Journal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: All Quiet on the Western Front Author: WSFCS Patron Last modified by: jdavis5 Created Date: 12/9/2005 6:52:14 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Journal

  • At the end of the first chapter, Paul says,
  • Youth! We are none of us more than twenty years
    old. But young? Youth? That is long ago. We are
    old folk (Remarque 16).
  • What does Paul mean by this? In what ways might
    you consider yourself old?

  • When you hear or think about the word WAR, what
    kinds of things come to mind? If you are having
    trouble writing, talk about this poster

All Quiet on the Western Front
  • By Erich Maria Remarque

Erich Maria Remarque
  • Born in 1898
  • Served in World War One
  • Fought on the side of the Germans
  • Sustained injuries and spent time in the hospital
  • His German citizenship was revoked in 1938 as a
    result of his anti-war novel.
  • Died in 1970

All Quiet on the Western Front
  • The novel is fictional, but it is based upon
    Remarques personal experiences during the war.
  • It was first published in 1929. More than one
    million copies were sold, and it was translated
    into twenty-three languages.
  • The Nazis banned and burned All Quiet on the
    Western Front in 1933 because it was considered
    an anti-war novel.

World War One
  • Lasted from 1914-1918
  • The war to end all wars
  • Allies United States (joined in 1917), Britain,
    France, and Russia
  • Axis Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey
  • Total Number Killed 8.5 10 million

  • The Western Front ran approximately 300 miles
    across the face of Western Europe, from Belgium
    to Switzerland.
  • The front consisted of opposing trenches,
    sometimes only yards apart. The trench warfare
    of World War I lasted for three years and took
    several million lives.
  • The Battle of the Somme, an attack by the Allies
    trying to break through the German lines, took
    more than four months. The allies gained only
    six miles. British and French casualties were
    95,675 Britons killed and 60,729 Frenchmen
    killed. The defense cost the Germans 164,055
    soldiers killed.

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Battle of the Somme, France, 1916, 7 day
bombardment, 57, 000 dead.
  • The trenches were muddy and often flooded with
    water. The bodies of dead and wounded men and
    animals fouled them.
  • Corpses lay in the no man's land between the
    trenches. Enemy snipers, rats, lice, and stench
    from the decaying bodies contributed to the
    misery of the trenches.
  • Toward the end of the war the German soldiers
    had little food.

Passchendaele, Belgium, 1917 Before and After
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  • An attack was preceded by bombardments, some
    lasting for days.
  • In order to mount an attack, soldiers carrying
    rifles and packs had to go "over the top of the
  • Once in the no man's land, they faced barbed
    wire entanglements, machine guns, bombardment
    (often by their own misdirected guns), grenades,
    poison gas, and fire from the opposing trenches.

  • For many historical scholars, WWI is interesting
    to study because it a moment in military
    technology when fire power doesnt match with
  • At the beginning of the twentieth century,
    automatic weapons and new modes of transportation
    were combining with traditional military routine.
  • This, on top of the rural locations where many
    soldiers fought, lead to a dangerous and
    difficult life on the front.

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  • The Western Front was in stalemate until the
    United States entered the war.
  • Fresh troops, along with abundant hardware and
    supplies, tipped the scales decisively in favor
    of the Allies.
  • An armistice was signed on November 11, 1918 and
    the Treaty of Versailles was imposed on Germany
    in June 1919.
  • The conflict was one of the bloodiest in history
    ten million soldiers were killed along with an
    estimated ten million civilians.

