications hardware
  • etc.
  • We need the communications interchanges between
    nodes to be strictly governed by these rules of
    protocol so that conflicts can be resolved.

8.1 Local Area Network Concepts
The majority of networks use serial communication
between nodes. With this in mind, there are a
number of ways in which we can physically
interconnect these nodes so that any one node can
communicate with any other node in a serial form.
Three of these interconnections are shown in
Figure 7.1.
8.1 Local Area Network Concepts
The need for addressing means that regardless of
the physical network arrangement, data must be
placed into suitable packets for transfer. Each
packet of data moving through a network needs to
contain some source and target addressing
information. This enables a receiving device know
which device is transmitting to it and where to
send response messages. The concept of packet
addressing is shown schematically in Figure 7.2.
8.1 Local Area Network Concepts
  • With the exception of traffic control
    (contention) and addressing functions, the issues
    related to networks are essentially the same as
    those in point to point links.
  • We still need
  • error checking mechanisms in the form of Block
    Check Sums (or more commonly, Cyclic Redundancy
  • hardware to perform parallel to serial (and
    vice-versa) conversion on each node
  • need layers of data handling software that can
    provide our applications programs with powerful
    communications sub-programs

8.2 Network Topologies
8.2 Network Topologies
The selection of a networking topology is
governed by a number of factors including the
type of protocol selected to govern the network
the availability of interfacing equipment the
type of equipment being networked the
environment in which the network is located. In
the manufacturing environment, the most common
high-level network topology is the bus structure
and the majority of protocols for this
environment are based upon this topology. Star
networks are also in widespread use in
manufacturing to link CAD systems to a range of
different CNC machines.
Star Network Topology
  • The star network has an intelligent central node,
    referred to as the "star node".
  • The star node performs the following function
  • makes the decisions related to connecting any
    pair of nodes together. It therefore needs to be
    able to resolve any contentions that may arise.
  • responsible for tasks such as queuing requests
    for "link establishment" between nodes.
  • Several advantages of Start Network
  • The star node is transparent to communicating
    nodes once a connection has been made. In other
    words, devices 1 and 2 can talk to each other
    through "protocol A" and devices 3 and 4 can talk
    to each other through "protocol B". It is then
    also possible that device 3 can talk to device 1
    through "protocol A". This has merits in
    manufacturing where it is not always practical to
    have all nodes using a single protocol and yet it
    may still be necessary to have all nodes capable
    of talking to one another. A good example of this
    would be where devices 1, 2 and 3 are computers
    and device 4 is a robot or CNC machine (with a
    fixed protocol).
  • The physical medium used between any one node and
    the star node can be varied to suit the operating
    environment. For example, if device 1 is in the
    factory then it can be linked to the star node
    through an optic fibre cable. If device 2 is in
    the office, close to the star node, then it can
    be linked via a twisted-pair cable and so on.

Star Network Topology
  • Disadvantages to the star network topology
  • All communication is dependent upon the star node
    - if it fails then all communications ceases. In
    a simple star network, the star node may be a
    microprocessor-controlled, serial port PABX (a
    multiplexer). In this case it is feasible to
    maintain some redundancy since the cost of the
    star node is minimal. At the other extreme
    however, a large star network could have a
    mini-computer as the star node, with many
    intelligent terminals communicating to one
    another through it. In this situation it is not
    practical to maintain redundancy.
  • High cost of cabling. Have long cables all
    meandering their way towards a central node
  • Cable maintenance. In large star networks, many
    cables need to converge on the central node. This
    makes trouble-shooting more difficult and

