- Sisteme Informatice în Îngrijirea Sanata?ii
2 www.medinfo.umft.ro/dim/bioinformatica.htm
- Prof Dr George I Mihalas
- UMF Victor Babes
5Planul cursului
- Compozi?ia materiei vii
- Structura celulei
- Componente
- Membrana celulara structura, transport pasiv ?i
activ - Citoplasma
- Nucleul celular
- Organite celulare mitocondria, ribozomii
- Diviziunea celulara
- Mitoza
- Meioza
- Replicarea ADN
- Sinteza proteinelor
- Transcrip?ia
- Codul genetic, ARN de transport
- Transla?ia
- Controlul sintezei proteinelor
- Semnalizare (inter)celulara
6Structura celulei
7Structura celulei umane
8Structura celulei umane
- Membrana celulara
- Structura mozaic (Singer-Nicholson, 1972)
- Strat dublu fosfolopidic
- Proteine
- Intrinseci
- Traverseaza membrana
- Canale
- Pompe
- Partial inglobate
- receptori
- Extrinseci
- Memebrana
- Citoplasma
- Nucleu
- Organite celulare
9Membrana celulara (3-10 nm)
10Membrana celulara
- Structura fosfolipidelor
- Proprietatile fizice ale citoplasmei
11Membrana celulara
12Membrana celulara - rol
- Mentinere compozitie celulara
- Transport prin membrana
- Pasiv conform gradientului electrochimic
- Difuziune libera (gaze, subst. solubile în
lipide) - Difuziune facilitata cu transportor (ex.
glucoza) - Canale voltaj dependente / ligand dependente
- Canalul de Na, canalul de K
- Activ contra gradient (consum energetic)
- Primar Pompe ionice
- Secundar ionimolecule (simport, antiport)
- Endocitoza - exocitoza
- Sediul poten?ialului de membrana
- Semnalizare - transfer informatii
- Receptori
- Apoptoza
13Transportul pasiv prin canale ionice
- Canalele de Na ?i K
- 30-500 / µm2
- diam. 3-5 Ã…
14Structura canalelor ionice
15Poten?ialul de membrana
16Transport pasiv ?i activ
17Structura celulei umane
- Nucleu
- Membrana nucleara (în cont. RE)
- Nucleol
- Acizi nucleici
- ADN cromatina (cromozomi)
- ARN pe membrana nucleara
- Proteine nucleare
- Enzime
- Proteine de control
- Memebrana
- Citoplasma
- Nucleu
- Organite celulare
- Ø 6 µm
- Stocheaza informatia
- Rol
- în diviziunea celulara
- în sinteza proteinelor
19Transportul prin membrana nucleara
- Pori molecule mici
- ARN, proteine transport activ (cargo GTP-aza)
20Structura celulei umane
- Organite celulare
- Reticulul endoplasmatic
- Ribozomi sinteza proteinelor
- Mitocondrii producere ATP
- Aparat Golgi
- Lizozomi
- Centrioli
- Microtubuli, microfilamente
- Vacuole, vezicule
- Memebrana
- Citoplasma
- Nucleu
- Organite celulare
- Pompa de protoni (teoria chemiosmotica)
1978, Peter Mitchell pr. Nobel in Chimie
23Structura celulei umane
- Organite celulare
- Reticulul endoplasmic
- Ribozomi sinteza proteinelor
- Mitocondrii producere ATP
- Aparat Golgi
- Lizozomi
- Centrioli
- Microtubuli, microfilamente
- Vacuole, vezicule
- Memebrana
- Citoplasma
- Nucleu
- Organite celulare
George Palade (1912 2008), pr. Nobel 1974
descoperirea ribozomilor
24(No Transcript)
25Diviziunea celulara
26Diviziunea celulara
- Mitoza
- Celule somatice
- Diploide (2 x 23 cromozomi)
- Meioza
- Celulele sexuale
- Haploide (23 comozomi)
27Diviziunea celulara
28Replicarea ADN
29Replicarea ADN
30(No Transcript)
31(No Transcript)
32Sinteza proteinelor
33Mecanismul sintezei proteinelor
- Dogma centrala
- Transcriptia
- Translatia
- Codul genetic
- Pasii mecanismului de sinteza
34(No Transcript)
35Sinteza proteinelor
37Transcriptia ARN polimeraza
38Codul genetic (codoni)20 AA ? 3 baze codon
39Mecanismul sintezei proteinelor
41Tipuri de ARN
42Structura ribozomilor si a ARN-t
43Activarea aminoacizilor
45Sinteza proteinelor - pasi
- STEP 1 The first step in protein synthesis is
the transcription of mRNA from a DNA gene in the
nucleus. At some other prior time, the various
other types of RNA have been synthesized using
the appropriate DNA. The RNAs migrate from the
nucleus into the cytoplasm. - Prior to the beginning of the protein synthesis,
all of the component parts are assembled in the
ribosome which is the brown/tan structure in the
left graphic.
46- STEP 2 Initiation
- In the cytoplasm, protein synthesis is actually
initiated by the AUG codon on mRNA. The AUG codon
signals both the interaction of the ribosome with
m-RNA and also the tRNA with the anticodons
(UAC). The tRNA which initiates the protein
synthesis has N-formyl-methionine attached. The
formyl group is really formic acid converted to
an amide using the -NH2 group on methionine (left
most graphic) - The next step is for a second tRNA to approach
the mRNA (codon - CCG). This is the code for
proline. The anticodon of the proline tRNA which
reads this is GGC. The final process is to start
growing peptide chain by having amine of proline
to bond to the carboxyl acid group of methinone
(met) in order to elongate the peptide.
47- STEP 3 Elongation
- Elongation of the peptide begins as various
tRNA's read the next codon. In the example on the
left the next tRNA to read the mRNA is tyrosine.
When the correct match with the anticodons of a
tRNA has been found, the tyrosine forms a peptide
bond with the growing peptide chain . - The proline is now hydrolyzed from the tRNA. The
proline tRNA now moves away from the ribosome and
back into the cytoplasm to reattach another
proline amino acid.
48- Step 4 Elongation and Termination
- When the stop signal on mRNA is reached, the
protein synthesis is terminated. The last amino
acid is hydrolyzed from its t-RNA. - The peptide chain leaves the ribosome. The
N-formyl-methionine that was used to initiate the
protein synthesis is also hydrolyzed from the
completed peptide at this time. - The ribosome is now ready to repeat the synthesis
several more times.
49(No Transcript)
50Schema evenimente in Sinteza Proteinelor
51Controlul sintezei proteinelorTeoria Jacob-Monod
(operon), Nobel 1965
- Gene de control
- g. operatoare
- g. regulatoare
- Feedback negativ
- lactoza inductor
- Mecanism de reglare
- Model valabil la procariote
52Controlul sintezei proteinelorModele cu feedback
- Introni si exoni
- (exonii exprima prot)
- Starea normala
- Gena silent
- Initierea sintezei
- Exon shuffling
53Semnalizare celulara
- G proteins are important signal transducing
molecules in cells - The human genome encodes roughly 950 G
protein-coupled receptors - Approximately 150 of the GPCRs found in the human
genome have unknown functions
- Alfred Gilman Martin Rodbell pr. Nobel 1994
proteina G