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Take five minutes to freewrite about your
impressions of an older generation and your
younger generation. In general, do you respect
the opinions of persons older than you? Do you
think older people have the same values or
perspectives that younger people do? Do you think
all young people have the same values and points
of view? Explain.
Chapter 1 Review1. Why do the men receive
double rations? 2. What makes the men happy and
satisfied? (in the story) 3. How do Kropp, Paul
and Muller enjoy the afternoon? 4. Why did the
boys enlist in the army? 5. Who was Joseph Behm
and what happened to him? 6. What do the men
now think of Kantorek and others who hold his
same beliefs? 7. Describe Kemmerich. 8. What
is shown in the scene with the orderly?
Chapter 1 Review1. Why do the men receive
double rations? They receive double rations
because there was 150 men the day before, so the
food guy made food for 150 men, but after the
battle there was only 80 men left.2. What makes
the men happy and satisfied? (in the story)
When they all get letters, and they stroll over
to the meadow, and food3. How do Kropp, Paul
and Muller enjoy the afternoon? They play
cards, read letters, and take a nap.4. Why did
the boys enlist in the army? So they would not
be called cowards, and there school master told
them too.
Chapter 1 Review 5. Who was Joseph Behm and what
happened to him? During the first battle he got
shot in the eye, and they thought he was dead so
they left him in the field, but he was only
unconscious, so he was walking back yelling, and
he got shot again and died.6. What do the men
now think of Kantorek and others who hold his
same beliefs? They think that they are stupid
for calling them youth, and they hate them, and
him told them they would be heros, but there
not.7. Describe Kemmerich. He is feverish,
and dies from his leg getting amputated.8. What
is shown in the scene with the orderly? It
shows how the soldiers become desensitized to one
another and their surroundings, especially when
it comes to death.
Ch 2 Review Questions 1. What did Paul often do
in the evenings before the war?2. How do Paul
and the other young men differ from the older
soldiers? 3. What did the men learn as new
recruits? 4. What were they forced to do in the
training camp?5. What does death look like in
Franz Kemmerich? 6. What is the doctors and
the orderlys attitude toward Kemmerichs death?
7. Why does Paul run away from the hospital?
Chapter 3 Review Questions1. Kropp calls the
new reinforcements __________. 2. What is
Katczinskys talent? 3. What type of food does
Kat find in this chapter?4. What is Kropps
idea of how wars should be fought?5. Why does
Tjaden hate Himmelstoss? 6. Describe the way
that the soldiers "jump" Himmelstoss. 7.
"________ is black pudding." (pg 49)
Iron Youth
Or a lost generation?
Causes of World War One Although it was the
assassination of the Austrian archduke, Franz
Ferdinand that led to the outbreak of World War I
in August 1914, the actual causes of the war were
more complicated and not confined to a single
Alliances An alliance is an agreement made
between two or more countries to give each other
help if it is needed. When an alliance is signed,
those countries become known as allies. These
connections were important at the time because
they meant that some countries had no choice but
to declare war if one of their allies declared
war first.
Imperialism Imperialism is when a country takes
over new lands or countries and makes them
subject to their rule. By 1900 the British Empire
extended over five continents and France had
control of large areas of Africa. The amount of
lands 'owned' by Britain and France increased the
rivalry with Germany who had entered the scramble
to acquire colonies late and only had small areas
of Africa.
Militarism Militarism means that the army and
military forces are given a high profile by the
government. The growing European divide had led
to an arms race between the main countries. The
armies of both France and Germany had more than
doubled between 1870 and 1914 and there was
fierce competition between Britain and Germany
for mastery of the seas.
Nationalism Nationalism means being a strong
supporter of the rights and interests of one's
country. Large areas of both Austria-Hungary and
Serbia were home to differing nationalist groups,
all of whom wanted freedom from the states in
which they lived. This caused radical tension
that would lead to violence.
Information, possibly of a misleading nature,
used to promote or publicize a particular
political cause or point of view.
Directions As we review some of these pieces of
propaganda, write down things you notice that
make them convincing.
Excerpt from the text (pp.87-88) for class
analysis   We agree that its the same for
everyone not only for us here, but everywhere,
