Title: Algae - 3
- Phycology is the science (gr. logos) of algae
(gr. phycos). This discipline deals with the
morphology, taxonomy, phylogeny, biology, and
ecology of algae in all ecosystems
- 3.5 billion yrs ago
- Cyanobacteriafirst algae
- Prokaryoteslack membrane bound organelles
- Later eukaryotes evolvedmitochondria,
chloroplasts, and chromosomes containing DNA.
4Where do algae abound?
- Kelp forest up to 50 m height are the marine
equivalent to terrestrial forest mainly built by
brown algae. - Some algae encrust with carbonate, building
reef-like structures Cyanobacteria can from
rock-like structures in warm tidal areas
5Where do algae abound?
- Algae grow or are attached to animals and serve
as camouflage for the animal - Algae live as symbionts in animals such as
Hydra, corals, or the protozoan ciliate
Paramecium in corals they are referred to as
6Where do algae abound?
- Small algae live on top of larger algae
epiphyton - Algae in free water phytoplankton
- Terrestrial algae
- Algae have adapted to life on land and occur as
cryptobiotic crusts in desert and grassland
soils or endocryptolithis algae in rocks
7Where do algae abound?
- Algae live on the snow cover of glaciers and in
the brine channels of sea ice. - A symbiosis of algae and fungi produced the
lichens, which are pioneer plants, help convert
rock into soil by excreting acids, stabilize
desert soil, are sensitive to air pollution -
8Where do algae abound?
- Algae can cover trees or buildings green or live
in the hollow hairs of ice bears
9Algal Blooms
- Algae can be so dominant that they discolor the
water - Higher amounts of nutrients are usually the cause
- Algal blooms can have harmful effects on life and
ecosystem - Reduced water clarity causes benthic communities
to die off - Fish kills are common effects
- 50 of algal blooms produce toxins harmful to
other organisms, including humans - Algal blooms produce a shift in food web
structure and species composition - Algal blooms can mostly be linked to sewage input
or agricultural activities, leading to nutrient
pollution Eutrophication
- Presence of cell wallmostly cellulosic.
- Autotrophs/Primary producerscarry out
photosynthesis - Presence of chlorophyll a
- Algae lack the roots, stems, leaves, and other
structures typical of true plants. - Algae do not have vascular tissuesnon vascular
plants - Algae do not form embryos within protective
coveringsall cells are fertile. - Variations in pigments.
- Variations in cell structureunicellular,
colonial and multicellular forms.
- Prokaryotes
- ---No nuclear region and complex
organelleschloroplasts, mitochondria, golgi
bodies, and endoplasmic reticula. - -- Cyanobacteria. Chlorophylls are on internal
membranes of flattened vesicles called
thylakoids-contain photosynthetic pigments.
Phycobiliproteins occur in granular structures
called phycobilisomes.
Source http//www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/webb/
13Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Algae
- Eukaryotes
- ---Distinct chlorplast, nuclear region and
complex organelles. - --- Thylakoids are grouped into grana
- pyrenoids are centers of carbon dioxide fixation
within the chloroplasts of algae and hornworts.
Pyrenoids are not membrane-bound organelles, but
specialized areas of the plastid that contain
high levels of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate
granum with a Stack of thylakoids
14Forms of Algae
Forms of algae
- Colonies
- 2. Aggregations
- Palmelloid (Tetraspora)
- Dendroid (Dinobryon)
- Amoeboid (Chlororachnion)
- 3.Filaments
- 4. Coenocytic / Vaucheria
- 5.Parenkematus/ Ulva
- 6. Psedoparenkematus / Batrachospermum
- 7. Erect thallus / Chara
Non motile(Chlorella)
Motile (Euglena)
15Forms of Algae
- Unicellular, Colonial and Filamentous forms.
Source http//images.google.com/images
16Forms of Algae
17Forms of Algae
18Forms of Algae
- Unicells single cells, motile with flagellate
(like Chlamydomonas and Euglena) or nonmotile
(like Diatoms)
19- 2. Multicellular form the vegetation forms are
in six forms - Colonies
- Assemblage of individual cells with variable or
constant number of cells that remain constant
throughout the colony life in mucilaginous matrix
(containing an extracellular matrix made of a
gelatinous glycoprotein), these colonies may be
motile (like Volvox and Pandorina) or nonmotile
(like Scendesmus and Pediastrum).
20- Coenobium
- Colony with constant number of cells, which
cannot survive alone specific tasks among
groups of cells is common (is a colony containing
a fixed number of cells, with little or no
21- b. Aggregations is aggregation of cells that
have ability to simple division (so, its colony
but unconstant in form and size), the
aggregations are in several types - Palmelloid form non-motile cells embedded in
mucilage (like Tetraspora).
