Title: Fundamentals of Genetics
1Chapter 9
2Why do you have your fathers eyes or your
mothers hair color?
- Genetics
- field of biology dealing with how
characteristics are transmitted from one
generation to the next - Heredity
- transmission of characteristics from parent to
3Gregor Mendel
- Austrian monk - 1866 Father of Genetics
- Worked with garden pea, Pisum sativum
- Studied statistics
- Observed 7 pea characteristics
- White or purple flowers
- Axial or terminal flower position
- Long (tall) or short stems
- Round or wrinkled seeds
- Yellow or green seeds
- Inflated or constricted pods
- Yellow or green pods
4Mendels work
- Controlled the process of pollination
- pollen grains from the anther of the stamen
land on the stigma of the pistil (female repro
organ) - Peas self-pollinate
- transfer of pollen to stigma of the same flower
- Instead, Mendel cross-pollinated them
- Taking pollen from one plant to pollinate the
stigma of another flower
5- Removed the stamen (male reproductive part) to
prevent self-pollination - Used the stamen from a tall plant and pollinated
only flowers from other tall plants - Observed generations for 2 years to be certain of
purebreds - Tall x Tall Short x Short
- Crossed plants with contrasting traits
- Tall x Short Short x Tall
6- P
- Parental generation
- F1
- 1st Filial generation (Offspring)
- F2
- 2nd Filial generation (next set of offspring
from an F1 generation cross)
7- P1 Pure Tall x Pure Short T Tall
- TT tt t Short
- F1 Tall
- Tt
- P2 F1 Tall X F1 Tall
- Tt Tt
- F2 3 Tall 1 Short
- The lost trait reappears!
- TT Tt Tt tt
Only one trait showed
8- To get the results for the F2, do
- (Firsts, outers, inners, lasts)
- Always get
- 75 and 25 short or 31 whenever this type of
cross occurred
9So what did he conclude?
- Concept of Unit Characters
- The inheritance of each trait is determined by
units or factors that are passed on. - - We know these as genes
- - These units occur in pairs. One from each
10- 2. Law of Dominance
- One factor masks the appearance of another
factor and prevents it from showing. - Dominant trait that must show if present (TT or
Tt) - Recessive trait that will only show if in the
pure form (tt) - Hybrid contains a dominant and a recessive
trait (Tt) - Allele The alternate genes for a given trait
(Tall or short) genes occur in pairs
11- Law of Segregation
- - Paired factors separate during meiosis. - -
- Each gamete receives only 1 factor of each
pair. - - A pair of factors is separated during the
formation of the gametes. - Law of Independent Assortment
- - Different pairs of alleles are passed to
offspring independent of each other as long as
the factors are not located on the same
chromosome. - - You inherited your eye color independently
from your hair color.
12Lets get Crossing now!
- Genotype
- shows actual genetic makeup (Use symbols for
genes) - TT or Pure Dominant or homozygous dominant
- Tt or Hybrid or heterozygous
- tt or Pure Recessive or homozygous recessive
- Phenotype
- Tells appearance (describes the trait)
- Tall (if TT or Tt)
- Short (if tt)
- Homozygous Pure for the trait (TT or tt)
- Heterozygous Hybrid or mixed for a trait (Tt)
- The likelihood of a specific event occurring.
- Expressed as a decimal, fraction, percentage or a
ratio. - Probability
- number of times an event is expected to happen
- Number of opportunities for an event to happen
- What is the likelihood of being left handled in
our class? - Probability of left handed students X 100
- Total number of students in
14- What is the probability of pulling out an Ace
from a deck of cards? - Probability
- 4 ( of Aces in a deck) x 100
- 52 ( of cards in a deck)
- 113 or 7.6 of the time
- What is the probability of getting heads or tails
from a coin flip? - Probability
- 11
- 50
15Punnett Squares
- Shows possible gene pairing and probability of
each pairing - There are two kinds of sperm /or 2 kinds of
eggs depending on the genes that they carry.
Genes of 1 parent
t Tt Tt
t Tt Tt
Phenotype ratio 100 Tall Genotype ratio
100 Tt (Hybrid)
Genes of 1 parent
16(No Transcript)
17(No Transcript)
18Possible crosses
- 1. Do the Punnett squares determine the
- Phenotype ratios
- Genotype ratios
- Trait Purple flower is dominant to white
flower - P Purple flower
- p white flower
- 1. PP x PP
- 2. PP x Pp
- 3. PP x pp
- 4. Pp x Pp
- 5. Pp x pp
- 6. pp x pp
19Â Â Â Â Â Â
20If you are right handed, how do you know if you
are homozygous right handed or hybrid?