for everyone who is of our age to some more, and
to others less. It is the common fate of our
generation. Albert Kropp expresses it The
war has ruined us for everything. He is right.
We are not youth any longer. We dont want to
take the world by storm. We are fleeing. We fly
from ourselves. From our life. We were eighteen
and had begun to love life and the world and we
had to shoot it to pieces. The first bomb, the
first explosion, burst in our hearts. We are cut
off from activity, from striving, from progress.
We believe in such things no longer, we believe
in the war.
Where is the Love (song lyrics excerpt) by Black
Eyed Peas, featuring Justin Timberlake   What's
wrong with the world, mamaPeople livin' like
they ain't got no mamasI think the whole world
addicted to the dramaOnly attracted to things
that'll bring you traumaOverseas, yeah, we try
to stop terrorismBut we still got terrorists
here livin'In the USA, the big CIAThe Bloods
and The Crips and the KKKBut if you only have
love for your own raceThen you only leave space
to discriminateAnd to discriminate only
generates hateAnd when you hate then you're
bound to get irate, yeahBadness is what you
demonstrateAnd that's exactly how anger works
and operatesYou gotta have love just to set it
straightTake control of your mind and
meditateLet your soul gravitate to the love,
y'all, y'all
Sig Bang Schmidt, Trench Patrol, 2002
By Steve Dalachinsky
Seattle Anti-War Protest Photos - 15 Feb
2003 Approximately 50,000 (estimates range from
30,000 to 80,000) Seattle protesters marched in
opposition to war with Iraq.
Propaganda is information or ideas used to
promote or injure a cause, movement, nation,
etc Your assignment is to create a propaganda
poster or pamphlet related to World War I, the
war against terrorism, an aspect of life at
Athens, or some other (approved) topic. Think of
an appropriate slogan or quote. You will then
need to create an illustration for your slogan.
Finally, write a paragraph that describes the
slogan/quote and the significance/purpose of your
poster or pamphlet. You may be asked to share
these with the class. Have fun and be creative!
Getting started Brainstorm your cause. Ask
yourself, What do I want to convince people to
see or do? Ex Student Council elections for
freshmen just occurred. Imagine youre trying to
convince someone to vote for you Now think of a
strategy to do so What will your slogan be? What
images will you use to persuade others? Are you
going to try to appeal to peoples emotions or
their logic? What other strategies will you use
colors, language, design?
Or. Imagine you have been commissioned to
design a propaganda poster to help your country
enlist young men for World War I. Design a
poster that is appropriate for your country
(keeping in mind specific colors, symbols,
slogans and values), and that you feel will
persuade young men to join the war. You may
choose which country you want to represent, so
long as that country participated in WWI.
RUBRIC Presentation (artwork and text)
/10 Content (School/WWI related)
/5 Written analysis
/10 TOTAL /25
Chapter 4 Review Questions 1. How does the
arrival at the front affect the soldiers
physical appearance? 2. What does Paul say
about the Earth? What does it offer the soldiers
and why is this ironic? 3. An _________
instinct allows the men to survive on the front.
4. What must be done on a wiring fatigue? 5.
Why do you think Remarque includes the scene with
the horses?6. What is ironic about using the
cemetery for cover? 7. What do Kat and Paul
nearly do to the recruit with the hip wound? Why?
8. Why does Paul say the rain falls in their
hearts? The men have become like what at the end
of the chapter?
Chapter 5 Review Questions 1. How do the men
kill lice? 2. Who is rumored to arrive and what
does he expect from the group of men? 3. Why
does Himmelstoss want to have Tjaden
court-martialed? 4. What does Kropp say has
happened to Pauls classmates so far? 5. What
does school have to do with the boys lives now?
6. How does Mullers questioning show how the
mens lives be like when they return to society?
7. What happens during the goose escapade? What
do Paul and Kat decide to do with the extras?
  • Chapter 6 Review Questions
  • What are the soldiers astonished about as they go
    towards the trenches to begin the offensive?
  • What does Paul sah hovers over their lives? (p
  • What animal do the soldiers have trouble with?
    What do they do about it?
  • What happens to one of the new recruits? Why are
    the veterans so worried about it?
  • What does Paul daydream about while they are
    waiting to attack? How does he feel about these
  • What happens to one of the soldiers that bothers
    Paul and his comrades? (p 124)
  • What occurs between Paul and Himmelstoss during
  • How many men in Pauls company survived the