22- Dendroid form resembling a tree in form or in
pattern of growth (Dinobryon).
23- Amoeboid or Rhizopodial form such as
24- c. Filaments daughter cells remain attached
after cell division and form a cell chain
adjacent cells share cell wall (distinguish them
from linear colonies!) maybe unbranched
(uniseriate such as Zygnema and Ulthrix) or
branched (regular mutiseriate such as Cladophora
or unreguler mutiseriate such as Pithophora).
25- d. Coenocytic or siphonaceaous forms one large,
multinucleate cell without cross walls such as
26- e. Parenchymatous (such as Ulva ) and algae
mostly macro-scopic algae with tissue of
undifferentiated cells and growth originating
from a meristem with cell division in three
27 pseudoparenchymatous (such as Batrachospermum)
pseudoparenchymatous superficially resemble
parenchyma but are composed of apprised filaments
28- f. Erect thallus forms Thallus, from Latinized
Greek (thallos), meaning a green shoot or twig,
is an undifferentiated vegetative tissue (leaves,
roots, and stems) of some non-mobile organisms
such as Chara and Nitella.
- Flagellaorgans of locomotion.
- Chloroplastsite of photosynthesis. Thylakoids
are present in the chloroplast. The pigments are
present in the thylakoids. - Pyrenoid-structure associated with chloroplast.
Contains ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase,
proteins and carbohydrates. - Eye-spotpart of chloroplast. Directs the cell
towards light.
Source A Biology of the Algae By Philip Sze,
third edition, WCB MCGraw-Hill
30Variations in the pigment constitution
- Chlorophylls (green)
- Carotenoids (brown, yellow or red)
- Phycobilins (red pigment-phycoerythrin
- blue pigment phycocyanin)
31Growth in algae
- Diffuse or generalized growth (Ulva).
- Localized growth
- Apical growth (Chara, Cladophora).
- Basal growth (Bulbochaete).
- Intercalary growth (Laminaria, Oedogonium).
- Trichothallic growth (Ectocarpus)
32Growth in algae
Apical and intercalary
33Reproduction in algae
- The reproduction of algae can be
discussed under two types, namely, asexual
reproduction and sexual reproduction. The former
type refers to reproduction in which a new
organism is generated from a single parent. In
case of sexual type, two haploid sex cells are
fused to form a diploid zygote that develops into
an organism. Let's discuss in brief about the
asexual and sexual reproduction in algae along
with examples.
34- First Asexual Reproduction includes
- 1. Vegetation reproduction
- In unicellular algae simple cell division some
time called binary fission (such as Gleocapsa). - In multicellular (colonies, filamentous, thallus,
etc) by - Fragmentation such as Microsystis.
- Hormogonia A small, motile filament, formed by
some Cyanobacteria, that detaches and grows by
cell division into a new filament such as
Oscillatoria. - Propagules a structure capable of producing a
new individual such as Sphacelaria.
35Vegetative reproduction
Cell Division A cell could not keep growing
bigger forever. Food molecules could not reach
the inside of a large cell fast enough to keep it
alive. So when a cell reached a certain size it
had to divide into two smaller cells called
daughters. The daughters grew and, when they
reached that certain size, they too divided, this
processes called binary fission. But this
caused a problem, Why?.
36Vegetative reproduction
Hormogonia in Oscillatoria
37Vegetative reproduction
38- 2. Another method of asexual reproduction in
algae is by formation of spores the algal
species Ulothrix, Chlamydomonas and Chlorella
reproduce by this method. Depending upon the
algal species, the spores can be produced in
normal vegetative cells or specialized cells
called sporangia. They are either motile called
zoo spores or non motile called akinete spores.
40- There are a lot of types of akinete spores such
as - Autospores immobile spores that cannot develop
flagella such as Chlorella. - Aplanospores immobile spores that may
nevertheless potentially grow flagella. - Hypnospores A thick-walled resting cyst.
- Tetraspores spores produced by a
tetrasporophyte, characteristic of red algae. - Statospores spores that are not actively
discharged from the algal fruiting body - Auxospores A spore in diatom algae that leads
to reformation of an enlarged vegetative cell.
41Second Sexual Reproduction
As already mentioned, sexual reproduction takes
place by the union of male and female gametes.
The gametes may be identical in shape and size
called isogamy or different called heterogamy.
Some of the simplest forms of algae like
Spirogyra reproduce by the conjugation method of
sexual reproduction. In the process of
conjugation, two filamentous strands (or two
organisms) of the same algae species exchange
genetic material through the conjugation tube.
