Title: Connecticut Algebra One for All Model Curriculum
1Connecticut Algebra One for All Model Curriculum
- Introduction
- Presented by the
- Connecticut State Department of Education
- Secondary School Redesign
- Engagement
- 21st Century Skills
- Rigor
- Models for Curriculum
- Algebra One for All is the First Model Curriculum
3Focus on Engagement
- Relevant, interesting and meaningful learning
opportunities - Supportive environments that address students
needs at appropriate levels - Connected school structures and programs to help
students feel part of the community
4Focus on 21st Century Learning
- Locate, analyze, interpret and communicate
information in a variety of media and formats - Solve problems creatively and logically
- Collaborate with others face-to-face and via
technology tools - Demonstrate leadership skills, habits of personal
and social responsibility, and adaptability to
change - Effective use of technology tools
5Focus on Rigorous Content
- Content provides solid foundation for continued
education or the workforce - Learning activities require higher-order
thinking, deep understanding of important ideas
and critical self-reflection - Emphasis on application of knowledge and skills,
rather than rote memorization
6Why Model Curriculum?
- CT has one of the largest achievement gaps
- 30 to 40 of students in some urban high school
never earn a diploma - Only one-fourth of CTs ninth graders who go on
to college ever complete their bachelors degree
program, even after six years - CTs colleges providing remedial instruction to
an alarming number of incoming freshman
sometimes more than 40 of new students. Why? - http//www.youtube.com/watch?vJXUwXMl-R-4
7Typical Algebra I Course
- Covers materials a mile wide and an inch deep
- Comprises a disconnected set of skills and
procedures - Not focused on the deep understanding of a few
key big ideas and how they are used in more
challenging mathematics and science courses - Taught with limited use of technology
- Engages far too few students with learning
activities that are based on real world examples
8New CT Algebra One for All
- Incorporates concepts of 21st Century, Rigor, and
Engagement - Aligns with national research-based Big Ideas
and standards for the teaching and learning of
mathematics - Supports the essential content of algebra that
will lead to the development of mathematical
understandings necessary for postsecondary
education - Consists of learning strategies to engage all
students - Includes a variety of assessment strategies
formative, summative by unit, project-based, and
9Algebra One for All Curriculum
- Overarching Guidance for the Course
- Seven Units
- Culminating Experience Two End-of-Course Project
10Overarching Course Guidance
- Guiding Principles
- Enduring Understandings
- Standards
- Course-level Expectations
- Pacing by Unit
- Unit Storylines
- End-of-Course Test
11Content of Units
- Overview with essential questions
understandings - Pacing guide
- Course level expectations
- Assessment strategies
- Summary of suggested investigations (lessons)
- End-of-unit test, and often a mid-unit test
- Performance task
- Vocabulary, technology, materials, resources, and
12Model Investigations (Lessons)
- Two per unit
- Course level expectations
- Overview for the investigation
- Assessment activities
- Investigation launch and closure
- Items important to note
- Learning strategies, including activities and
differentiated instruction - Resources and homework suggestions
- Post-lesson reflections
- Student and teacher hand-outs
13Culminating ExperienceModel Projects
- Two end-of-course projects, either of which might
be used - Each project has all the same support materials
as the model investigations - Each project provides an opportunity for students
to extend and apply skills and concepts learned
in the course
14Rich Contexts Examples of Some Student
- Three-Dimensional Bridges
- Hydrocarbons
- Presidential Elections
- Global Warming
- World Population Growth and Food Production
- Forensic Anthropology
- Financial Decision Making
- Bacteria Exponential Growth
- Charitable Giving
- Design of a Community Park
- Break Even Point for Fund Raising and Business
Enterprise - iPOD Capacity
- Recycyling
15Curriculum Initiative Partners
- CT Academy for Education in Mathematics, Science
Technology, Inc. Facilitator - Association of Teachers of Mathematics in
Connecticut (ATOMIC) - Connecticut Council of Leaders of Mathematics
(CCLM) - Mathematics Basic Skills Council of Connecticut
(MBSCC) - Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges of
CT (MatyCONN) - Project to Increase Mastery of Mathematics and
Science (PIMMS)
16Steering Committee
- Ray McGivney, Ph.D., professor of mathematics at
the University of Hartford (co-director) - Betsy Carter, Director of Mathematics, K-12 for
Hamden Public Schools - (co-director) - Steve Leinwand, Principal research scientist at
the American Institutes for Research in
Washington, D.C - Robert Rosenbaum, Ph.D., The University Professor
of Mathematics and Sciences at Wesleyan
University - Frank Corbo, Coordinator of Mathematics Westport
Public Schools - Terri Clark, Executive Vice President, COO CT
Academy for Education, (Facilitator)
17Curriculum Developers
- Mathematics faculty from CT community colleges
- Mathematics faculty from CT State University
System institutions - K-12 mathematics administrators
- High school algebra teachers
- Middle school mathematics coordinator
18Curriculum Review Process
- Two rounds of external review
- Three rounds of internal review by the CSDE
- External reviewers included
- Higher Education
- Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Faculty and
administrators - K-12
- Teachers
- Administrators
- Other
- Math Professional Development Consultants,
businesses, the CEA, and non-profit organizations
19Marketing Strategy
- Parallel elements that engage educators and
student, parent and community segments of public
education - Create demand for the CT Algebra One for All
curriculum by students and families - Create expectations within the community-at-large
that the curriculum will be available to all
students and - Create interest within every school district to
prepare teachers and offer the CT Algebra One for
All curriculum to every student as part of its
high school graduation requirements.
20Marketing Outreach Plan
- PreK-20 educational leaders, administrators,
teachers and professional development
organizations - Deliver through professional development
- Students, parents and community-at-large
- Reach through groups and organizations that
already have existing connections with the
audiences - For exampleparent teacher organizations student
councils after school groups community, social
and ethnic-specific organizations local business
outlets public libraries retiree organizations
and religious conduits.
21 Curriculum Implementation - Steps
- CSDE will pilot in 10 to 15 districts
- Share with teachers and program administrators
- Share the rationale for the change with parents
and the community - Encourage teachers and administrators to
establish CT community of learners working to
implement the course - Plan now for the purchase of resources, which at
a minimum includes graphing calculators for all
22 More Steps Multi-year Plan
- Initial orientation to curriculum philosophy,
content, instructional strategies, assessment
strategies, and support materials including
technology - Time for teachers to identify needs and establish
focus areas and a timeline for professional
development - Time to work with external resources to support
the focus areas - Establish a school-based professional learning
community with time for teachers to share student
work, create common assessments, collaboratively
plan lessons, and personalize the curriculum.