Close Reading Practice The air becomes acrid
with the smoke of the guns and the fog. The
fumes of powder taste bitter on the tongue. The
roar of the guns makes our lorry stagger, the
reverberation rolls raging away to the rear,
everything quakes. Our faces change
imperceptibly. We are not, indeed, in the
front-line, but only in the reserves, yet in
every face can be read this is the front, now
we are within its embrace. (p 52-53)
What is TONE?
The writer's attitude toward the material and/or
  1. What would you say the overall tone of this
    paragraph is? (Remember tone is how the author
    feels about his/ her subject).
  2. What three words in the passage are most
    important to leading you to that tone?
  3. Which word would change the paragraph the most if
    you took it out?
  4. What images do you see? How does the diction
    contribute to this imagery?
  5. Find another passage that you think shows a very
    clear tone. Write down a paragraph that explains
    how it uses diction, details and imagery to
    create this tone. Be ready to share if asked.

Jump in Reading Summer of 1918
Directions On your own, read the passage
silently. Once you are finished, look for
words/phrases/sentences that you believe express
Remarques tone, portray a vivid image, and/or
serve as powerful diction in this passage.
Choose one word/phrase/sentence you find
powerful, is important to the meaning, that
stands out, or that you think doesnt fit and
write it at the top of a sheet of paper. Free
write using that word/phrase/sentence as a
jumping off point.
Now I will read the passage aloud. Whenever I
come across the word/phrase/sentence you chose,
READ WITH ME. The effect is what they call a
choral reading.
Jump in Reading Summer of 1918
  • What was the effect of the Jump-In reading? What
    things were highlighted by the class?
  • Are there examples of any of the terms below in
    the passage? Evaluate each of the terms and
    write down any specific lines that show the term.
  • Irony
  • Figurative language
  • Symbolism
  • Imagery
  • Theme
  • Foreshadowing
  • Mood
  • Tone

The Idea of Authority   They write. We saw the
wounded and dying. They talk. We knew the
death-throes. They teach. We saw there was
nothing left.   Lads of eighteen, A shattered
generation, All at once terribly alone. They let
us down so badly.  
We trusted them. We went courageously, Then we
learned to see. We learned false from true.   We
trusted them. The first death, The first
bombardment.   We trusted them. No mutineers, no
deserters, no cowards.   We trusted themOur
  • Found Poetry
  • Directions
  • Use only the words in the specified passage.
  • You may use whole phrases or single words.
  • You may change word orderso long as the words
    remain the same.
  • There is no set formyou may decide to make your
    poem rhyme, have a certain rhythm, repeat words
    or phrases, etc.
  • There is no length requirement (but keep in mind
    that short poems must be powerful!)
  • Be creative!

Found Poetry Directions Group 1 page 26
beginning with So we were put through through
comradeship on 27.   Group 2 page 33
Outside the door through belly
alone. HONORS Group 1 pg 286 beginning with
There are so many airmen here through Must
Paul. Group 2 pg 293 through pg 295 (Ch 12)
  • Found Poetry
  • Directions
  • Read your poems aloud in your group and note
    differences and similarities. Write these down!
  • As a group, review which phrases or words were
    most commonly used. Why do these terms seem
    significant? Be prepared to share.
  • What message or theme does your group think is
    represented by your passage? Remember a theme is
    generally not just one word!
  • How does your poem relate to the novel or the
    larger issue of war? Do you think poetry is
    better able to express abstract ideas more so
    than fiction? Why or why not?
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