Among two strands, one acts as a donor and
another serves as a receiver. After exchanging
the genetic material, two strands separate from
each other. The receiver then give rise to a
diploid organism.
42Second Sexual Reproduction
Isogamy is the form of sexual reproduction in
which the gametes produced are identical in
shape, size and motility. There is no structural
distinction between "male" and "female" gametes.
Pairs of isogametes align themselves with their
flagellar poles touching and after several
seconds, the motile gametes fuse to form a
single, non-motile, diploid zygote.
43Second Sexual Reproduction
Isogametes, less commonly, may be non-motile
structures. A specific example exhibiting
non-motile isogametes is the reproductive process
known as conjugation, in Figure below, the
conjugating Spirogyra identify the four stages of
the process as outlined.
Isogamy in Spirogyra sp.
44A. Resting filaments of alga cells. B. Formation
of conjugation tubes between two adjacent
filaments. C. Cytoplasmic contents of each cell
form a compact mass, representing an isogamete.
The isogametes from one filament migrate through
the conjugation tubes into the adjacent
filament. The two isogametes unite to form a
zygote. Each zygote eventually undergoes meiosis
to form four haploid cells. One haploid cell will
form a new filament by mitosis, the other three
45 Heterogamy In heterogamy, two different types of
gametes are produced. The male gamete, the sperm
cell, is typically very small, highly motile and
is produced in very large numbers. The female
gamete, the egg cell, is much larger and
non-motile, called Oogamy. Fewer female gametes
are produced but each is usually afforded some
protection. Heterogametes are also produced by
higher plants and animals.
Oedogonium sp. is a green alga that produces
heterogametes. The figure bellow illustrates the
life cycle of this alga. You can locate a mature
egg cell and the small male filaments, which are
the site of sperm production, the egg cells and
male filaments are usually adjacent to one
another on the same algal strand.
46Heterogamy in Oedogonium sp.
- ISOGAMY-Both gametes have flagella and similar in
size and morphology. - ANISOGAMY-Gametes have flagella but are
dissimilar in shape and size. One gamete is
distinctly smaller than the other one. - OOGAMY-gamete with flagella (sperm) fuses with a
larger, non flagellated gamete (egg).
Vegetative Cell divisions/Fragmentation part of
the filament breaks off from the rest and forms
a new one.
Asexual Reproduction Zoospores after losing their
flagella, form new filaments. No sexual fusion.
49a, b, and c are zoospores d, e, and f are
aplanospores g, and h are hypnospores K is
autospores. L is Isogamous, m is Anisogamous,
and n is Oogamous
50- Gametes look like vegetative cells or very
different - Isogamy both gametes look identical
- Anisogamy male and female gametes differ
morphologically - Oogamy One gamete is motile (male), one is
nonmotile (female) - Monecious both gametes produced by the same
individual - Diecious male and female gametes are produced by
different individuals - Homothallic gametes from one individual can fuse
(self-fertile) - Heterothallic gametes from one individual cannot
fuse (self-sterile)
51The life cycles in algae
- Three different types of life cycle, depending on
when miosis occurs, the type of cells produced,
and if there is more than one free-living stage
present in the life-cycle.
52The life cycles in algae
- Life-cycle I (haploid life cycle) major part of
life-cycle (vegetative phase) in haploid state,
with meiosis upon germination of the zygote
(zygotic meiosis) also referred to as haplontic
life cycle, a single, predominant haploid phase
53The life cycles in algae
- Life-cycle II (Diploid life cycle) vegetative
phase is diploid, with meiosis upon formation of
gametes (gametic meiosis) also referred to as
diplontic life cycle, a single, predominant
diploid phase
54The life cycles in algae
- Life-cycle III (Diplobiontic life cycle) three
multicellular phases, the gametophyte and one or
more sporophyte(s) - Gametophyte typically haploid, produces gametes
by mitosis Sporophyte typically diploid,
produces spores by meiosis Isomorphic
sporophyte and gametophyte look alike
Heteromorphic sporo- and gametophyte look
55Basis of algal Classification
- the different groups of algae can be classified
on the basis of a number of characteristics. - 1. Color has been an important means of
classifying algae, and gives many groups their
names. However, other characteristics, such as
type of photosynthetic food reserve, flagella
type, cell wall structure and composition, and
life history, have been important in further
distinguishing the algal divisions.
- Locomotion in algae is largely based on the
action of flagella. The figure below illustrates
the wide variety of flagella present in the
algae. The primary distinctions used for
classification are the number of flagella, their
location on the cell, and their morphology. Two
major types of flagella are recognized the
smooth, or acronematic, and the hairy, or
pleuronematic, types. The smooth flagella
generally moves by whiplash motion and the hairy
flagella moves by a pulling motion.
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