Title: Transform Coding
1Transform Coding
- Heejune AHN
- Embedded Communications Laboratory
- Seoul National Univ. of Technology
- Fall 2013
- Last updated 2013. 9. 30
- Transform Coding Concept
- Transform Theory Review
- DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform)
- DCT in Video coding
- DCT Implementation Fast Algorithms
- Appendix KL Transform
31. Transform Coding
- X1 lum(2n), X2 lum(2n1), neighbor pixels
- X1 U(0, 255), X2 U(0,255)
- Quantization of X1 and X2 gt same data
- Cross-Correlation of X1 and X2
- Y1, Y2
- 45 degree rotation
- Y1 (X1 X2) /2
- Average or DC value
- Y2 (X2 X1) /2
- Difference or AC value
- Y1 F(0, 255), Y2 F(-255,255)
4- Which ones are easier to encode (quantize)?
5- Origins of Transform Coding Benefits
- Signal Theory
- Make the representation easier to manipulate
- energy concentration
- Image and HVS Properties
- HVS is more sensitive to Low frequency
- More dense quantizer to Low frequency
Vilfredo Pareto Economist 1848-1923
62. Transform Theory Review
- Definition of Transform
- N to M mapping, Y1, Y2, . . ., YN F
X1,X2, . . ., XM - Linear Transform (cf. Non-Linear Transform)
- if Y11, Y12 F X11,X12 and Y21, Y22
F X21,X22 - Y11 Y21, Y12 Y22 F X11X21, X21X22
- Matrix representation of Linear Transform
- Forward
- Inverse
y T x
N transform coefficients, arranged as a vector
Transform matrix of size NxN
Input signal block of size N, arranged as a vector
x T-1 y
7- Basis Vectors
- Orthogonal
- Vl Vm 0 for basis Vector V1, V2, . . ., VN
- Each vectors are disjointed, separated.
- Orthonormal
- Vl 1 for basis Vector V1, V2, . . ., VN
- Parsevals Theorem
- Signal Power/Energy conserves between Transform
x T-1 y TT y
T-1 TT gt
y2 yTy xTTT Tx x2
8- Example of Orthonormal transform
92D Transform
- Data
- 2D pixel value matrix, 2D transform coefs matrix
- 2D matrix gt 1D vector
- Forward Transform
- Inverse transform
y T x
NxN transform coefficients, arranged as a vector
Transform matrix of size N2xN2
Input signal block of size NxN, arranged as a
x T-1 y
103. Transforms
- Various transforms in image compression
- DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform)
- DCT (Discrete cosine Transform)
- DST (Discrete sine Transform)
- Hadamard Transfrom
- Discrete Wavelet Transform
- and more (HAAR etc )
11Hadamard transform
- Core Matrix
- 1??
- N ??
- 2??
- Transform
12DCT Transform
- 1D Forward DCT (pixel domain to frequency
domain) - 1D Inverse DCT (frequency domain to pixel domain)
132D DCT
- 2D DCT basis Functions
- Coef. Distribution
- DC Uniform dist., AC Laplacian dist.
14- Properties
- Orthonormal transform
- Separable transform
- Real valued coefficients
- DCT performance
- very resembles KLT for image input
- Image input model (1 order Markov chain)
- xn1 rho xn1 e(n)
- DCT complexity
- 2D DCT 1D DCT for vertical 1D DCT for
horizontal - Not for 3D (for delay and memory size)
- DCT size (4x4, 8x8, 16x16, 32x32 )
- Larger better performance, but blocking artifact
(?) and HW complexity
15Coding Performance of DCT
Karhunen Loève transform 1948/1960
Haar transform 1910
Walsh-Hadamard transform 1923
Slant transform Enomoto, Shibata, 1971
Discrete CosineTransform (DCT) Ahmet,
Natarajan, Rao, 1974
Comparison of 1-d basis functions for block size
16- Energy concentration Performance
- measured for typical natural images, block size
1x32 - KLT is optimum
- DCT performs only slightly worse than KLT
17Complexity Performance of DCT
- Separation of 2D DCT
- Cascading 1-D DCT
- Reduction of the complexity (multiplication) from
O(N4) to O(N3) - 8x8 DCT
- For 64 each Coefs, 64 multiplications
- 2 times 64 Coefs x 8
- Can you derive this ?