- Test Cross
- Method used to find out if something (someone)
is pure dominant or hybrid for a given trait. - Cross them with a pure recessive for that trait.
- If the results come up with a recessive
individual, then the parent was a hybrid
21- In Guinea pigs
- B Black coat b White coat
- Cross a BB guinea pig with a pure recessive (bb)
- Cross a Bb guinea pig with a pure recessive (bb)
Bb x bb
BB x bb
22How are two traits, not linked on the same
chromosome inherited (according to the Law of
Independent Assortment) inherited?
- Dihybrid crosses
- A cross between individuals that involve two
pairs of contrasting traits. - This is where your FOILing talents come in!
- Foil this!
- AaBb
23In pea plants Round seeds are dominant over
wrinkled seeds and Yellow seed coats are dominant
over green seed coats
- R Round Y Yellow
- r wrinkled y green
- P1 Cross two pea plants, homozygous for
contrasting traits, what will result? - RRYY x rryy
ry RrYy RrYy RrYy RrYy
ry RrYy RrYy RrYy RrYy
ry RrYy RrYy RrYy RrYy
ry RrYy RrYy RrYy RrYy
Phenotype ratio 100 Round/Yellow Genotype
ratio 100 RrYy
25- F1 Cross
- Cross 2 plants from the F1 generation RrYy x
RrYy - Now FOIL RrYy to figure out the possible gametes
for each parent plant - RrYy
- RY
- Ry
- rY
- ry
26RY Ry rY ry
Ry RRYy RRyy RrYy Rryy
rY RrYY RrYy rrYY rrYy
ry RrYy Rryy rrYy rryy
RY Ry rY ry
Phenotype ratio Round/Yellow
9/16 Round/Green 3/16 Wrinkled/ Yellow
3/16 Wrinkled/Green
27- Always a 9331 ratio when you cross 2
dihybrids!! - 31 ratio with a monohybrid cross!!!
28Is it always so black and white? What happens
when you cross someone with blue eyes and brown
eyes? Do you always get brown eyes?
- Incomplete dominance
- Two or more alleles influence the phenotype,
resulting in an intermediate phenotype. - Traits are blended
- When you cross a red and a white 400 flower, you
get pink 400s
29- Do the Punnett square now to figure out the
phenotype and genotype ratios - R Red r white
- P1 Red x white
- F1 Cross Pink x Pink
- Genotype ratio
- Phenotype ratio
30A round face crossed with a square face results
in an oval shaped face.
- Show the cross which would result in an oval
shaped face. - 2. Cross two individuals who both have oval
shaped faces
31(No Transcript)
- Occurs when both alleles for a gene are expressed
in a heterozygous offspring.
33- R Red R White or R Red W
White - B Black B White
Phenotype ratio 100 Roan Genotype ratio
100 RR
34In Humans, Blood types and Sickle cell Anemia
exhibit codominance
- 1. Blood Types Exhibit Dominance, Codominance
and Multiple Alleles - Allele for A proteins on RBC Allele for B
proteins on RBC. (Codominance) - Alleles for A and B protein are Dominant to O
- There are three alleles to determine blood type
- A, B and O (Multiple alleles)
35A B gt o or IA IB gt i
Blood Type Donate to Receive from
Blood Type Donate to Receive from
A A, AB A, O
B B, AB B, O
O A, B, AB, O O
36Population  A B AB O
US Whites  39.7 10.6 3.4 46.3
African Americans  26.5 20.1 4.3 49
African  25 19.7 3.7 51.7
Navaho Native Am  30.6 0.2 0 69.1
Ecuadorian Am  4 1.5 0.1 94.4
Japanese  38.4 21.9 9.7 30.1
Russians  34.6 24.2 7.2 34
French  45.6 8.3 3.3 42.7
37- Sickle Cell Anemia
- Due to a gene mutation, normal red blood cells
are not formed, instead, sickled shaped cells are
produced - HNHN All Normal RBC
- HNHS Carrier for SCA ½ the
- RBC are sickle shaped.
- Show some of the symptoms of SCA
- HSHS SCA All RBC will be sickle shaped.
38Distribution of Malaria
Distribution of SCA
39Advantage to being a Carrier
- People who are carriers for SCA, have a partial
resistance to Malaria. - People who are homozygous for SCA have a total
resistance to Malaria though they usually die in
childhood. - 100,000/year
- 1.5 million/year die from Malaria