Bus Network Topology
The bus network is perhaps the most common form
of the networking topologies - particularly in
the industrial environment. A bus network is
similar to the internal bus structure used for
communications within a microprocessor system
environment. The major differences are that in
bus networks, data transfer is serial (not
parallel) and secondly that there is no simple
"master-slave" relationship between devices and
therefore many contention situations can
arise. Advantages Bus networks offer a
flexibility in terms of cable utilisation, which
cannot be achieved with other network topologies.
The fact that a bus network is based upon a trunk
cable, which is laid throughout an entire area,
means that video and voice channels can share the
same cable, through the use of modulation
techniques. This greatly increases the cost
effectiveness of the bus network.
Ring Network Topology
In a ring network, neighbouring nodes are
interconnected with point to point serial links
until a complete ring is formed. Data in ring
networks is passed unidirectionally from node to
node. Each device receives a message and then
retransmits it. This is shown in Figure 7.4.
Ring Network Topology
A device in a network ring originates a message
that is passed around the loop from node to node.
Nodes in between the source and the destination
do not alter the message. However, when the
destination node receives the message, it
modifies the control portion of the message
packet and places it back onto the loop. The
originator of the message packet determines
whether or not the message has reached its target
correctly by the modifications on the returning
packet. Ring networks are relatively commonplace
in the office environment, where the area they
cover is relatively small. The response time of
networks based upon the ring topology can be very
good with an appropriate protocol.
Ring Network Topology
A potential problem for the ring network topology
arises because devices are all interlinked with
point to point links. Hence one is tempted to ask
what happens when a device fails - does the
network stop? As it turns out, there are by-pass
mechanisms built into ring networks so that
devices that are down (or just switched off)
provide a short-circuit path and do not result in
network failure. However, the ring network
completely fails if any one of the point to point
links is severed. In terms of cabling in ring
networks it is evident that if one node is far
removed from all other nodes then the cost of
transmission medium will be higher than that in
the bus network. For this reason, ring networks
are most commonly found in the office environment
for short-distance communications.
8.3 Contention Schemes
The technique of modulation allows us to utilise
a transmission medium with a high degree of
efficiency. Modulation is all about changing the
physical representation of information, by
creating communications channels, so that many
different information systems can share the same
transmission medium. This gives us the
opportunity of using the same transmission medium
for video, audio and digital data transmission -
however, within any one channel conflicts can
still arise. In a network, or more specifically
in a bus network, we have a situation where there
is the potential for many nodes to attempt to
place data onto the transmission medium at the
same time. This uncontrolled transmission could
make decoding impossible. The physical conflict
is called a contention situation.
8.3 Contention Schemes
Figure 7.5 shows a bus network in which devices
are all tied together through a two wire
conducting cable (signal common line). Since
all devices in this network are "intelligent",
they are capable of placing data (represented by
voltage levels) onto the bus at any time.
8.3 Contention Schemes
  • Contentions can be resolved in any number of
    different ways, but there are two generic
    techniques of contention resolution that are in
    widespread use
  • Token Passing

8.3 Contention Schemes
CSMA/CD CSMA/CD is an abbreviation for "Carrier
Sense, Multiple Access with Collision Detection".
The CSMA/CD system sounds complex but is
straightforward to implement in practice. It is
used within a number of different bus
networks. Each device in a CSMA/CD system is
allowed to attempt to transmit on the network bus
at any time. In other words, multiple access.
However, prior to attempting a transmission, each
device must monitor the bus for the presence of a
carrier signal, emanating from another node. This
is called "carrier sensing". If a carrier is
already present on the bus (another node is
already transmitting), then the device must wait
until that transmission has ceased before
attempting to place a message packet (frame) on
the bus. Even when a device has the right to
transmit, it must still monitor the bus to ensure
that the signal that is being sent is the same as
that on the bus. The CSMA/CD system is not
ideally suited to the industrial environment. The
irony of CSMA/CD is that the time delay for
messages is longest when the network is busiest
and the network is generally busiest when
abnormal or emergency conditions arise
8.3 Contention Schemes
Token Passing Schemes In principle, the so-called
"token passing" scheme sounds much simpler than
the CSMA/CD system. In practice it is more
difficult to implement. The scheme is based upon
a binary bit pattern that is referred to as a
"token". Before any node is permitted to place
message frames onto a network, it just be in
possession of the token. Once a node has the
token, it is permitted to transmit a message
frame and must then pass the token on to another
node. The movement of the token from node to node
forms a "logical ring" between devices. The token
is itself a message frame (packet) with a special
control section that defines its
characteristics. A node wishing to use the token
modifies these characteristics so that it can
become a message frame. The node can then place
data into the message frame. The token passing
scheme is deterministic, because it is possible
to precisely define the maximum delay that will
arise in transmitting a data frame. It is for
this reason that the scheme is often promoted as
a basis for industrial networks.
8.3 Contention Schemes
Token Passing disadvantages There are a number
of problems with the token passing scheme. Since
it is possible for a device to fail while it is
in possession of the token, steps must be taken
to ensure that there is a mechanism for
regenerating a lost token. The token passing
scheme also introduces delays into the network
even under light traffic conditions. In other
words, a token is still passed from device to
device, whether or not that device is to
broadcast on the network
(No Transcript)
8.4 ISO / OSI Seven Layer Model
The problem with trying to rationalise networking
standards is that it is a very complex task to
decide upon the scope of a standard for any
individual networking requirement. The
International Standards Organisation (ISO)
tackled this problem by developing a framework
for what is referred to as "Open Systems
Interconnection" or "OSI". The objective of this
framework was to place all the requirements, for
making a number of computers communicate with one
another, into seven functional groups called
"layers". The end result of this work was the OSI
7-layer Communications model that is shown in
Figure 7.6
8.4 ISO / OSI Seven Layer Model
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