NxN block of transform coefficients
NxN block of pixels
column-wise N-transform
row-wise N-transform
184. Transform in Image Coding
- Transform coding Procedure
- Transform T(x) usually invertible
- Quantization not invertible, introduces
distortion - Combination of encoder and decoder lossless
19DCT in Image Coding
Run-level coding
Transformed 8x8 block
Original 8x8 block
Zig-zag scan
Reconstructed 8x8 block
Scaling and inverse DCT
Inverse zig-zag scan
20DCT in Image Coding
- Uniform deadzone quantizer
- transform coefficients that fall below a
threshold are discarded. - Entrphy coding
- Positions of non-zero transform coefficients are
transmitted in addition to their amplitude
values. - Efficient encoding of the position of non-zero
transform coefficients zig-zag-scan
21DCT Examples
- Note that only a few coefficients has sizable
22 DCT coding with increasingly coarse
quantization, block size 8x8
quantizer stepsize for AC coefficients 25
quantizer stepsize for AC coefficients 100
quantizer stepsize for AC coefficients 200
234. Implementation
- Implementation issue
- HW or SW
- Computational Cost, Speed, Implementation Size
- Performance Cost
- Implementation complexity
- SW Implementation decision factors
- Computational cost of multiplication
- Whether Fixed or Float point operation (esp.
multiplication) - Special Coprocessor and Instruction set (e.g. MMX)
24Fast DCT Algorithm
- Original DCT/IDCT
- Computation load
- 64 Add 64 Mult.
- 8 (7) Addition 8 multiplication / one coeff.
(from eqn.) - Scaling
- input range 0, 255 gt output range -2024,
2024 - Fast DCT
- Similar to Fast DFT
- Share same computation between nodes.
- O(NxN) gt O (N log2N)
- N Width (num of coeff.)
- log2N Steps of algorithm
- Several version Chen, Lee, Arai etc
25Chens FDCT
See Code at http//www.cmlab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/chen
26- How the fast algorithm works?
- Exploiting the symmetry of cosine function.
- STEP 1
- STEP 2
27HW Implementation
- 2D DCT using 1D DCT Function Block
Input sample
Output coef
8x8 RAM
Row order input
Column order output
28- Distributed Arithmetic DCT
- Multiplier-less architecture
- Lookup, Shift, accumulators only
4 bits from u input
Output coef Fx
Add or subtract
29IDCT Mismatch
- DCT x IDCT I ?
- DCT is defined in floating point and direct
form. - Integer Implementation induces error after
Inverse DCT. - different FDCT has different errors.
- DCT mismatch in MC-DCT
- different reference image at encoder and decoder
- very small error but it accumulates.
Should Equal but Mismatch !
30- IDCT Mismatch control
- Minimum accuracy of DCT algorithm is defined in
SPEC. - H.261/3,MPEG-1/2 Restrict the sum of coefficients
values - Oddification rule of sum of all DCT coefficients,
- Make LSB of F63, the last Coef.
- Decoder check and correct the values
- H.264
- (modified) Integer DCT is used
adding random error cancelation
- KL Transform, The Optimal Transform
32Optimal Transform
- Optimality
- (No) Redundancy in input signal gt (No) Redundant
Quantization Result - No cross-correlation between different components
(coefs) - K-L (Karhunen-Loeve) transform
- Assumption
- Input Covariance is given
- Problem Definition
- find a transform (YT X) such that RY,Y T
RX,X TT meets diagonal matrix (i.e., completely
uncorrelated Y)
33Optimal Transform
- Solution
- Build T with eigenvectors of RX,X as basis vector
- Then, by the definition of Eigen-vectors values
(of RX,X) -
- So.
- Issue in KLT
- RX,X is varying for image to image Need to
calculate new T, transmit it to decoder - Not Separable (vertical, horizontal)
- But, good for benchmarking performance of other